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February 12th, 2013

[info]feanaro in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Youth Center Staff]

I will not be in the office tomorrow, or perhaps for the rest of the week. If you need to contact me, I will be available via e-mail - octavian@pottstower.com, or via text or phone. Please do not attempt to contact me unless it is an emergency, as I am not currently well.


If I have, in any way, made it appear to anyone that I do not respect the Youth Center and its mission, then I am profoundly sorry. I have only ever wanted -

It is useless.

This place is no better than New Rome.

[info]axtogrind in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, and Annie
I'm rethinking this job. Is there anything where I can basically never deal with people?

If anyone needs me for the rest of the week, I'll probably be at the St. Patrick's Cathedral in my free time, until I get sick and tired of sitting and thinking for a while.

[info]_inara in [info]thedoorway

This may end up being long, and for that I apologize, but it's words I've been meaning to get out for a while now and couldn't find the words. I still may not be able to

Cut, not filtered. Trigger warning: Illness/death (some mentions of prostitution). )

[info]headbitch in [info]thedoorway

Wonderful, Spencer. You've officially gone certifiably insane. That will look fantastic on your college applications. Though I'm not sure if acknowledging that I am clearly delusional negates the possibility that I actually am or not. Huh. It wouldn't hurt to look into it. It seems like I'm stuck here indefinitely, anyway.

[info]myeu_muh in [info]thedoorway

Forget Valentine's Day, you guys know what tomorrow is? GALENTINE'S DAY!!!

So ladies, since I embody everything and anything Leslie Knope does, I have booked the backroom at Clinton St. Baking for tomorrow, and any ladies who want to come to Galentine's Day Brunch at 11am are TOTALLY welcome.

They have the best pancakes, just FYI. The pancake of the week is "Chocolate chunks, fresh raspberries and raspberry-caramel sauce", so uh. Yes, TO DIE FOR. It's pretty inexpensive and you get HUGE portions of food, so bring an empty stomach and we're good to go.

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Deadpool and OPEN.
WHAT: Missing Harvey. Eating chocolate. Having conversations with himself.
WHEN: Around 1:00am on Feb 12th.
WHERE: Potts Tower - Lobby. Some random corner.
RATING&STATUS: R for Deadpool. Status - Anyone can tag in, but he could also effectively have a log with himself. So feel free to interrupt me talking to myself at any point. :D

Cue an over dramatic sniff beneath his mask. )

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

Who: Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley
When: Directly after this post from Ginny.
Where: Ginny's apartment.
What: A first kiss? Mmn.
Rating: PG

Taking a deep breath and trying to quell the rumbling (or was it purring? Merlin he needed to stop reading his own book!) in his chest, Harry lunged forward and kissed Ginny. )


[info]coolshades in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Mutants - Animated, 616, Movies ]

As a reminder, the mutant retreat is Thursday, February 14. Every mutant regardless of universe is invited. I trust everyone is prepared and packed. I advise that you wear long underwear.

Yes, I wrote "underwear". Ha, ha.

Meet outside by the giant pink van on Thursday morning at 7:00am promptly. I will allow Jubilee to wake any stragglers in the manner she deems appropriate. I also don't want to hear any crap about the giant pink van. It was affordable. That is all.

[info]drewlove in [info]thedoorway

There is something so on the nose about being a daughter of Aphrodite born on Valentine's day.

At least my boyfriend will only have to plan for one day instead of two. Of course, I have high expectations.

But that leads me to a question. I want to go to a musical, but I don't know which one. I was thinking Little Mermaid, but I'd love to hear other suggestions.

Filtered to Rose Hathaway

So, might have agreed to see Octavian for real. We'll see how this goes.

[info]thepieman in [info]thedoorway

Since my last post was so successful (thank you to everyone who tried my pies, and most especially to Molly for spreading so much positive word about my pies), I've decided to whip up a few special things for Valentine's day. I've already sold a bunch wholesale to the coffee shop, so you can find them there, but I will also be making some of these to order for the Special Day. All of the following are available in your choice of flavor (quite literally anything you can think of-unless it's impossible to find, I will do my best!):

Cut not filtered )

I like being busy during this time of year. It makes me miss home less. And if I'm baking pies, it's much closer to home.

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

» hey
» did you tell my mum and dad james and lily (the first) not to talk to me?
» i don't
» that's not
» that's what they're saying

[info]jamiewon in [info]thedoorway

Who: James and Harry Potter
What: Talking
When: 12 February 2013
Where: NYC!
Rating: low

Read more... )

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

All right, guys. I've settled on Sunday, February 17 at 2pm for our dinner and gathering. That seems like a pretty good day for everyone to be available and not too hung over from the previous night (and, let's face it, no one's taking up your Friday or Saturday night, and I know how important those are for healthy relationships ;)).

