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February 25th, 2013

[info]tryingagain in [info]thedoorway

Text to Maria DeLuca

[Text to Maria DeLuca]

>> Can you come down here?
>> Bonnie's really upset
>> And all I can get out of her that makes any sense is "Jeremy's dead"
>> I'm doing my best to calm her down
>> But I think you might be better at it

[info]philanthropist in [info]thedoorway

attn all, this is ++ important:


[info]taravata in [info]thedoorway

I ain't even sure if I understand what all this is about. I was just doin' just fine at home.

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Things are looking up around here - might be the fact Spring is on it's way. Sun's up longer. It's rather lovely. I really do enjoy the sight of flowers blooming and trees coming back to life. I admit this is no L.A. but it's not a bad place to be, either.

Filter: Molly Carpenter
Hey how are things?

Filter: Harry Dresden
So. How are things?

Filter: Thomas Raith
Thanks for the Whiskey the other night.

[info]areyoudeaf in [info]thedoorway

Some people take their Oscars as seriously as folks in Haven took their little league baseball. Bar down the street was showing the Oscars and people were howling for their wins and cheering on their favorites.

[info]_inara in [info]thedoorway

Not that it isn't already rousing and exciting, it occurred to me last poker night that we should try something a little more fun to shake things up.

I hearby petition for the next round to be strip poker.

[info]noxenomorphs in [info]thedoorway

Over the last week, I decided to try watching some of the movies that are apparently supposed to be in the same basic universe as the one I'm from. I watched the three Predator movies as well as the Aliens vs Predators movies. Some of those movies had plot holes big enough to drive the Nostromo through, especially those AvP movies, but I like those Predators. I wouldn't mind having one of them at my side in a fight against the aliens.

It never occurred to me to use simple bladed weapons. We used pulse rifles and flamethrowers against the aliens but of course the biggest problem you have there is running out of ammunition. Though the Predators seemed to have a metal that the alien blood couldn't corrode, which was our biggest problem. What I wouldn't give to get my hands on some of that metal of theirs.

[info]tryingagain in [info]thedoorway

We've had a lot of newcomers, so old-timers, forgive me for repeating things:

Welcome to New York 2013, new folks! And for those of you new folks who are under 21, come visit us at the Potts Tower Youth Center. We provide space and activities for socializing, studying, and coping with whatever you've got going on. Our staff and visitors include people from lots of different worlds and backgrounds, so you're bound to find someone here you can make a connection with, no matter how much of a misfit you might feel like or be at home.

Services (all optional) offered in the PTYC include:
- Counseling (see Audrey Parker)
- Peer tutoring (see Emma Frost to volunteer or request help)
- Assistance locating internships, jobs, and volunteer opportunities (see Emma Frost)

Regular events in the PTYC include:
- Monthly Mario Kart tournament (last Sunday of every month - sign-up sheet is on the Game Room door)
- Movie Night (every Wednesday starting at 6 p.m.)
- Rock Band Night (alternating Thursdays starting at 6 p.m. - this Thursday is a Rock Band Thursday!)
- Open Mic Night/Coffeehouse (alternating Thursdays starting at 6 p.m. - NEXT Thursday is an Open Mic Thursday), hosted by the amazing Maria DeLuca and featuring absolutely anything anyone wants to get up and share - music, poetry, comedy, dance, or anything else within reason

Our next upcoming Special Event will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday (March 31). It's a cultural tradition of this world that we think will be a lot of fun for anyone who chooses to participate. If nothing else, it ends in candy for everyone.

(Note: We're still looking for a speaker to give a short talk about the history/cultural significance of Easter that afternoon. If you're interested, contact our Education Lead, Emma Frost.)

Want to volunteer? Have ideas for regular or special events? Discovered a charity you want to get a group together to work with? Have questions? Contact me or any of the rest of our staff, and we'll work with you to make it happen.

Final Note: We still have an opening for a Fundraising Coordinator. It's a paid position reporting directly to our Business Manager. If you're interested, send your resumé to octavian@pottstower.com.

[info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

network post: pavel chekov

Cut for gif, not filtered )

JARVIS, hello, assuming you're monitoring this network!

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

Taking a leaf out of Luke's book here since we have a whole lot of new folks around here than the last time I said anything about the bar.

