July 2016



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February 11th, 2013

[info]suspendered in [info]thedoorway

network post: ben stone

The UN has reported more than 60,000 people have died since March 15, 2011, with the likely estimate being much higher. The political quandary with Russia and Iran present problems, but the deaths of more than 95 people a day, of the bombings of civilian populations, makes efforts toward finding a solution imperative. Perhaps it's not something where a superhero can fly in and save the day, but that lays all the more responsibility on us all, who value life and decry the slaughter of lives in what is now a civil war, to give serious thought and to see something done.

[info]acciohansolo in [info]thedoorway

» hey mister
» [...]
» wanna run away with me?

[info]cuppa_tea in [info]thedoorway


[info]itshugoboss in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Lydia Martin
cut for picture )

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

I'm trying to decide what to do on Thursday. Sleep the day away. Eat my way through a pint of ice cream or go beat something up. Probably will do the latter. Never really stopped to think about Valentine's Day back home - never had time really. It's kind of hard to miss it here, though, isn't it?

Any other singles out there want to throw an eat ice cream and watch hilarious movie night with me?

I hate being surrounded by people who have significant others. Never bothered me before but now? GAH

Filter: Veronica Mars
Wednesday, you + me = The Melting Pot - a neat little fondue restaurant in Hoboken. Since I'm sure you and Sam are doing something Thursday, I'm stealing you Wednesday.

[info]forgivingtype in [info]thedoorway

I didn't want to wake you up, but I couldn't sleep anymore. I got coffee and hot chocolate and I warmed up some of the bread we had, so whenever you're awake, it's out here.

I couldn't remember if you worked today or not, but if you don't, I thought, maybe we could go over to Central Park for a walk?

[info]wasatree in [info]thedoorway

Okay, all you single people. Who wants to Die Hard on Thursday?

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

I am a self-admitted adrenaline junkie. Grew up wanting to be a pilot, became a pilot well before I ever got my superpowers and most people still expected I'd give it up after I gained self-propelled flight. But there's still nothing better than sitting in a cockpit, having full control of that much metal 50000 feet above the ground and there not being any powers involved, no alien tech, no magic... Just the pilot, the jet and the open sky. It's an amazing, exhilarating feeling.

Basically it's been 3 months since I went up in a jet, and that's changing today. Cheers, SHIELD even if it's just a test run.

[info]bymjolnir in [info]thedoorway

I do not understand this dog show on the television. I would take none of these beasts into battle with me. Truly, best of breed is now which dog has the loveliest grooming?

What in Odin's name happened to this one? Poodle, it is called, according to the words on display. It has lost most of its fur, the poor thing. Another is covered in small bows. These beasts all would have a poor time of defending their homes.

There are a few, however, that may prove me wrong. The large breeds show promise. It merely saddens me to see such noble animals appearing so humble and compliant. And now it appears the are putting rats on display. No, these are also dogs?

Why can I not stop watching this.

[info]topbarrister in [info]thedoorway

Text to Bridget Jones

[Text to Bridget Jones]
>> I assume you have plans for the holiday
>> Let me know if I need to vacate the flat

[info]savebroom in [info]thedoorway

Red motorbike or black motorbike? There seems to be a dispute over which motorbike is better.

[next gen hpers]
Who's up for taking Roxanne on a tour of New York? I have the day off and lunch will be my treat. And I owe Roooose some fortune cookies before she finds a nice place to bury my body where no one will ever find it.

In three days, we will transcend the boundary between pixels and real life. Are you ready to have this much awesome in your life?

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

Huh. I guess I never even asked if the Pope could resign.

[Filtered to DCU (extended)]
So Harvey
Look what I found. For those of us who apparently still exist in the comics.

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

I have been here but a week now, and this place is still very foreign to me, partly because I have not yet been able to leave the hospital. My dear friends and kin who share this exile with me have been good to me, and spoiled me as best they are able, but I am very curious as to what exists outside the walls of this building.

I hear that it is mostly Men who live here; that in this world the elves have faded and are known only in stories and legends. I have read the stories...do the Kings of Númenor, the descendents of Elros Tar-Minyatur - my kin - still rule the kingdoms of Men?

The world, I am certain, has changed. I wonder if there is anything I will still recognize in it.

[info]purpleshorts in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to MCU Avengers + Carol Danvers & Peter Parker 616 ]


Oh, this isn't a-- Code Green. It's just- Valentines Day?