ANYWAY, so here's the list of who is doing what:
Mettle - not sure, but anything is good
Other Hawkeye - Salad, veggies for salad, salad toppings; glühwein (UMLAUT)
Thor - Think he and the Warriors Three were going to roast a beast! Can you confirm, Thor?
Spider-man - Three words: GIRL. SCOUT. COOKIES.
Other Iron Man - Some kind of veggies
Other Captain America - Some kind of vegetable dish
Captain Marvel - potato dish!
Wolverine - booze
Spider-woman - another veggie dish!
Scarlet Witch - Green bean dish (because I am CRAVING it)
Reptil - tamales or enchiladas
Lightspeed - Something not bread or salad
Wasp - bread with the fixings, cake and a couple pies, ice tea, regular tea, sodas
Anything you guys want to bring is A-OK with me, because let's face it, there's a lot of us, so there's likely going to be fighting over the best dishes anyway. Because that's just how we roll.

NOW, that said, I know there are a few of you who don't drink for various reasons, so please skip this. I'm going to be bringing some alcohol to this shindig and other Clint is going to be making mulled wine. Alcohol is kind of expensive so we'll be taking a collection. The more you pitch in, the more it'll help us sad, pathetic, no job having people (mainly ME). Can't wait to see you guys!

[info]widowsting in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Bruce Banner]

I realize I wasn’t terribly helpful yesterday, but I’ve done a bit of freelance spy work for you. I’m still going to suggest a simple dinner and activity combination but I also have a sweater she might like. It has a unicorn with a mustache on it, but I assure you that is something she would actually want to wear. I was going to give it to her as encouragement along the way, but I have a feeling a set of glitter pens with suffice should you need it. Just let me know.

[Filter to Darcy Lewis]
I need you to stretch for 20 minutes today. No excuses.
[/end filters]

To whomever wrote that lovely little message about me in the 2nd floor bathrooms, you're only half right. It wasn't a spork, it was a spatula.

[info]enoughsleep in [info]thedoorway

I am not vain enough to presume that everyone has watched the program about my life. In fact, I'd rather go on believing that no one has seen it. That said, as nice as it is for people to offer, please don't try to give me 'conversation hearts'. I know they're candy, but being handed a heart reminds me of a somewhat traumatic experience that I'd rather forget.

[info]dior_eluchil in [info]thedoorway

So. What I've decided about this fucking place is that people here are all lazy and useless and don't know a damn thing about what life is really like. I mean, seriously, what the fuck. I was on the net last night and ran this shit about how people wanted to live in Panem and be in the Games when they wouldn't last a damn minute, the stupid lazy fatasses.

I trained my whole life for this, motherfuckers.

[Filtered to Glimmer]

Hey, up for a run tonight?

[info]ofaphrodite in [info]thedoorway

I know that there has been a lot of chatter going on around here about the upcoming holiday and normally I'd be kind and shy away since I'm sure a lot of the world is tired of hearing about it but GUESS WHAT! I'm making an exception this time because:

I love Valentine's Day!

I know, I know that a lot of the world likes to dismiss the holiday as being a creation of Hallmark/jewelry stores/candy companies as a way to sucker people out of money or they raise the (completely valid) point that people shouldn't need a specific day set aside to be nice to their loved ones, but I don't care. I don't! I love Valentine's Day. A whole holiday about love? How could I not?

The best thing about it, I think, is the fact that it's not all about romantic love either. At least, not to me! Clearly that's a big part, but my dad would always tell me that it's more about showing love to all of your loved ones, not just your better half -- of course, he might have said that because I was a little one at the time and he didn't want to encourage dating any earlier than possible. But that's something that's always stuck out in my head. Being in a relationship is cool and all, but being single isn't the end of the world either. There are always people out there that care about you. Why not use the day as an excuse to splurge and spoil them a bit more than you already do? (Because, like I said above, needing a day to show someone you love them is pretty sad. You should be expressing that love without being prompted.)

ANYWAY! I'm doing blabbering about Valentine's Day. I hope everyone has a great one! And, like Luke hinted at earlier, there will, in fact, be cupcakes at the youth center. I'm sort of crap at cooking and baking, but I'm also determined and will make sure they're actually good! :)

[info]seasonofthe in [info]thedoorway

I can't decide if SHIELD training makes me feel young again or incredibly old. I'm going to say young and pretend I always got sore this easily.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

» I hope I'm doing this right.
» We're going out on Thursday evening. Be ready by 6.
» I'll be home soon but I didn't want to forget to tell you.
» I can see why teenagers do this all day.

[info]philanthropist in [info]thedoorway

cut, not filtered, for scrolling text. )

[info]yourlegacy in [info]thedoorway

I've been working at a garage for a while now. It's kind of nice. I work in the back, so there's not much of a problem with people recognizing me. It's weird, though. I don't know that much about how bikes here work. Mostly, I've been doing the cosmetic stuff. Getting dents out, polishing out scrapes, that sort of thing. One of the guys saw the movie, though. Said I should go to school. Thinks I'd be a good mechanic. He wants to open his own shop for custom bikes and told me he'd like me to help him out designing them.

Didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything, but I haven't done anything like that. I mean, basic training, SOLDIER exams, that sort of thing, but that was 5 6? I was 13 and the labs were 4 years and then the year with Zack and I'm 24 now so that makes it 11 years ago.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

RP Log; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce & Sam Merlotte

Who: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce & Sam Merlotte
What: Wesley & Sam talk shop.
Where: Sam’s Bar & Grill.
When: Tuesday night, 12 February
Rating: Lowish.
Status: Complete

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce ducked his head as he entered Sam’s to avoid someone he didn’t recognize. Whether they were a tourist or just a new arrival he had no idea, but he didn’t want to engage with anyone else who thought they had something to say about his love life. )

[info]lillies_ in [info]thedoorway

Valentine's Day is just two days away and I don't have a Valentine.

The horror!

Currently taking applications for a special amazing wonderful Valentine!

[info]lettheriverrun in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

What is Valentine's Day?

I've decided that I want to learn how to knit. Is there anyone who can teach me?

[info]olivialt in [info]thedoorway

Got a question for you folks, just because I'm curious (nosy) and I've been meeting a lot of "special" people since arriving:

People without powers/mutant abilities/freakishly good looks: If you could have any one power, what would it be?

People with powers/mutant abilities/Batman/freakishly rich: If all of your powers(etc) were stripped away and replaced with one power of your choice, what would that one be?

Don't be douches with loopholes.

For the record, I would totally go with x-ray vision.

[info]cerebricity in [info]thedoorway

It's entirely possible that the tourists think louder than they can speak, an accomplishment in itself.

It might make that retreat relatively quiet in comparison.

[info]afunnygirl in [info]thedoorway


Do you three have time to come shopping with me tomorrow? I was hoping to buy a new dress.

filtered to rumple; cut for image )

[info]prizeofachilles in [info]thedoorway

I quit my job tonight.

I just...can't do that anymore.

People are...they haven't changed as much as I'd like.

So I guess I'm going to have to look for something else.

[OOC: Trigger warning - possible discussion of rape/prostitution in comments]

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

Who: John Shepard & Carol Danvers
When: Saturday, Feb 9th.
Where: Carol’s apartment. Probably. I think? They’re in a bed somewhere. :P
What: Post-date pillow talk!
Rating: PG-13, mostly tame.

'Well golly, ma'am, I'm not sure I can perform under such pressure.' )

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Céilithe & Scéalaithe

And that whale of the crew was reduced down to two,
Just meself and the captain's old dog.
Then the ship struck a rock, oh Lord what a shock
The bulkhead was turned right over
Turned nine times around, and the poor dog was drowned
I'm the last of the Irish Rover )

[info]houseoflife in [info]thedoorway

So Ty Lee and I were thinking. This whole valentine's thing is kind of screwy, especially with a lot of us being separated from the people we care about. Also grown ups doing grown up stuff.

Which means we decided that Thursday night we're going to have a Valentine's party in our apartment. Mostly for all us younger people who have gone and gotten stuck here but really anyone's invited. Ty Lee's gone a little overboard with the decorations but we will have lots of snacks and movies and board games and stuff. Also lots of ice cream. I think I might just buy a mini fridge just for ice cream cause no one can stop me.

Ice cream baaaaaaar!

Anyway like I said anyone's invited, but keep in mind that we're keeping it kid friendly. Drugs, booze, or violence and I get to bouncer you out. And as cool as it'd be to stretch my magical muscles, seriously no.

But ice cream baaaaar! Everyone loves one of those. Unless you hate happiness. Or are lactose intolerant and if so I can buy some sorbet.

[info]behindtheline in [info]thedoorway

If there is any woman here who would like to learn basic self-defence manoeuvres or how to make a classless man beg for mercy in five words or less, do see me. There will be tea.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

I've grown used to people approaching me in this city and asking me questions. But a few moments ago was unlike any of the other times. A young man walked up to me and point blank said "voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" All I could tell was that it was intended to be a question and with a crowd gathering decided to escape with a quick "sorry dear, not tonight," while I still could. Would someone explain just what the hell it was that I was asked?

[info]thetowelgirl in [info]thedoorway

I sometimes feel lost, 100 posts and keeping track? On top of trying apparently not to be called psycho bitch?

Keeping track, less fun than whiskey.

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]thedoorway

Hi everyone!

I don't want to take up anyone's time, but if people are still interested in ordering something from me for Valentine's Day on Thursday I just wanted to remind people that I'll be taking orders until noon tomorrow. I can take a few orders after that deadline, but just text me and we'll work it out. You can look at the selections here. Anyways, have a good night!!

I'm probably going to start tomorrow afternoon, but don't feel like you have to be there when I do or for the entire time! You all are very kind to offer the use of your time, ovens, and bagging skills, and I really appreciate it!

[info]pheebspower in [info]thedoorway

I wish I didn't know.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Joan Watson:
Are you still interested in the housing assistant position? We think you'd be good for it, if you still want the job. Well, volunteer position. You know what I mean.

[info]auntie_snixx in [info]thedoorway

If another little punk comes into the coffee shop with a bow and a heart arrow and shoots it at me, I seriously will have to unleash a special spicy brand of whoop ass.

Filtered to Cassie Lang
I have to work on Thursday. But do you want to do something this weekend?

[info]soflyohmy in [info]thedoorway

» awwwright darlin?
» thanks for inviting me along last night
» I had a lot of fun :)