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January 21st, 2013

[info]fitforaking in [info]thedoorway

I have to say that it's astounding what muggles have gotten up to in thirty five years. I had just held my first floppy disk last month and I'm going to guess that those are obsolete now. It doesn't look like they would fit in anywhere. I'm still trying to work my way around this advice device. I apologise if I accidentally send nonsense words.

I'm Kingsley Shacklebolt. I was told that there might be people that I know here. That would be some of the best news I've had all

[info]thepieman in [info]thedoorway

I don't like this.

The kitchen is small and there's no Chuck.

This New York is too big and loud.

[info]msadventure in [info]thedoorway

After seeing a walking, talking mummy drain the organs out of his intended victims as a way to regenerate his own life force, I really didn't think my life could get any more odd.

And yet, here I am. New York City, 2013.

[edited in after a bit]

In my shock I seem to have forgotten my manners. I'm Evelyn Carnahan. Evie's fine [...] No one's suffered any symptoms of any Biblical plagues or the like, have they? If so, I apologize. It may be my fault

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]thedoorway

The TARDIS locator is finished! Hasn't exactly found the TARDIS yet, but I'm still working on it, or well it's working on it. I'm doing absolutely nothing...

Which is...

Well really, how do you people cope? Not used to time moving so slowly, or in the right order; a bit of a drag. I just said drag, drag's cool.

Tried a doughnut today, wasn't very good, needed something else. So I mushed it up into a strawberry slushie! I love a slushie, gives me a brain freeze though, not too fun.

Any of you spacey wacey types, I don't suppose you've come across any bio-dual temporal dampeners with thermal accelerator cuplinks have you? No, thought not... Oh well.

[Filted to the Whoverse types]

Right! So, meeting's set up. Rose is brilliant, as always, and has a room at some hotel. Not really sure which, or where, but I have a map! I've managed to sonic the map over to all of your devices, it'll tell you and give you directions on where to go!

Oh, right, tomorrow at 5pm. Was going to say today in one hour, but apparently that wasn't enough 'notice'. Time, such a confusing thing when it's in order. Alright, well I'll see you lot there!

[/end filter]

[info]filialunae in [info]thedoorway

network post: vanessa cleveland

Okay, that was WEIRD. I think I prefer the tunnel. This is definitely not my preferred way to time travel

Anyway, hi, I'm Vanessa! I'm 15 and I'm from LA. Well, LA in the year 2000. Not really sure just how I managed to jump 13 years into the future and I REALLY need to get back home ASAP. I guess, on the plus side, I have always wanted to see New York, so at least I can play tourist while I'm looking for a way back stuck here.

You know, in between classes. I suppose I'll have to sign up for those, but I hear there's quite a wide offering. I wish Catty was here

[info]filialunae in [info]thedoorway

Who: Vanessa Cleveland/Open to Suki
When: January 21st
Where: Her new apartment, 1505 Potts Tower
What: Arriving, possibly meeting her roommate
Rating: PG
Status: Narrative/thread with Suki if Chele wants!

she preferred the tunnel if she had to time travel )

[info]jasonbrody in [info]thedoorway

What the fucking fuck? I bought the game I'm from today because why the fuck not? And this was the cover I got:

Cut for image )

Vaas? They put fucking Vaas on the cover? He's the psycho shit-fuck crazy bad guy! Why the fuck is he on the cover? I'm the hero of the game, right? I should be on the cover. It should be me, looking all heroic and awesome and cool. Not this asshole who killed my brother and tried to kill me. Damn. I'm really going to have to play this game now so I can kill him again. Him and Buck. I'm going to enjoy that.

[info]notpsychic in [info]thedoorway

I told Gus we needed a vacation, I just didn't expect to be kidnapped by some glowing blue thingamajig. Sometimes my visions don't always work in the way I'd like them to, I'm afraid. It's the psychic jujubees, they're fickle little demons.

Hello New York. Shawn Spencer here, you may know me as the official psychic investigator for the Santa Barbara Police Department. No? Well then, let me introduce myself: I'm thirty one (but don't look a day over thirty years and two months), and I like pineapple, cereal, and long walks in the park.

[info]parlourtricks in [info]thedoorway

I have to say, I wasn't terribly interested in listening to Harding and Coolidge's inaugural speeches, and I was probably too young for Wilson's...possibly too young, really, at least for Harding. It's a lot different though when you can actually watch it and see Washington, the Capitol, Washington and Lincoln monuments...and of course the actual people. I'm looking forward to watching this and hearing President Obama speak for the first time! I know you're all probably used to this by now, but coming from 1926, it's reassuring to hear about some of the progress we've made, about how you don't need to be a WASP to become president (and maybe eventually a woman will be elected too), to learn about Dr. King Jr., and so on. I've heard a lot of gloomy things about the future. I'm glad it's not all like that. Not to mention, our first Irish-Catholic president was sort of a hunk, huh?

[info]philanthropist in [info]thedoorway

far be it for me to interrupt the president's very big day, BUT I JUST WANTED TO SAY: and in the 8th century, i swear we were bruce banner.

[info]slicendice in [info]thedoorway

No tutoring for English from Feb 10th to 17th. Think of it like a Valentine.

You're welcome.

[info]abilitytolove in [info]thedoorway

Well this is most unusual.

I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is Esme Cullen and where I am from I am a mother, vampire and interior designer.

The situation has been explained to me and as odd as it is I do find myself glad there is at least some sort of explanation.

