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February 7th, 2013

[info]oftwominds in [info]thedoorway

Bann Purrsly has decided that she owns my entire bed. I'm having a hard time disagreeing with her.

[Laura Roslin]

I have recently come into contact with a healer who may be able to assist with the issue we had discussed previously. His only condition is that you be discreet in who helped you, which given his past I find reasonable. I can provide more information if you would like, but given that I do not believe my own powers could assist you his might be able to.

[Clinic Staff]

I have to say, I'm impressed with the work each of you has done. With the storm, I know our parents and myself are all appreciative of the time you've all put in.

We have some new faces in the staff, which hopefully will allow us to serve our patients better. With how it's going we're likely going to have to find someone who will do, well, I believe they're called secretaries here. And they still get to keep their minds here

However we do have a limited number of funds from the loan given and current donations that we've received from patients. I will admit that back home it was usually just a matter of getting dragged around by Hawke to break up a few bandit bands to get funding, which I'm fairly certain is not how to help the clinic in this world.

That said, any ideas on the issue of fund raising would be excellent. I would prefer that all of us get to keep working, after all.

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Renee]

If it's something you'd like, I want to ask you to dinner.

[info]cuppa_tea in [info]thedoorway

I can't sleep.

...That -- I mean, it isn't insomnia. I can't sleep. It's not something I ever do. I want to get rid of the bed in my room, actually. No one needs a spare, do they? No married couple from a 1950s television series who needs to twins or something like that, is there? Nice, Leave it to Beaver set up, yes?

I'm glad I work late most nights. It's better than being awake with nothing to do when everyone else is asleep. I can only putter about on the Internet for so long, after all.

[info]letsgocannons in [info]thedoorway

Anyone seen Dad Ron Weasley?

[info]theblue in [info]thedoorway

Yo, I don't fucking get it at all. Ever since these tourists started hanging around and shit, they keep calling me a bitch or some shit and it's fucking not cool, yo. I'm not a fucking bitch, they're the fucking bitch.

[info]selfmadman in [info]thedoorway

an email and a text

To: [Virginia Potts]
From: Don Draper <draper@pottstower.com>
Subject: [None]

you have 1 new message )

» I'm at the Bentley Hotel. [phone number].
» You'll need to give your name.
» Don

[Both messages were sent at 4:30 am; in a few days, a check in the amount of $2000 will arrive, made out to Pepper.]

[info]spiritoffire in [info]thedoorway

» I have found a smithy
» And have spent a good portion of my 'stipend' on materials
» You will help me to find buyers for my crafts
» At a fair price for Fëanorian works

[info]redridinhood in [info]thedoorway

It's cold days like this where I wish I could stay a wolf all day for the fur. Add that we're supposed to get ice tomorrow, and it sounds better and better.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]imallright in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Kaylee]
» Stop the grinnin.

[info]celestialintent in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sam, Dean, and Jo]
As I've been surveying the city, there have been numerous instances of criminal offense reported over the police radios. I've helped whomever I could, of course, but being in two places at the same time is for the most part, impossible. We should look into it.

[info]grandiloquence in [info]thedoorway

Cue Hermione Freaking Out

Filtered to: Harry Potter Verse

Has anyone seen Ron Weasley anywhere? Please? If you have seen him today, please let me know.

Filtered to Ginny & Harry

He's gone. He's gone. Oh let him not be really gone, Harry tell me he is just in your room??

He was here with me last night and I woke up and...

[info]secrettrader in [info]thedoorway

I just wanted to brag on my wonderful wife for a moment!

Not only is she AMAZING at getting the burnt pasta unstuck from the bottom of the pot, but she's so creative and talented with knitting! I would most assuredly have FROZEN TO DEATH if it wasn't for the hat she'd made me. She's purchased some really helpful books on babies and we've been reading them together every night, and I think we're going to do all right, as long as we remember to keep to a schedule, and at the very least, he's going to have the biggest collection of booties ever!

I ALSO wanted to say that if any of these science-types figure out anything about keeping the Tesseract from taking you away, we'd very much appreciate it, as Annie prefers to live here, and I prefer to live.

Also, budgeting is hard and I hate it.

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

Why didn't anyone warn me it was Girl Scout cookie season? My bank account isn't pleased with me at the moment.