[ /Filter ]

[info]morethanpretty in [info]thedoorway

So Thursday is Valentine's day!

I'm so excited because I've never had a boyfriend on Valentine's day before and this is so exciting! I mean, it doesn't matter how pretty you are if you're alone, right? I mean, Valentine's Day still sucks if you're all alone.

And my boyfriend is definitely the best of all the boyfriends out there, so I'm sure we're going to have a great time.

What is everyone else doing for Valentine's day? And what are all you poor single people doing?

[info]savedthechrldr in [info]thedoorway

» You're free Thursday, right?
» Keep the night open.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

» Will you be my valentine?

[info]verymodel in [info]thedoorway

Normally prefer to send electronic mail to Normandy Crew to assist with romantic advice. Would be willing to provide service to anyone in Potts Tower if need arises. Have studied work of Abigail Van Buren extensively. Can co-opt idea and generate 'Dear Mordin' column.

If in need of advice, submit email to mordin.solus@pottstower.com. Cleverly named signatures appreciated. Will select and respond to interesting quandaries on Thursday. Anonymity will be respected.

[info]tryingagain in [info]thedoorway

The Potts Tower Youth Center will be open as usual on Valentine's Day. Some of our regular staff will be off doing lovey-dovey stuff, but yours truly will be around to hold down the fort. There may even be cupcakes.

[Filtered to Iskierka and Temeraire]

Question: have you guys ever had chocolate? Or any candy?

[info]feanaro in [info]thedoorway

Valentine's Day.

Sickening, vile waste of time. It is not a celebration of love, but a celebration of consumerism and chocolate. Last time I looked, love does not require huge expenditures of money.
I hope that the youth center does not plan on holding a ridiculous and overly expensive party for this occasion as well?

[Filtered to Drew Tanaka]

I suppose we shall need to go out for the Holiday?

[info]martincrieff in [info]thedoorway

Oh God, it's nearly Valentine's day, marking (for me anyway) once again the worst day of the year.

This year, however, it doesn't even look like it'll be properly offset by the BEST day of the year.

Adieu, Birling Day. You will be missed. And mourned. By both me and my saving account.

[info]theconsultant in [info]thedoorway

Case of footprints to nowhere in Cobble Hill ultimately no more than anomalous snowdrift formation, a very patient birdwatcher, and failure to leave a note. Disappointing. Paid well to listen to client fret about her husband, however. Offered marital advice to the tune of 'find someone less interested in Cardinalis cardinalis.' Not appreciated. Cheque cleared regardless.

Considering going to see Ferlinghetti. Seems like a potential safe haven from the storm of ridiculousness predicted on Thursday. Really much more intense here than at home; and yet just as cheap. Best avoided. Given a violin, however, could probably make some spare change taking requests and offering over-under on likely future duration of relationships.

Next year.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

» Want to have dinner with me and my friends, maybe next week? Sometime after the holiday and all the Fashion Week stuff dies down.
» Just a little belated celebration of being here for two months already. Yes/no/are you crazy?

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

If you and I are like brothers here, what about the other Bucky?
You got plans after training today?

[info]aurortonks in [info]thedoorway

I have to say that I am enjoying New York City. I've been thinking about what sort of job I could have here. Back home I was an Auror, but I'm not entirely sure what qualifications I have to work in this world. I do have my wand, so I can perform magic if that gives anyone ideas!

Filter to Remus Lupin
It seems that we've arrived at a very dramatic time. Can't say that I'm entirely pleased how a lot of us are acting. I am doing my best to stay out of it, I just hope things will be resolved soon.
How are you?

[info]kayleefrye in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Lee Adama! )

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

For Clint Barton MCU )

[info]acciohansolo in [info]thedoorway

Harry, I know we were told not to talk to you, but I don't want to do that. We could sit here trying to put blame on the other for everything, but I think it's all just gotten out of hand. There has been a lack of communication on both sides, and what I'd like to do is just start afresh, draw a blank slate and leave this ugliness behind us, because frankly, we all live without each other for long enough. We should be able to enjoy each other's company while we have it. I hope you agree.

Do you ever feel so heart heavy bone tired that it's like you've aged by a lifetime overnight? I feel about as old as the Grand Canyon we went to see yesterday. This calls for a pyjama day.

