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Jun. 29th, 2014


[Mara Jade]
There may be a slight problem.

Jun. 22nd, 2014


Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: ESP1]
So, you've all seen the network posts: SHIELD as an organization no longer exists and what's left has been labeled a terrorist organization. Our badges aren't going to get us anywhere except perhaps a military holding cell. Your tracker is out (thank you Echo and Sarissa) and you're free to go if you want: back to New York, or wherever your skills can take you. SHIELD isn't going to have any resources to help you, nor to hinder you I suspect.

I'm going to stay here for a while. The Treehouse is still standing, and it's still infiltrated by hydra. Hydra has gained enough from SHIELD's resources and I'm determined they won't continue to gain from the work of good agents who believed in the core of SHIELD's values if there's anything I can do about it.

It's been an honor to work with each of you and I'm happy for help if you want to stay, but it isn't coming as an order from your team leader. It's entirely your call. After what just happened with the trackers

Did you know



Well, given the revelations recently posted on the network, that unexpected attack does make quite a bit of sense. And here I thought they could read minds.

I don't know how any of your feel about preforming field surgery with a wing, a prayer and and a med kit, but I don't suppose we're left with much of a choice at the moment.

Jun. 18th, 2014


Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Victoria Hand + ESP1]
ESP 1 reporting in. Our communications have been difficult this week and the Treehouse sent out a welcoming committee yesterday.

[Filter: Espionage 1]
My Spanish is more or less limited to hola, Cómo está, and gracias, but the images I saw on the news last night of helicarriers crashing into the Triskelion were pretty clear. The centipede soldiers trying to kill us yesterday also had some things to say.

For the moment I’m considering our local contacts non-options. Assuming that Martens was SHIELD which I'm not the sheer number of Centipede soldiers we were dealing with yesterday does not bode well for his status.

I’m going to report in with Victoria Hand, but under the circumstances I’d like us to work on our own intel to see what we can verify about what happened in DC. My laptop seems to still be functional. The wi-fi here is slower than molasses & completely insecure, but there seems to be a bit of information on the Internet.

Jun. 10th, 2014


All confidential missions must remain just that: confidential. I've just sent Brennan to the brig to await charges. I'll be filing an injunction against him, so consider this the reminder you should never need.
21:00 tonight, we'll be going over our finale game plan for tomorrow. I want no mistakes.
I need you to talk to the head Zookeeper Polly tomorrow when you go. She has something special that I worked out with her for you.
It's a shame I'm all tied up for the foreseeable future.


Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: ESP1]
Tomorrow: Report to the Hub at 0530 for transport. Mission briefing will happen en route.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
I'll be out of town for a bit. Are you at Sam's tonight?

Jun. 4th, 2014


Network Post; Mara Jade

I don't usually go looking for things from my world. In fact, I would probably say these days that I mostly avoid it. But every once something manages to catch my eye and makes me miss home.

Cut for image, not filtered )

[Filter: Nick]
I don't suppose you're
I know you've got

Pie. With you [...] Some time?

[Filter: Jasper]
Did you get rid of the rats yet?

[Filter: Charles Xavier]
I feel like the communication bit - works. Do you think we could improve it?

May. 31st, 2014


[Text to the Doctor (10)]
Would you be interested in coming to a movie-watching party?

May. 30th, 2014


With Uhura gone, we have several teaching positions open in SHIELD'S ESD. I know classes are ending soon, but there's always the new school year to think of.

Can anyone speak these languages well enough to teach?
  • ASL
  • Chinese
  • Norse Runes
  • Spanish
  • May. 29th, 2014


    So Mara. I seem to recall in between lightning bolts that someone promised me a party.

    May. 25th, 2014


    I need four agents who do not have any sexual or romantic interest in females to report to me immediately. We have a very delicate situation that needs swift resolution. This team is temporary, and you must be available for immediate launch.

    [From the calendar. There were only two sign-ups originally.]