Anyway, with the blizzard not long after a pretty bad hurricane, there's lots of volunteer work and charity things going on coming up, if people are interested in helping out or need something productive to do with their weekend:
  • FLoS is looking for a few nerd-brain types to help with a science fair they have coming up, including tutoring and helping teach the kids some new experiments. They're looking for volunteers up through March, too. [Number]

  • Kids' Mobile Library needs volunteers for reading to homeless children this weekend. It's something they've been doing for a while, but ramped things up after the attack last summer left a lot of people without homes.

  • Meal Service this weekend and next for a soup kitchen in the Bronx. [Address]

  • The Red Cross are always looking for blood & platelet donations, if you can give.

  • And this weekend there's an ice-skating fundraiser in Harlem to help kids in the area raise money for their figure skating lessons and training. It's $15, and you get a raffle ticket, hot cocoa and skate rental.

  • [info]drewlove in [info]thedoorway

    Text Message to Rose Hathaway

    >>So, when are we going to use these fancy fake IDs, hmm?
    >>I have extra money and a need to flirt.

    [info]doesntsuck in [info]thedoorway

    Here's a story about my morning. I'm out getting coffee down the street and three young women come running over to me screaming with excitement. I've seen some of you talking about tourists and I figured that's what all this was about.

    So they come up and finally get their screams under control, then ask for autographs and tell me how much they love me. Which is kind of flattering. I try to be friendly and appreciative, signing whatever they ask me to.

    Which is when the excitement seems to stop. "You're not Sawyer? From Lost?" Apparently saying No, I'm Joe, though you probably know me as Aquaman is probably the worst possible answer. I got an "Oh," then they trudged back to the bus they had jumped out of.

    Moral of the Story: I think I'm going to start telling people I'm Sawyer from Lost.

    And I'm starting to think mistaken identity is becoming a theme for some of us in the Tower.

    [info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

    Text to Luke Skywalker

    >> Apparently there is this ice skating thing on Friday.
    >> I have no idea how to ice skate, but there ought to be a first time for everything.
    >> It's for a good cause.

    [info]scrappy in [info]thedoorway

    woah this thing is boss

    they told me that someone would be by to help me use this thing a little better but i was bored so hey

    i'm alex summers

    am i supposed to fill out a questionnaire somewhere because i'm not great at introductions

    not a whole lot to say about me in the first place

    [info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

    Well, I've survived my first two days of SHIELD training. It's not quite what I expected and a far cry from Torchwood. I've never seen so much paperwork, which is saying something.

    It's strange - how people come and go through the Tesseract with very little rhyme or reason. I suppose it encourages one to live in the moment and not take time for granted.

    Filtered to Jack
    Would it matter if I didn't work at SHIELD? I know it'd be goo to get intel, but I'm not sure if it's the right place for me.

    Filtered to Moya
    How are you doing? I haven't talked to you in awhile. Did you enjoy the snowstorm?

    Filtered to Rose, Martha, Jenny
    Writing a poem in Welsh for Jack. Cheesey or sweet?

    [info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

    Text message to Tonks

    » Hey, kiddo.
    » I'm sorry you had to find out that way.
    » I should have told you everything the minute you got here.
    » You okay? I've got a cigar and a glass of whiskey over here with your name on it.

    [info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

    [Filter-fail. He meant it for James and Remus' eyes only, but he's too drunk to filter properly and it's public.]

    I'm going to be accused of being a Death Eater and murderer every time someone from my world and era comes through the tesseract, aren't I?

    [info]imjustfrank in [info]thedoorway

    Pretty sure I'm never going to use the Muggle phone device. This other device is at least a bit more user friendly, but gosh is this a lot to get used to.

    Name's Frank Longbottom. Pretty sure I know some of you, though if one of you is named Sirius Black, I'm not liable for what happens if we meet, stay away if you know what's good for you. Are Lily and James here?

    [info]emsie in [info]thedoorway

    LGBT Plus

    Hey everyone!

    We all know that Valentine's Day is coming up. How could we possibly forget? The media won't let us and if you're like me then you don't have anyone special to spend the day with. I thought it would be nice if those of us who wanted to got together and did something fun. We can provide support for each other on Valentine's Day proper and maybe go out and have some fun? Hey, you never know who you're going to meet! What do you guys say?

    [info]silvanprince in [info]thedoorway

    Cut for photo of Dominic Monaghan with creepy crawlies as part of his 'Wild Things' TV show promo. )

    I trust that I am not the only one who finds irony in the enthusiasm young Monaghan shows toward spiders.