[info]mjn_air in [info]thedoorway

How About We ...?

There are people who complain about not having anyone with whom to spend fabricated holidays, and then there are the men and women of action. Martin, I commend you.


[info]tinygenius in [info]thedoorway

>> Hey! Are you okay?
>> Not trying to pry, but if you need someone to talk to
>> I'm a good listener
>> feel free to tell me just to mind my own business

Posted via Journaler.

[info]ohsit in [info]thedoorway

For the last time, I'm not here for the dog show, and I sure as hell am not going to sit on command! Stop asking me if I'm a damn Samyed or whatever the hell it is or some mutt from Akita! Stop asking me about my brother! I don't even know what a Cocker Spaniel is, and I don't want to know, unless it's an insult to his royal pain-in-my-ass that he looks like one!

[ooc: For reference, Inuyasha's creator has labeled him as an Akita. I think it fits. :D]

[info]silveryouko in [info]thedoorway

I'm almost tempted to dare those of us who can to walk the city in our own fur for the next day or two. Clearly, my life is not as busy as it should be.

[info]soflyohmy in [info]thedoorway

General populous - next time someone says AW MAN I WISH I WAS FROM YOUR HARRY POTTER WERLD LOL - I will remember the batshit crazy that has been going on here behind filters, and laugh at the innocence of such a statement. Short answer: no, you don't.

So. Much. Drama. Can't we all just get al---cohol?

And no, this is not an invitation for more drama - I don't want what you're selling, kids. I just want to offer a bit of perspective. Where I came from, people were starting to rebuild. We were appreciating each other in the light of people we lost. I know you're not all there, but I don't want to backtrack into being sad and angry over things I can't control, so to summarise: let's just take a breath and be happy that we're all healthy and in New York Fucking City.

IN OTHER NEWS: I have an interview! Life is good.

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

I bloody LOVE the Internet.

cut, not filtered, might be offensive )

Filter: Hermione
I know it's short notice, but would you like to go out to dinner on Valentines?

Posted via Journaler.

[info]imallright in [info]thedoorway

Seems folk are all up in arms about Valentine's. Ain't had much need for that where I come from. To me, means we're comin up on time for another poker night. Figure next week'll work. Anyone in?

[Filtered to Zoe]
Who all knows?
[End Filter]

[Filtered to Inara]
Ain't gonna make assumptions and I know you got that fancy fashion thing this week. You want plans Thursday or you plannin on being out?
[End Filter]

[info]oursavinggrace in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Piper]

So, what shall we do? You want something traditional, or something weird unique?

[Filtered to Reyna]

We should talk sometime.


Happy Valentine's day, everyone, single or not. Never actually celebrated this holiday before, but it can't be too hard, right?

[info]likesbees in [info]thedoorway

Poor Pope. You aren't supposed to give something up for Lent until Wednesday.

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

Delivered to Lee Adama )

[info]openeyed in [info]thedoorway

Hello. My husband has explained to me that I might know some of you but many will be unfamiliar, or perhaps some of you who are familiar are from unfamiliar times. It's a lot to take in, and I'm definitely still adjusting, but I wanted to introduce myself nonetheless. I'm Alice Longbottom, neé Burke, most recently an Auror with the DMLE. I come from the year 1980, and I'm thankful to say I have had some typing experience, though this is nothing like the Muggle typewriter I learned on. It took a while to realise I didn't have to press down quite so hard as I have had to in the past. I'm told that some of you might know my son, Neville. though to put it bluntly, I was taken just two weeks after his birth. It's not easy I don't like I can't believe that I abandoned him Is it too much to hope?

Filter: Harry Potter Universe

I haven't yet investigated my options here, though I imagine returning to the Auror division isn't possible. I have always considered that I might be a good teacher, and I wonder if any of you who did not finish your education might like some tutelage. My strongest skills lie in Charms, Defensive Magic, Spell Creation and I am very well-versed in History. I would love the opportunity, should you wish to take it. It will be good to do things, and to work hard to forget, no not forget, oh, darn

[info]runawaynico in [info]thedoorway

Blah blah Valentines Day blah blah, but what I really want to know is: IS IT EVER GOING TO BE SPRING? I'm freezing to death in this city. Insert joke here about needing someone to warm me up. LOL. ~THEME HUMOR~.

