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February 18th, 2013

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

I have been in the hospital a fortnight.

I am done with it. I am done with only seeing this new world from my small window. I am done with having to beg my friends to visit me.

I am leaving.

[info]celestialintent in [info]thedoorway

Who: Fingon the Valiant and Castiel
What: Fingon is injured and Castiel offered to heal him.
When: After this
Where: Fingon's hospital room
Warnings: None

Read more... )

[info]siberiantiger in [info]thedoorway

My name is Jake. That's all you need to know.

[info]somewhatundead in [info]thedoorway

I don't find myself burdened with nostalgia, as there is no time that cannot be improved with false remembrances. But while I find there to be many frivolous technological advances that I cannot wrap my head around in the years that I have been between Worlds, one that I cannot find fault with is the camera. I had a very old one (a daguerreotype, actually) that required its sitters to be perfectly still; Bod was too much a fidgeting child for me to ever catch his likeness. Not that it matters, since my belongings did not follow me into this universe.

But I maintain that there are quite a few of the Living and the Dead along the way that should have been immortalized in light and shadow of the camera's recording. Faces I have missed seeing, people whose features grow more vague with the ticking of the clock. In some ways it is a comfort to think that here, there are those who have the faces of others.

Perhaps I will see their likeness again, someday.

[info]fennelstalk in [info]thedoorway

Good day, mortals and slightly immortal beings alike. There are quite a few more of you here than in the summer months when last I visited.

Some of you I have seen before whilst others I met in the halls of Asgard. For the time being, I shall take my place among you and Loki (the small one) has kindly allowed me to quarter with him.

Americans, congratulations upon your primary warrior's day of birth. It is a shame that he is dead. Do you think, perhaps, it was the wooden teeth? Had he lived, he would have been 276 years old. That is still considered hale and youthful where I come from.

[info]onehandedpirate in [info]thedoorway

I require less conspicuous street clothes, and I have a bottle of vodka to bribe your help.

Victor dresses like a grandfather and Jefferson is worse than I am with those bloody scarves.

[info]wormtailings in [info]thedoorway

James? Remus? Sirius?

They said you were all here...


They also said
But I don't understand
I didn't
I wouldn't
That was never part of the deal
Is this even a good idea?
They wouldn't hold it

[info]lupas in [info]thedoorway

Federal holidays. Up side to working in a school.

[ RUBY ]

I'm pretty sure you're a hell of a lot faster than me, but are up for a run?

[info]thedominar in [info]thedoorway

The frell is this horrible place?! John Crichton, I blame you fully for this! A HUMAN, me?? This pathetic, disgusting body only has one useless stomach!

Frelling wormholes!

[info]greymatter in [info]thedoorway

Due to SHIELD training, I can no longer devote an adequate amount of time to teaching you three Biology, so I need to shift you over to Professor Xavier's class. He is an exceptional teacher and you could do no better as far as I am concerned.

I will make the changes on the roster myself, so you don't need to do anything but arrange to be in Xavier's class. I apologize for any inconvenience.
I didn't get to thank you properly for the purse. It's gorgeous. I was wondering if you wanted to go out and do something soon? Dinner or maybe something more fun?
So. What did you think of the retreat? Not regretting coming along, I hope.

[OOC: edited to add Xavier to first filter so he knows about the change.]

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway


>> Pettigrew's here.

sent immediately after he saw Peter's introduction on the network

Posted via Journaler.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

I will say this only one more time.

Threatening to injure or kill anyone in this world, whether the person is a fellow resident of Potts Tower or a native citizen of this world, is not going to be tolerated by myself or by SHIELD or by those in charge of protecting all of us, although I do not speak for them. I strongly suggest that all of you keep this in mind, and that you do everything within your power to keep yourselves in line. We want this to be a safe place to live, and we need your help in doing so.

Darcy seems to believe that Peter Pettigrew would be better off not living in Potts Tower, for his own safety. I told her I'd mention it to you two. I don't know what happened at SHIELD when he arrived. I can only assume they discovered that he has yet to commit the atrocities he later does, but as you both know, my status with SHIELD is non-existent now. I don't know why I bother defending

[info]turukano in [info]thedoorway

I find no wisdom in telling people immediately of their future. No, we cannot stop others outside of this tower from asking questions about it or sharing secrets.