I'm Sam Merlotte, and I run the bar on the ground floor, Sam's. Yeah, I know, not the most creative name. Get your comments out of the way now. We have a full kitchen, a full bar, a couple dozen beers on tap (and a good selection from local breweries, if that's your thing), and I may or may not have some mead in the back. We've got one main room with the bar and most of the seating, and another that has the pool tables, dart boards, most of the televisions. Then I've got two smaller rooms that you can reserved (for the cost of food, drinks and gratuity; you're not going to find a better deal in all of NYC than this) for gatherings. See me if you're interested. We run trivia on Wednesday nights, and Fridays are our open mic nights if there's any interest. Sign up sheets for both can be found at the bar.

We've taken some hits as my employees keep leaving, so we're in need of some help. Lack of experience isn't going to be a deal-breaker for me. I'm willing to train the right people. Just come in with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.
-Bouncer/security - 18+ under NY law. Must be able to physically remove people from the premises if necessary, because I don't want to have to get Thor every time I need that done.
-Bartenders - 18+
-Waiters/Waitresses - 18+
-Cooks/food prep - 17+
If you're interested, drop me a note here and we'll set up a time to talk.

Did I mention all new arrivals get one free drink on the house? Thought I was forgetting something. 21 and up for alcohol (and we will ask for ID, and don't try to fool us with fakes), but anyone is welcome in the restaurant. If I catch you breaking my rules about the 21 and up thing, you won't be welcome back. I'm not risking my alcohol license.

[info]the_mariner in [info]thedoorway

Nai! Aica umbar!

What have you done to the sea?!

[info]huge_mistake in [info]thedoorway



Filtered to: Lucille Bluth

Oh hey mom, how are you? I'm sure you're looking gorgeous. Did you have something tucked? Or lifted? Shaped?

Anyway, I was just wondering if you would be you know, like to have me over to stay on your couch for a while.

No reason.

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered; Fëanor]
Atar, there is a boy man mortal a boy who has difficulty with a lost limb. I suggested you might be able to help him, as you are certainly skilled with metal works. Might you speak to him?

You once offered me my hand. If I might pass that grace to him, I would.

[info]aurortonks in [info]thedoorway

text message to lily evans

» Hi.
» If you aren't busy, would you be interested in having a drink with me?
» I'm sure you know that Teddy is here.
» I'm not sure who else to talk to about this.

[info]jigthegoblin in [info]thedoorway

Are many people in this world afraid of spiders? I took Rianna out with me today. She was sitting on my shoulder and I've never seen so many people look so frightened. She's just a spider. A tarantula to be precise. She didn't even do anything that might be considered scary or dangerous. She just sat on my shoulder. I think she liked being outside, at least as long as she could scurry into my sweater or up into my hat when she wanted to. I really need to get a pouch for her, like I had with Smudge back home.

[info]deviledham in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to El, Neal, Diana, and Sara]
I've received a callback about my inquiries into rejoining the FBI here. The good news is that I'll be going Friday to pass a formal interview and sit for the exam they generally pass out at the end of training in Quantico.

The bad news is it's been a long time since I took that exam, so I have until Friday to prepare for it. If I fail, I have to take the 20-week course all over again. Even if I pass, it will take upwards of a few weeks to process and get back to me. Part of me thinks it's because they want to make sure I don't up and disappear back through that blue box.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to El only]
Are you getting restless yet? I was thinking we could take a long stroll and see who can spot the most differences between here and home. You know, make a small game of it.

After that, there's a club called The Iridium here that's featuring Bucky Pizarrelli tonight at 8pm (and 10pm) and I know you wouldn't want to miss seeing a jazz legend. I may have already picked up a pair of tickets.
[End Filter]

Not to be an alarmist, but either I saw Spider-Man in downtown Manhattan last night or an extremely good cosplayer. Now while it's been a really long time since I've attended a con, I don't think they've come far enough along to actually swing between buildings.

Add to the fact that I've had a chat on here with Captain America, this really has to be a dream. A dream within a dream. El, why did you make me watch Inception? This is what happens. I overthink things.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

No matter how uncomfortable a uniform, it still feels strange to be in civilian clothes. I think the last time I was in them this long was my last summer at the Academy as a cadet. It's an odd adjustment.

The overabundance of free time is taking some getting used to. Though I have managed to find two therapeutic riding stables in Brooklyn that look rather promising, there is still the matter of commuting, which seems a bit of a hassle. Though it's been much too long since I've been on a horse. Anyone else here ride?

I've acquired an antique-to-me chessboard. Not the same as 3-D chess, but the same basic principles. Anyone up for a game?