    May. 21st, 2014


    Network Post; Mara Jade

    [Filter: ESP1, Victoria Hand, Jasper Sitwell]
    We have an Avenger currently fighting our Jedi C'baoth.

    Meet at transports; you will be briefed en route.

    [ETA: Secure Non-SHIELD channel live Comms]
    This is Agent Jade, what have we got?

    May. 8th, 2014


    Network Post; Mara Jade

    [ESP1, Victoria Hand]
    Right now, C'baoth's current whereabouts are unclear. We need to follow-up on the known locations where he's been spotted over the past 24 hours. Take the coordinates listed below and follow-up with shopkeepers plus anyone else NYPD or SHIELD identified as being on the scene when he was there. We've got footage in some cases, but we need anything... extra... that you can gather. A statement about intention, his current plans, anything that might help us track his current trajectory.

    Considering we have official statements, leave your SHIELD badges in your pockets for this one. See what you can find out in an unofficial capacity.

    • Charles: [Coordinates]; Listed witnesses: Antonino Vinny, Ramiro Fabian, Liboria Sarti.
    • Echo: [Coordinates]; Listed witnesses: Yasmeen Byrnes, Ida Ibarra, Roseann Fava (currently at Mount Sinai Medical Center).

    If you happen to stumble across C'baoth, call for back-up. You heard what we said in briefing, but I want to re-emphasize that he delights in controlling people and he's perfectly capable of doing it. He did it on a large scale for Grand Admiral Thrawn in my home reality. So use caution.

    [Tesseract Team on 5/7 + ESP1]
    As soon as you're feeling up to it - we've watched the footage from C'baoth's arrival, but we would appreciate additional information you can give me that might not have been captured on camera. Anything after he knocked out the power, brief impressions or intuitive sense.


    The last time you faced him you weren't a full Jedi Knight. You've learned a lot since then. You've had conversations with Jedi Masters from the old order. You aren't infallible, but you aren't easily swayed either. Just work the problem, Jade.

    Apr. 27th, 2014


    I've been trying to figure out what my favorite food is for a while now but I still have no idea.


    Well, a certainly little bastard finally has a name: Sir Toujours Purring. Obviously.

    Apr. 23rd, 2014



    Anyone want to tell me why there's a goddamn season ending big bad running around in the streets and no one decided to call it in?

    I don't care if Angel is a friend of any of you. He's attacking people then he is a target. If you can being him in alive we can interrogate him but if it's not an option, then you are absolutely authorized to use lethal force.

    All units not currently on assignment, suit up with vampire gear. We are taking out this infestation.


    You quit and then decide to put this city in danger because you can't be bothered to play well with others?

    This is my goddamn world Summers, my people your old flame is deciding to chow down on. You do not leave us out of that I don't care who the hell you are back home!

    Apr. 7th, 2014



    Pierce just made me an offer. For you.

    He wants you to split your time between New York and DC. Apparently he thinks Insight could use your Insight.

    [Natasha(MCU), Clint, and ESP 1&2]

    Using the information that was collected over the past few months and what has been found by members on the council, we have two names that appear to be linked to the take over of the council and SHIELD that forced many to go under grounds to combat it.

    You are all to fly down to DC tonight. Mission details will be gone over at the Triskelion. But they will be brought to justice for their crimes.

    Mar. 29th, 2014


    Sleep sounds like a good thing right now, but I'm too restless.

    Mar. 27th, 2014


    [The Safehouses]

    Hope you've all recovered enough because tomorrow is going to be a big day.

    All of you have gone through a lot. Most of you for an organization from a world that isn't even yours. And I thank you for that. SHIELD is meant to guard the people of this world from threats and even if we don't have the badge right now that's just what we're doing.

    So that brings us to one final question I have for the rest of you. Just who else do you think you could trust to help bring the old girl back where she's supposed to be?

    Final Burner phone(for now)
    -- I think I've that project finished. Better set up the conference room.

    Mar. 26th, 2014


    [Filtered to safehouses]
    Ever see a flying snake?
    [Filtered to Coulson]
    Heard you had trouble. Everything ok?

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