But what is the point in laying our dooms upon our heads right as we step through that portal? It's difficult to bear when we've already committed our deeds let alone to be told we will do something we haven't yet done in our lives.

My adviser had the good grace to allow me a few days to adjust before I pursued him in search of answers. Have you no thought to do the same?

[info]nowiltingpansy in [info]thedoorway

Text Message

Text messages sent to Blaise Zabini

//Please tell me you're able to check the network while in training.
//Peter Pettigrew has just arrived.
//Potter hasn't seen yet.
//Get home quickly, this is brilliant.

[info]theshedevil in [info]thedoorway

My...and people think I'm evil.

I suppose in a way, I am but I think a few people from those Potter books could give me a run for my money. And yes, there was a bit of sarcasm in that. Today is just filled with drama.

I wonder if I'll ever have a doppelganger arrive here. I've already been told I look like some girl from a mermaid show, still have no clue what she was talking about, but I'm going to assume that it was something stupid.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

Text to Kara Thrace

» I think the tesseract is fucking with us.

[info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

Who: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & Nymphadora Tonks
When: Directly after Peter's post on the network
Where: Central Park Zoo
What: Remus & Tonks tell Sirius that Peter is here, Sirius has a very big reaction
Rating: PG-13 at the very least, but probably R for mentions of murder, death, betrayal, cursing etc etc

Quote )

[info]jamiewon in [info]thedoorway

» I understand that you didn't do it because Harry was there, but for Merlin's sake sometimes I wish you had.

» We need to talk.
» Don't leave the flat today.
» And if you absolutely have to and I'm not there, take Finnick and his trident.

[info]areyoudeaf in [info]thedoorway

As the Youth Center Counselor, I'd like to remind everyone that I am available to speak with at all hours of the day. My official hours are 7am until 6pm, but know that you can text, email, or call me whenever you're feeling like you need to get something off your chest.

Just me, checking in with you. How are you?
I take it things are going better since I haven't heard from you in a while.
Would you like another session? Or have you had enough counselling?
You ever think there are some days you'd rather be on a tropical beach?

[info]behindtheline in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Peter Pettigrew, Harry Dresden, Steve Rogers]
[cc: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts]

Mr. Pettigrew, pursuant to a recent discussion with Mr Harry Dresden, I would like to introduce the two of you. Mr. Dresden has a good deal of experience with magic and will assist you in laying secure wardings around your living establishment until such a time that it is safer for you.

Again, please accept our humblest apologies for your less than warm reception and do let me know if I can do anything to help you at this time.

[info]chippedheart in [info]thedoorway

Text to Belle

Cut for OUaT spoilers )

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

People sure get their panties in a twist over a little murder here.

Seriously though, I googled him. His body count is like barely double digits. That's like complete wuss numbers compared to a majority of Potts Towers residents. Probably racked a higher count on my first day on Pandora.

Is it because he's not like hot or something?

[info]thelittleliar in [info]thedoorway

[filter to: Hazel, Matty, Cap'n America, and Miss Peggy]
I made some pancakes. They're sorta small, but there's butter'n syrup 'en you should come have some with me. 'En then I have to tell you sumthing, but I don't want you all to get mad at me 'en maybe you should, but it 'ent violence or none of the sort. Well, I suppose I'll tell you here 'en if you don't want pancakes then you don't have to come get 'em, but my name 'ent Leena, it's Lyra, 'en I'm sorry for lying to you about it, but someone from the Magisterium mighta come through 'en I didn't want to give 'em an easy way to find me, but now there's an angel here, 'en I know she'll protect me if someone comes through, 'en Lyra's my name, so I'd like to be Lyra again now. 'En I'm sorry again for not saying something sooner, 'en I understand if you can't forgive me any for it, but sometimes there's a lot to be afraid of, 'en there's a lot I'm still afraid of.

[info]jamiewon in [info]thedoorway

Bloody Mondays; I always hated the day. I don't know about you lot, but I've had enough of February. I know it's only twenty-eight days, but fuck me this month has seemed endless.

[info]crazytacolady in [info]thedoorway

Text to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

» Are you free tomorrow night?
» I'd like to go to Mexicana Mama again.
» Or we can go somewhere else.
» Or even another night.