ETA: Filtered to Leonard McCoy & Barbara Gordon
McCoy meet Barbara Gordon. She's doing work on paralysis as well. I thought perhaps the two of you could work together. Think you can manage some teamwork?

[info]withthebread in [info]thedoorway

This is a little embarrassing, but is there anyone here who's experienced with building prosthetic limbs? I My l I have a bit of a problem.

[info]iskierka in [info]thedoorway

Matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match

I'm not sure how things are done in this world, but everyone seems very open about everything, so I think I will give this a try.

My Captain, the handsome and brave Captain John Granby as recently arrived in this world and as his previous lover is not here, I think he would benefit from having someone to have relations with.

A bit about Captain Granby:
  • handsome
  • hard-working
  • funny
  • doesn't play mind games
  • considerate
  • new to this world
  • skilled and decorated aerial corps officer
  • excellent at riding and caring for dragons
  • loyal

What he would like in a lover:
  • handsome
  • male
  • caring
  • stimulation
  • good at relations - sexual skills
  • successful
  • good at conversation as well
  • someone who is not opposed to dragons

I will be examining candidates. After all, this future lover must have my approval or it will not be good.

In case you do not believe me that Granby is handsome, here is proof:
cut for picspam, unfiltered )

Please comment here if you are interested.

[info]vulcanmind in [info]thedoorway

I have a brief personal query.

Though there is insufficient data on all present universes to calculate an exact probability, anecdotal evidence suggests that the odds are good, given the size and diversity of our group, that there are others in the tower who possess some form of telepathic ability.

I would be interested to hear how other telepaths -- particularly touch telepaths, but those whose telepathic abilities take other forms may also have relevant experience -- have learned to cope with living in such a densely populated (and emotionally erratic) environment. While casual contact was a normal part of life in Starfleet and in San Francisco, I find that life in 21st century New York has posed some unique challenges, while presenting few opportunities to truly hone and practice the relevant skills.

[info]amber_waves in [info]thedoorway

Since the Tesseract doesn't seem to be sucking me back to my universe anytime soon, and since it hasn't "blessed" me with bringing over any of my borderline-certifiable peers, I guess I'd better resign myself to being here as long-term as anyone can predict. This universe blows about the same amount as my old one, but at least my boyfriend doesn't have cancer and I'm not dead, so I'll take it.

However, since I can't watch any more of my show, I can't really see what happens in the future. I made the mistake of looking at works by the show's "fans" and I can honestly say that half of these snot-factories should be forcibly sterilized to protect humanity's gene pool. Not only are they writing about relationships that didn't happen, but they're writing me out as if I'm some side character! Or they're using my death as a setup for comfort sex! Or, worst of all, I'm somehow UNDERSTANDING about my boyfriend being in love with the Sherlock-Holmes substitute the entire time (?!?!?) and it's totally okay that he dumps me for my ex-boss who humiliated me, because I'm glad he can be HONEST with himself!

I have met several Sherlock Holmes by now, and I am still hotter than all of them. Not to mention a better overall package.

Has anyone ever had a boss that manages to screw up every aspect of your life just by breathing? House. HOUSE. The only thing worse than dealing with him is knowing that people find his dickery attractive whereas I'm just "that cutthroat bitch".

And knowing that he survives the series when he OD'd how many times?

It's Monday, Monday, Monday.

[info]starkeeper in [info]thedoorway

Girl Scout Cookies. Fucking GODRIC. They are the nuts. I have discovered my weakness.

Why in magic's name do we not have anything like them back home!? I never want to leave now. No. Not leaving.

[info]albusdumbledore in [info]thedoorway

It's strange to think that my one person's decision, made in haste could cost countless innocent lives.

And there is nothing to be done about it.

[info]discowing in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dick Grayson & Barbara Gordon
When: February 10th
Where: Dick's apartment
What: A discussion on the problems of being a Bat.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Barbara was worried about Dick. )

[info]discowing in [info]thedoorway

Leaked spoilers for Batman Inc #8 Ahead!

This can't be right. It's just [...] a stunt.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

I was going to write some reflections about how I've been here nearly three months now (one more week!) and about what I've learned so far, but then I stumbled upon a picture of the actress I look like and I got a little distracted.

cut for a photo, not filtered )

I want that dress. So jealous she went to the Vanity Fair after-Oscars party too, ugh.

