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Sep. 2nd, 2014


It's nice to know that no matter what universe you're in, there are still really weird people that ride the bus.

[Christopher Pike]
Hey Mr. Pike. Just wanted to let you know that I ended up selecting classes finally all of which are being taught by fictional instructors, which is a very legitimate way to decide what's going to be crucial to your future in an alternative dimension.

Call me crazy, but I decided to take astrophysics with Mr. Spock solely to say that I was in Mr. Spock's class. Do you even know how hard that's going to be? Oh wait. Yeah, yeah you would. Which is good, because you can help me now. Also, want take out tonight for dinner?

Aug. 26th, 2014


Filter: Miles Morales
Here goes Hey there, Miles. You probably don't remember me but I'm the Jessica Drew of another universe.

Filter: Carol Danvers (616)
Did I ever get around to telling you all the wonderful things I found out about myself in other worlds?

Filter: Clint Barton (616)
Should I ever end up having weird midnight cravings for fried Oreos.. just know that it's probably your fault.

Aug. 22nd, 2014


So, I'm looking for a new place to live.

[Jess Drew x 2]
I think I'm moving back into the Tower.

Um, so... do you have a couch or a spare bedroom?

Also, how do you feel about cats? And spiders?

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I believe you're the person I talk to about moving back into the Tower?

Aug. 11th, 2014


Ok, so, hi...uh I'm Miles. This New York is nice it's whole. Wish I could say this is my first Twilight Zone-esque encounter, but, I'd be lying. Still, this is pretty cool. Different, but cool. So, about me, I like reading, watching movies, fighting crime videogames, chinese food, and, I don't know. Usual stuff. Guess that's it. Thanks for kidnapping me from my world? It was getting kind of crumbly anyways

May. 3rd, 2014


The Captain America exhibit? AWESOME. Seriously, seriously awesome. And DC - pretty nice place. It's not New York though. I might have a love/hate relationship with the city, but it's as much home as anywhere else. filtered private )

[Spiders & Friends]
So, did anyone see last week's Daily Bugle. Rumor has it Otto Octavius is working at Oscorp now. I'm so not okay with this. concerned. Do we know anything about this? I know there's a chance he's not the same as Otto in my world, but seems to me it's worth keeping an eye on him.

See above. Want to do a bit of recon with me?

[Faith & Laura Kinney]
So, this is going to sound kind of weird, but it was nice to patrol with non-spiders last week. Any chance either of you don't mind patrolling in teams again sometime in the future?

It's your turn, blondie. Or are the nurses in the clinic distracting you from our very important phone games

May. 2nd, 2014


Webbed awkwardly to May's bedroom window )

Apr. 20th, 2014


Some dude just gave me an egg. Said to do a lot of walking.

Considering all the other formerly fictional things and people here... I have my suspicions.

Omg if I'm right this is going to be the best day EVER.

I'm gonna go walk until I find out if I'm right.

UPDATE: I knew it!!! I went for a run and by the time I was done? THE EGG HATCHED. POKEMON ARE REAL HERE TOO!!!!

That's right, you're looking at the brand new owner of a cute widdle Wynaut!!!

Apr. 18th, 2014


Filter to Spider-House + Miles Morales + Buffy + Janine
So, the good news! There are cupcakes. Ok, cupcakes at the house, so Miles, just swing by room 2103 if you want some. Janine's used to the knock on the window, drive thru method, so don't be shy!

Which, yeah, the good news means bad news, right? So, word is that Angel might be back to the not so happy Angelus part of his vampire history. What's that mean? In general, bad nebulous stuff possibly going on. More specific, I've got some crosses for people to toss on for extra protection and don't go inviting strangers into the house, no matter how dark and broody they might be. There's also the high possibility of an upswing on vampire activity, so that's something to keep an eye on during patrols. We can Netflix an episode or two if people want an idea of what we're looking for.

So, questions? Comments? Bad jokes?

Apr. 17th, 2014


Yeah... this is gonna take some getting used to.

Pete, MJ... thank you SO much for allowing me to share your home. It means more to me than you know.

May... I don't even know if you KNOW me, or if we're even from the same time. But I promise, any questions you have, I'll answer. Sorry if having me here is weird for you.

JD, Ben, Kaine, et all... I look forward to meeting you all. Sorry in advance if I tend to be a bit of a beeyotch at times.