Also I'm giving up soda for Lent, so my personality is only going to take a nosedive from here. Sorry in advance.

[info]worshipfullness in [info]thedoorway

I haven't spent too much time on the network researching myself, though after a few hours of lesson-planning, I needed something to divert my time.

Then, I came across a drawing. I've made it the wallpaper to my phone, because it made me feel rather -- nostalgic isn't the right word. Is it awful to admit that it made me feel a bit warm inside? I'm told it's a reference to a book called Peter Pan. Does anyone have a copy I can borrow? Or should I stop by the library?

cut for photo, not filtered )

[info]stucklikeagirl in [info]thedoorway


Cut for spoilers for the new episode; not filtered )

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

As anyone's face doubles done anything interesting lately? Like, win awards or such? Anyone... with the music there, Grammys, or what not?

Because this happened.


[info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

Who: Pavel Chekov & Rebekah Michaelson
When: 2013.42 aka Today
Where: 614
What: Birthday times, Narada anniversary times, not a date times
Rating: PG?

They were all muted, though some of the cat videos came with subtitles. )

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Lee Adama )

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

I think I have realized a very valuable lesson when learning to cook.

That it's probably better not to jump right into baking because when you think that's probably easier than cooking? It's actually not. Really. It's not. Would anyone who has absolutely no sense of taste like some... flat cupcakes?

Filtered to Carol, Wanda, Natasha, and Jan
Which one of you ladies wants to enjoy some fantastic takeout at my place? Yes, I'm still avoiding THAT TOPIC, so you're the chosen ones

[info]muddersmilk in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Lee Adama )

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

[Private to Maedhros]

I fear that I have forever lost the esteem of my brother, Maitimo. I spoke out of turn, and cruelly, and I know not if he will ever forgive me.

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

I'm pretty sure that if I see one red heart-shaped balloon, I'll shoot it.

But you should try me and see if I do or don't.

[Filtered: Sherlock] (the sassy one)
Which isn't to say you're not all relatively sass-filled, I just know your sass better than the other sassers.

Looks like you need puzzles and sweetheart, I don't know which way is up. So if you want to talk, I want to talk.

[Filtered: LEE]
Happy birthday, Apollo. They're with me and I'm downstairs with cake and booze.

[Filtered: SAM]
Projection huh
toaster frakking crazy
I'm sorry love

You ok?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam & Veronica
What: discussing things of questionable legality
When: Monday morning
Where: a cafe away from the tower
Warnings: TBD

... )

[info]thislooksbad in [info]thedoorway

flowers for jan; she knows why

delivered to jan )

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]thedoorway

Hi everyone!! If anyone would like any treats for Valentines Day - for yourself or for someone special - I'll be taking orders until Wednesday at noon! I'll wrap them in cellophane and tie them with a ribbon to make them festive.

As of now, the options are:
+ 12 Oreo Truffles
+ A Red Velvet Roll
+ Half a Pan of Belgian Raspberry Brownies With Truffle Ganache
+ Half a Pan of Slutty Brownies
+ A Baker's Dozen Sugar Cookie Sandwiches

If you have any special requests, let me know!! You're more than welcome to order as many as you'd like, and I'll do my best to have them delivered by Thursday.

It looks like orders are going to be $8 each, but if that's too much please talk to me and we can work something out to fit your budget!

[info]turukano in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered; Glorfindel]

Tell me of good tidings. Describe to me the beauty of Imladris, that I might see her in my mind's eye. Lest I spend the next ten years rebuilding Gondolin on this dining table.

Perhaps I shall do so anyway. City of my heart.

I am much troubled. Though I shall not ramble or burden you unnecessarily. I find nighttime to be remarkably ill-suited for sleep, for is it not perfect to lay here and think? To be undisturbed in the quiet, for hours on end. [...] It is the perfect storm to create madness, swimming in one's own thoughts, fears and doubts.

[Filtered; Fëanor]
Lord, uncle

I have a request. Indeed, it is more task that is better suited to one of your skill than any other. If you are willing - I wish to break this garnet crown and repurpose her jewels for a crown more befitting a Noldorin king.

It was made by Sindarin smiths, but our skill with jewels are inferior to our skill with blades.


[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

In honor of one of the greatest singers of all time, I bring you Whitney Houston.

cut for a video, not filtered )

We will always love you, Whitney. :( I still can't believe she's gone.