[info]proudofyou in [info]thedoorway

I've spent most of my free time reading up on all the new technology that's been developed since the late 70s and early 80s. Specifically anything to do with cars, since all I knew at home was how to be a mechanic. The hybrid vehicles are interesting, but none of the new cars I've seen have the same feel as my Impala did. All my buddies at home would laugh if they knew that flying cars still aren't part of the future. Maybe one day. I don't recognize much of what passes as popular music these days, but at least the Rolling Stones are still around.

I read up on what operations the Marines have been involved with since my time as well, and wondered if I ever would have re-enlisted if my w things had been different.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to 616 Avengers/SHIELD affiliated heroes]

Report in.

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]thedoorway

I'm absolutely in love with all of the shimmer and metallics that were popular on the red carpet last night! I won't comment on the show or Anne Hathaway's unfortunate darting on her Prada gown, but it was like watching heaven. Jessica Chastain looked like an Oscar herself and I love how the gown had hints of her hair color in it, but I have to admit if I could choose anyone's dress I think I'd like to wear the gown Alicia Vikander chose to wear. I love the color, pop of yellow, the lace-like beading, and the cut of the dress.

I think this means has inspired me to start putting together a new look book.

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Residents of Floors 20 & 21.

Hello, floors 20&21!

For those of you who don't already know me, my name is Joan Watson, and I am your new housing assistant.

I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I am from this time and this city in a world that is very much like this one. I am currently an investigator, working with Sherlock Holmes and the NYPD. Prior to coming here, I had worked as a sober companion for the last several years, and I would be happy to assist anyone who is currently struggling with addiction in any way that I can. (I also have medical training, and will be able to assist in case of emergencies, but please don't hesitate to call 911.)

As for what my position entails, in addition to helping out with any housing issues you may have, I'm also here to help you adapt to your new surroundings in any way that I can. I'd be happy to help you find a job, navigate the public transportation system, use modern technology and currency, and so on. If there's ever anything you need help with, please don't hesitate to ask. My number and my hours of availability will be posted on the door of room 2108. I look forward to getting to know all of you better.

(( Pretend that there is a valid logistical reason why this wasn't posted sooner. Joan would have posted it in a timely fashion, but I was out of town when it happened, and only remembered yesterday. Which happened because I was sick at home with the stomach flu, and kept wishing Steve Rogers was there to carry me from place to place so I wouldn't have to stand up. ))

[info]petty_king in [info]thedoorway

Um I'm experiencing a minor problem.

There are There are no House-Elves. I'm hungry. And there's no money. What am I supposed

[info]abrotherslove in [info]thedoorway

Surely I am dead, or this is the vision of a weakened mind, for I sought not to leave the plain of Tumhalad of my own will. The shadow's reach grows. None may escape it while in the company of Agarwaen, he who calls himself the son of ill fate. Neither friendship nor great valor may stay the heavy hand of the Deceiver's curse. I do not think to see a day when Men may come so far or be so numerous.

[info]theblur in [info]thedoorway

To: Lee Adama
From: clark.kent@dailybugle.com
Subject: Daily Bugle Refugee Article Questions

you have 1 new message )

To: Will Riker
From: clark.kent@dailybugle.com
Subject: Daily Bugle Refugee Article Questions

you have 1 new message )

[info]eyesupherebro in [info]thedoorway

Soooo informal poll! How do you feel about flowers for spring in perfume?

...it's boring, isn't it? Ugh, I knew it was boring ever since I saw Jo Malone's Sugar and Spice collection at Nordstrom this afternoon. How could I plan a collection around spring flowers? How DULL is that? Ughhhh now I need to revamp the prototypes ASAP.

Welcome to my life, the life of regret and last-minute inspiration. I live life by grabbing hold of the "oh shit" bar way too often.

Software is sadly way easier than perfume.

On the positive side, I managed to take out three hijackers on my lunch break! That helped.

[info]chippedheart in [info]thedoorway

There was no new episode of Once Upon a Time last night. Small favors, I suppose. Although I'm not sure I like where

[Henry, Emma can read]
I suppose it's high time we spoke to each other considering what we both found out last week. I'm not sure what Emma has told you about our last conversation, but we've reached a mutually beneficial deal regarding your safety. You have nothing to worry about from me or anyone else so long as I am here to protect you. You're family. I take care of my family. I only wish I would have known sooner.