Apr. 15th, 2014


[Parker House + Jessica Drew, Miles Morales, Johnny Storm + friends]
Um, so we have a cat now. Or I have a cat. Or he chose me. I'm not sure how it works. Anyways, picture )
That's EM, El Magnifico. He was Willow's cat / pet / familiar - whatever that means and when I came back from patrol last night he was on my bed with Tesla. I'm hoping he and Vern will get along, but if not, we'll figure something out.

I tried locking him outside, but he just kept appearing in my room. So yeah.

[Warded to Buffy & Dawn]
Um, so, EM seems to have taken up residence in my room. I tried to convince him otherwise, but making cats listen isn't one of my powers. I'll be happy to bring him by for visits if you want or something. Or you can come by and visit. Either way. He seems happy.

Apr. 13th, 2014


[Warded to friends, etc]
Might not be feeling too social for the next few days. My girlfriend Willow - mygirlfriend - got pulled back, so... yeah.. I just need some space. Not leaving New York yet but might be a bit more sparse around the house and the tower. You need me for a patrol or something, just text me.

I don't want this to be true. We were.. Why you? Why not someone else. I hate the Tesseract. Hate. I thought-

[Bruce & Jane]
Tell me one of you has a big project I can lose myself in for like a week or so? Please.

Apr. 9th, 2014


[Filter to the Spider HouseWeb Site + The Wasp + Nick Fury (616)]
Hey. Jess wanted me to let you all know she's pretty sick right now. Maybe the flu? She's not sure if she'll make it in to work tomorrow. Can someone come hang out with her for a bit so I can go get soup and medicine? I'd leave her alone, but, she's not looking too well.



[Text to May Parker]
» It wasn't easy, but look what I found.
» So... if you're serious, I can definitely rent that.

Apr. 6th, 2014


This weekend was pretty great. Quiet, but great. I never realized how difficult it was to do some of the tasks required in getting the achievements in FFX. I also can't believe I spent 30 hours this weekend doing that. No wonder I suck on patrols That sphere grid just gets so complicated, and then trying to max out the storyline ontop of grinding. So much grinding. Too much grinding. It's almost exhausting just trying to prep for major boss fights. I can at least appreciate why this game was so popular on the PS2. I wonder which games that are out currently will be considered "classics" in 10 or 20 years from now that need a reboot.

Do you have colors picked out for what you're wearing to prom?

Want to train? I've pretty much been a lazy bum. My dad would kill me if he found out how much time I've been wasting.

Mar. 21st, 2014



1. cut for image, no filter )
2. Is our Chemistry teacher ever coming back?
3. I'm having a hard time with my Latin class. Why did I decide to take it??
4. PROM? I'm going to need to ask my date ahead of time. MILES, WILL YOU GO WITH ME?

Wait try this
also for image )

Mar. 20th, 2014


Read this article that spoke of the probability of multiple universes. You'd think with all of us being here it would've been easier to accept that idea. Plus, it kind of just shows how much truth there is to science fiction. Star Trek fans must be having a blast with this info. Maybe this info can help others in figuring out how to get us refugees back home on our own terms.

If you're not too busy, do you think you could help me help a friend out? Her name's Charlie and she's working on this computer program thing. All she needs you and I to do is to run around the city since we're from the same world. Let me know if you're up for it.

Mar. 18th, 2014


Filter: Miles Morales

I've downloaded an application to your phone, don't ask how, just thank me. Actually, let me thank you, dl'ing it for you totally took my mind off of my own programing craze for a little bit.

Hope you have fun!

Mar. 14th, 2014


1. It's Pi day.

2. I'm a boy.

3. This totally makes up for the whole Willow thing getting fubared because her dead gf is here now.

I missed peeing standing up.

Mar. 8th, 2014


Normally, I prefer digging up a copy of The Hobbit to read when I'm bored, but lately, I find myself looking up at the sky. Maybe it's because of Galactus, or, maybe I'm kind of an idiot and hoping to see my home from all the way down here. Either way, it's still got me thinking. Being here is like a blessing in disguise. My mom would say something like that. But she'd be right. Without this place I wouldn't have met May, or seen Peter again, or hang out with two Jessica Drews all the time. It's like.... Anything is possible here. Every book I go through in the library could be a new friend, a new enemy, and, it's kind of amazing to think about. Yeah, I miss my friends and my family, but, as long as I'm here, they're not forgotten. Which, reminds me of the best Star Wars quote ever:

"Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum."

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Who: Mayday Parker & Miles Morales!
When: 2/20
Where: NYC!
What: Lego Movie + Pizza + these two = so cute
Rating: Low, this is puppyloooove.

Are you ready to ride mass transit with Mayday Parker?! )

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