[info]the_batwoman in [info]thedoorway

I rarely post on this network, It's just not my cup of tea. Seeing the kind of drama it can attract, I think I'm glad it's not my cup of tea. don't people have better things to do than fight with strangers on the

[info]parlourtricks in [info]thedoorway

So just finished reading the book I'm in, finally. As weird as it was reading the stuff from my point-of-view, it was even weirder reading stuff from the people I know. Like now I know how Jericho's stuck on me, and I think I am too at the end?? That's just great- And then like, there are even people I don't know, but I'm weirdly connected to and stuff. Like this one guy came to my Uncle's museum and then just bolted out one day, had no clue who he was, but apparently he's a big character in the book too and is all goofy for one of my friends. Who woulda thought.

It was pretty alright reading though, over all.

In other news, the talk show people had stuff about the presidents on today for Presidents Day. Pretty jazzed that not only will there be an Irish-Catholic president, but that he'll be ranked the number two sexiest president of all time. Not really sure why Teddy Roosevelt came in first though...

[info]priestofbowflex in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Elaine and Molly

Did Dresden break his phone?

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Mr. Gold
Out of curiosity, how is setup for your shop going?

I think...that I may buy some new clothes. I'm out everything I own and my costume theater pieces. Is there an Anthropoligie around here?

[info]ex_gavemepau32 in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Regina]
Thank you for the cupcake. I still haven't eaten it. Why would you put yourself in that sort of-
Was it a joke?
I don't understand you here.

[Filter: Matty]
Sweetheart, I was wondering if you had time to help me with a little project.

[info]runawaynico in [info]thedoorway

We're all just one bad decision away from being some story's bad guy, aren't we? On second thought, I think I'd rather have distraction. What's new with everyone? Besides the uh. Obvious.

[ Edited to Add: FILTER TO HUMBERTO ]

Hey, I'm going ice skating with Lucy. When I'm back, do you want to make out? I promise to be gentle.

[info]wearethefuture in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Charles Xavier )

[info]humansparkler in [info]thedoorway

You know what the best part of Valentine's day is? All the DISCOUNTED CHOCOLATE when it's over. Come to think of it, it's the best part of Easter too. I'm pretty sure I have enough to last me until the next chocolate coated holiday without needing any other type of food substance to stay alive. Thanks again Tin Man for the allowance. It's going to great use. :D

[X-Men/Mutants (all versions)]
Isn't it nice with other people are having group meltdowns? They're just like us!

[Alex Summers, Hank McCoy, Raven Darkholme]
So training is nice and all, but who here is interested in going Teenage Mutant Ninja Mutants on some thugs? It's New York, we're bound to find something to stop. Or we can get pizza. Whatever.

P.S. dibs on being Michelangelo.

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

» hey
» you all right?
» you're not going to do anything stupid are you?
» text me back asap

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone want to join me in watching my show tonight? I saw a preview I'm in room 802.

[info]widowsting in [info]thedoorway

[Natalia Romanova (616)]
Did you ever get your memories in order? Your real ones?

[Clint (MCU)]
Taking a few vacation days. Don't quit SHIELD while I'm gone.

I have to go out of town. Don't slack off or I will make you pray for death when I get back.

I'm going offline. Send anyone after me and you won't like how I send them back. Do this and we're even.

[info]onlyfour in [info]thedoorway

Who: Marlene Aristades, Tobias Eaton, and Beatrice Prior
When: Monday night
Where: Some shady bar that doesn't card in Brooklyn
What: Drinking!

He made a point of not drinking with the younger Dauntless, knowing he'd end up their instructor one day, and seeing him drunk definitely made him seem less scary and intimidating, which really ruined about half of his training tactics. )

[info]steveseekstruth in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone else on the high floors hear a harp playing? And singing?

[info]the_minstrel in [info]thedoorway

Come! Come! To sing and dance with us! The Ainur have blessed us! Come! Sing in celebration of Fingon the Valiant! He has returned from the endless dark!

Bless Castiel for his favor! Hail Castiel. The Renewer! The Gift giver and generous Holy Spirit of the World!


[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Well... okay.