[Lizzie Bennet]
I have some paperwork for you to sign, if you don't mind.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Catching up the Captain

Who: James T. Kirk & Christopher Pike
When: Monday, February 25
Where: Pike's quarters
What: catching up on this world
Rating: PG/PG-13 for language possibly

Sometimes you just needed a human. Even if it was James Tiberius Kirk. )

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

Anyone up for sparing? Preferably someone with superhuman stamina and doesn't mind being laid out on a mat by a woman.

[info]sober_enough in [info]thedoorway

Text to Blaise

» Alright.
» You're not half bad.

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Who: Veronica Mars and Sam Winchester
What: Their first actual spar
Where: Gym/training rooms in the basement of Pott's Tower
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: SFW
Status: closed; complete

+++ )

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

Thanks to everybody who organized the Oscar viewing party. I was really compelled by the amount of whisky that Don Draper can consume in a single sitting. But since we are in the award giving mood in this place, I'm going to hand out some awards so I can stop fantasizing about all the ways I can kill Seth MacFarlane.


  • Don Draper, Best Purveyor of Fine Spirits & an Equally Burning Attitude
  • Simon Tam, Biceps? YOU TRIED!
  • T.J. Hammond, Most Adorable
  • Lee Adama, Most Likely to Run Out of Luck if I Have Anything to Do With It
  • Sirius Black, Best Brood
  • Jayne Cobb, Best Attitude (and by attitude I mean ...)
  • Karl Agathon, I HATE YOU
  • Grantaire, Best Accent
  • Emma Swan, Best Smile
  • Sam Anders, Hottest and Smartest Toaster On the Block
  • Nick Fury, STILL A DOUCHE!!!!!!!
  • Joan Watson, CLASS
  • Sherlock Holmes, Very Good at Texting
  • Inara Serra, Second Best Space-Girl
  • Sam Merlotte, Shoulda Been a Viper Pilot
  • Captain Marvel, You're Blond and a Pilot so You Rock
  • Mal Reynolds, Best Man My Mother Wished She Married
  • Leoben Conoy, Still FAITHFUL!!!!!!
  • Hawkeye, Best Humour Because He's Always On Top

  • Would all the elves (House, or long-haired and vain or otherwise) please immediately report the frak to Regulus Black?

    Thank you and goodnight!

    [info]savebroom in [info]thedoorway

    Who: James Sirius Potter & Alicia Spinnet
    When: Monday, 25 February, 2013; Night, after this
    Where: Alicia's flat (briefly) —> JSP's flat.
    What: A successful abduction of a willing victim and JSP making a ~move.
    Rating: TBD—PG-13ish.

    He wasn't entirely sure what it was about her that so easily found its way under his skin and stayed firmly there but Alicia had been on his mind often since their weeks of writing one another frequently on the network before they met. )

    [info]the_minstrel in [info]thedoorway

    in which Lindir meets the homeless

    I shall not preface this story with a tale of wandering. But suffice to know I do often go to Central Park and sit about under the bows of the trees with harp in hand. The others there are never quite so friendly once I begin to strum along with the harp. I get quite a few people dropping coins and paper money at me though, and I haven't a clue what any of that's about.

    But anyway, that isn't the key point of this tale in Central Park. I was in Central Park wandering about--I said I would not preface with wandering and so I did not--with a bit of pizza in hand. Have you eaten pizza? It's quite disgusting but oddly addicting in the worst of ways. The feel it leaves in my mouth is rotten, like swallowing candle wax. Ask me not how I know of candle wax; I'll not answer, heathens.

    Anyway - it was quite cold by the time I'd come around to a stop. My favorite tree was occupied by a woman in shabby clothing. Naturally she's a wanderer such as myself and so I think to entertain her as all guests do. She was, after all, occupying my space and I thought I could share.

    So I hopped over to her and settled down with harp in hand, having previously consumed the last chunk of pizza ferociously before the birds could hope to steal it again, and struck up a song. And lo and behold! The woman jerks into a sitting position and stares at me with the most bug-eyed expression I have ever seen the Edain make--it's quite an ugly expression--and begins to babble about things I don't have the mind to repeat. Before I could quite escape she touches me. And this would not normally be a problem, I assure you.

    Except for her hands.

    Valar, Eru! You have no idea of the state of that woman's hands. I died a little inside. My fëa shall never burn so bright again. They were horrid and my heart went frigid with cold. Rather like cold pizza in a park.

    I ran away like a child. I am a coward, and I am okay with this.

    And so the moral of the story; watch out for hags in the park. They may try to touch you.

    [info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

    » IYPO
    » How would one treat a rash?