I was also very pleased to hear my husband and some of my family are here.

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

Hello, I'm Deanna and while I have been explained this situation I have to say it is more than a touch odd. Which is surprising given all that I've experienced in my life. I also understand that we're stuck here for the time being?

Imzadi, I was told you were here.

[info]muddersmilk in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Firefly Crew minus Inara ]

so what are we supposed to do bout inara

[info]thefirehawk in [info]thedoorway

So. What is there to do in this place? Anyone? I've never seen a city so huge and so populated! And and it's pretty AWESOME.

[info]firstfrost in [info]thedoorway

On behalf of PTYC, I am excited to announce some upcoming volunteer opportunities. Adults are also encouraged to participate.

1. I have been in contact with a children's ward at a local hospital. They are eager for volunteers to come interact with the kids, especially in the form of storytelling. For those of you from a popular book or fairytale, this is an easy way to lift their spirits and bring a smile to their face. I will be taking a group Saturday morning at 10am.

2. Can you lift a spoon? Then you're qualified to come help with a soup kitchen this Sunday. They have a lot of mouths to feed and not enough hands to ladle. We'll leave Potts' Tower at 9am to help set up for lunch.

If you're interested in joining, please let me know. Not interested in these projects? I'll be announcing more as they come available.

[info]reptilsaur in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Carol Danvers]
Hello, ma'am.

I hope I'm not disturbing your evening, but I was hoping to talk to you about something important. As you may know, I was the class leader of the Avengers Academy. I took that responsibility very seriously because it is my greatest wish to become worthy of being called an Avenger one day. Since coming here, I have tried to keep up with training and exercise, but it has been hard without a mentor. I know you're very busy and I understand completely if you don't have the time to help. It's just, it seems like a waste for me, Julie, Nico, Laura and Brandon and Brandon to be here and not improving. Not that I'm asking you to actually train us, but maybe you could give us a few tips? Or maybe you could recommend someone who might be interested? If you don't mind. No pressure at all.

[Filtered to Julie Power, Laura Kinney, Brandon Sharpe and Nico Minoru]
I know we're not at the Avengers Academy, but would you guys be interested in training together? Not just goofing off, but actually training? Because I just asked Captain Marvel if she could give us some tips. Feel free to tell me that wasn't the worst idea ever.

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]thedoorway

Whoverse types

Who: Doctor Whoniverse people (Torchwood/Doctor Who)
Where: A nearby hotel
When: MLK Day (a good chunk of the day)
What: Plans to get SHIELD's attention.
Rating: TBD, but likely not too high. Well besides the excessively bad flirting with the likes of Jack and River being in attendance.
Status: Ongoing

Secret Hotel Meeting )

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

Who: Kathryn Janeway & Eve Moneypenny
Where: A Coffee Shop
When: Mid morning
What: A random encounter
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]timetorun in [info]thedoorway

Got clipped by a Taxi, blimey that hurt. And he yelled at me!

[info]gladtobealive in [info]thedoorway

Taco Tuesday.

I'm kind of thinking of making it a thing tomorrow. Thoughts?

[info]forgivingtype in [info]thedoorway

I thought I could handle it, but all of this waste is really upsetting. People just throw so much away when they really don't have to. It's still good. Or good enough. All this waste, and there are still people in this country starving.

Some things never change, I guess.

[info]primely in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Kaylee.

Delivery to Kayle Frye. )

[info]pyroplasmic in [info]thedoorway

Hello everyone! I'm Beatriz Da Costa. Some of you may know me as Fire but Bea works just as well!

I would just like to say it is freakishly cold in this city. I do not know how anyone stands it for such a long period of time! Beautiful but cold. Tora would love it At least I finally have a reason to wear some of these adorable winter looks. I mean, there are so many times a girl can wear a wool coat in Brazil!

Ice isn't here is she? Of course she isn't

There were a lot of names on that list of refugees but I did recognize some of them.

Hello everyone!

[info]nolongerperfect in [info]thedoorway

Who: Carlisle and Esme Cullen
When: January 21st
Where: Their apartment
What: Reunion
Rating: PG
Status: Thread, incomplete

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

All in favor of helping a rag-tag group of mini-superheroes train say AYE.

I was asked by Humberto Lopez tonight to train a couple of the kids from Avengers Academy, since they're missing out on all of that back home. They've expressed a desire to be as "well rounded" as possible, and Nico specifically asked for help with her magic powers, Wanda.

Anybody interested in helping me? We agreed on Sunday's, but if you guys wanted to switch off or only come once a month.. they seem pretty flexible, just eager for some training.

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

Who: Deanna and Will
Where: Their room
What: Reunion time!
Rating: Well... I know what Deanna wants.
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

So, I took it upon myself to watch the new Doctor Who and it is different from anything I've encountered before. Interesting though. A machine that travels through time and space, all the possibilities that could entail. I suppose it's a bit like this place but you choose to do it in the show instead of being kidnapped by a device and stuck in one place. So the time thing is the same somewhat?

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

It takes watching your greatest regrets and deepest longings playing out on a television screen to make you realize how much you wanted something. Even if I can't believe it was sincere.

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Text to Jason Todd Wayne
• I'm working with the kids with you.
• You owe me a cookie.

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

You know what's the weirdest part about the future? It's not the airplanes flying over at all hours. It's not how small the cars have gotten, or how short the skirts have gotten. It's that no one wears hats anymore. I mean, sure, when it's cold outside, everyone's got one on, but on a regular basis.