I'm still really bummed that Lady Gaga had to cancel her tour. I was looking forward to meeting her, and I was so excited about to taking our class to see one of her shows. Maybe next tour? She's supposed to be coming out with a new album, so... we'll see. I hope her surgery goes well. :( Buffy, we should totally send her something. Get well soon flowers? I'll try to reach her publicist.

In the meantime, Justin Timberlake came out with a new music video and I'm kind of obsessed with it. I think it must be the suits. And the dancing. Maybe he'll go on tour and we can meet him instead. Pity he's married now. :( That's always how it goes, huh?

It's still totally mind-boggling whenever I see a picture of myself bein... well, being myself, and people actually taking to it well. It feels weird to be open about my powers, but I think the more people here see that someone like myself is just a normal girl, the less afraid they'll be. Maybe I got my powers from an alien, but I'm not dangerous and I don't want people to think I am. So I guess... worth it in the end? Maybe I should've done this a while ago.

[info]iskierka in [info]thedoorway

A big thank you to Luke and Thalia for showing me the joys of chocolate and candy, especially how inexpensive it was was after Valentine's Day. And so many sparkly things. Chocolate is delicious. As is candy. And gummy bears - I have never met a real bear, but I do like gummy bears.

I received a message that my Captain is here! But that he is inured and will be in medical for a few days. How am I supposed to focus on anything knowing that Granby is here. I hope he remembers me. Temeraire didn't remember going to South America or mating with me..

[info]thenextcap in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Harry Potter and Ron Weasley

Hey guys, I talked to Dad Steve and he told me an one bedroom on the floor just opened, so I asked if I could move in. I'm not going that far, but I thought I'd let you know.

Filtered to Torunn

I'm moving to 113.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

Filter to Potterverse Marauder-Era and their future spawn, excluding Peter
This probably goes without saying, but I highly suggest you all strengthen the wards around your flats, if you have them. If you don't, put them up immediately. If you need help, let me know. I'm pretty good at them. I'm sure there are others here who are as well. Just because he hasn't betrayed us yet at his age doesn't mean he isn't capable of it. I think we should be prepared for every possibility.

We can't kill him or even really hurt him, fun as it sounds. Even if we wiped his memories, some of us were stupid enough to threaten him, so a trail is bound to lead back to us. If he tries anything, we have to be ready, but I for one don't want to go to jail for the likes of him.

Filter: James, Sirius, Lily, Harry
I'm sorry if I'm stepping on any toes here. I'm not good at just sitting back, but [...] this is your fight. Out of everything he did, what he did to the four of your was the worst of it. If anyone is going to exact vengeance, it should be you. I hope you know whatever happens, I am absolutely on your side, no matter what that means. Just tell me what you want/need and I'll do it.

[info]allshadesofred in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

How long did people here wait to start looking for a job? I need to find one, but I have certain limits.

I've thought about offering guitar lessons to people, but somehow I doubt "Over 900 years of experience" is going to fly.

Argh, I never had this fucking problem back home! So, night jobs, what are some decent ones?

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

A laita te, laita te! Andavë laituvalmet!
Ainu Castiel, a laita tárienna!
A laita te, laita te! Andavë laituvalmet!
Ainu Castiel, a laita tárienna!

[info]cuppa_tea in [info]thedoorway

I think I burned my finger! I think I burned my finger.

Maybe I'm just imagining it, but the kettle was -- well, it was very hot and.

I think I felt it. Not sure though, and I know if I try again I'll just convince myself of it but.

I'm sure it stung a little, really.

[info]acciohansolo in [info]thedoorway

It has been a thoroughly exhausting time for all of us, and though I am scared upset over Peter being here, I cannot properly express with words just how grateful I am to those of you who defended us. Our lives have been tainted by what happened, but I refuse to hand over power to Peter. He will not ruin our lives here. We've all got a second chance at having good, proper lives now, with the benefit of knowledge and foresight.

I know it's short notice, but James and I would love to have you over to our apartment tonight. I'm going to make a big dinner, so there'll be lots to eat and drink, and we can all be together and support one another. Some of you might not even have met yet, but I want my friends from home to meet the people I have befriended here, because you're all the best kinds of people, and I love you.

Come over whenever you like. Even if you don't want to stay for dinner, or already have plans, please feel free to come by for a while. I doubt I'll sleep well tonight, so I'd value some company.

That means you, too. Please come over. Please.