    [info]thewinterknight in [info]thedoorway

    [Filtered; Molly Carpenter & Elaine]
    Annie Sawyer.

    [info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

    Text messages to Rebekah Michaelson

    » Remember that dance I mentioned? I think I missed it.
    » My fault, really, I should have asked you to it earlier.
    » Would you like to go dancing? I'd like to take you somewhere.

    [info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

    network post: moya

    I don't think my source material's very well known. No one would know my face. I've been asked many questions lately.
    What's your name?
    Who's Moya?
    What are you from?
    No what book?
    That's a tv show?

    Is your name Bel?
    Is your name Emma?
    Why'd you send Robbie to jail?
    One person called me Sugar the entire time. He didn't ask for my number or suggest sexual positions. I'm very easily mistakable in this body. It has lots of body clones of human origins.

    [info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

    » where are you
    » i have not seen you for some time
    » turukano is threatening to send findarato
    » save me, cousin

    [info]theshedevil in [info]thedoorway

    text message to vicki donavan

    » I hope you schedule is free.
    » We're going out tonight.

    [info]findlight in [info]thedoorway

    Just curious, how many people here are separated from their beloved?

    Is that something that happens a great deal here?

    [info]jamiewon in [info]thedoorway


    Okay. I'm just going to say this once. Some of you might think me egotistical, arrogant, and heedless of what you think, but I have to say this. Arrogance and loyalty are two characteristics typically associated with Gryffindors, so it shouldn't be too surprising.

    I know we all come from different times and you're just trying to help, but I would really like to have the chance to address what happened with Evans' and my deaths when the opportunity arises. I trust what I've been told about that night up to this point because I trust the word of my friends, so I think I have a pretty good idea about what happened that night. Having to talk about my own death is not fun in any way, but seeing people go at each other over it certainly doesn't help or make it feel any better. It fucking sucks seeing this happen here where we're given a chance to start a new life without Voldemort and that damn prophecy and all of the deaths of people we love during that time. Hell, I know what it's like to get caught up in the moment and go overboard, but I'm trying to change that too, just like I'm asking you to do when you see something going down about Halloween 1981. I know the memories are still fresh in some of your minds, and I respect that and hate that you had to go through that, don't ever doubt that. I can't convey in the proper words has it was never, ever my intention for us to die and I'm sorry that you had to go through that.

    Give me the opportunity to clear Sirius' name here. I obviously die so I can't fight for his innocence, and I think he's spent enough time in his lifetime being unjustly branded as the traitor. I fully stand by my statement that he is my best mate and if I can grant him for forgiveness for something that he did not do then I fully expect you all to stand by me - by us. Peter was the Death Eater, the traitor, the mole, the rat - not Sirius. I don't care if I haven't finished reading through the book or lived through it - I don't need that to convince me that Sirius didn't do that because would never do that to us. I know the Marauders break during the War, and if this is how I can fix what happened with the three of us then so be it.

    [info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

    I was called "Mr. Sex" today.

    Which is about as far from

    I don't understand and

    For all the love in

    Eighteen times.

    [info]lassooftruth in [info]thedoorway

    » Would you care to get a drink with me?
    » Perhaps Friday night?
    » I'm still trying to get my footing.

    [info]vespermartini in [info]thedoorway

    Who: James Bond & Don Draper
    When: Thursday Night
    Where: Don's room, the Bentley Hotel, 500 East 62nd Street
    What: Privacy deserves company
    Rating: PG (language, probably)

    Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel. )

    [info]keephersafe in [info]thedoorway

    What is a valentines and what does it have to do with oddly shaped hearts?

    [info]stackedhouse in [info]thedoorway

    Mr. Draper left.

    [info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

    Apparently it's a new favorite game among the Supernaturally-inclined tourists to try and figure out what episode I'm from based on my hair length.

    There's an obvious solution to this. I need a haircut, and I need to get it before they manage to get a picture of me.

    Do you think I should or shouldn't tell Veronica? About what we're doing.

    Thursday mornings, sparring with the hunter types from Buffy's universe. I signed us up.

    I've been distracted, I'm sorry. I need to get back on track. We're overdue to meet up, aren't we?

    [info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

    Who: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
    When: Just after his (re)arrival, around noon on 2/8/13
    Where: Hermione's flat
    What: Reunion!
    Rating: Oh, who knows. TBD. Maybe high for language?

    --- )