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Dec. 17th, 2013


Network Post

If anyone needs me tonight, I'm going to be out in the snow in Central Park looking at the sky. I don't care how cold it is. The Tesseract Santa sent me the telescope I got when I was a kid.

Want to come with me? You can bring your cartography kit.


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

As a follow-up to my musings earlier in the month I have been in touch with some organizations that accept donations and assistance and I am gathering some things to take over and would happily take anything that anyone else would like to bring over.

The particular organization called Room to Grow works with mothers of young children who live in impoverished situations. They have a full list of needed items at their webiste, but they tell me some possibilities would be new or used (in good condition of course) clothing up to size 5T, books, blankets, towels, bibs, strollers, playmats, feeding supplies, and diaper bags. They will also accept new bottles, teethers, shampoo, baby lotion and baby care items.

I will be leaving for France this weekend, but if anyone would like to donate some additional items beyond those I have gathered please bring them by my quarters (room 903) before noon on Friday. I plan on dropping items by the office that afternoon.

In addition I will be signing up to assist with the New York Food Bank throughout the month of January since I will be out of the city over the Christmas holiday.

It seems this is very little, but hopefully it will help someone else to find home this holiday season.

Dec. 16th, 2013


[Starfleet + friends]
Well, things here in Asgard are- well, I'm not sure I'd ever use the term 'going well' to describe battles. The integration of forces seems to be successful and the defenses are holding for now, which is good.

Apparently, after my performance here the other day, there's talk I may be leading a group in the near future. Just thought you guys would like to know.

I know this sort of violates our 'stay off the front lines' deal, but I don't think I can turn them down.

Dec. 14th, 2013


Network Post: Christine Chapel

A year ago today I arrived here. The Tesserract chose to remind me of that by sending me something I never thought I would see again and it made me cry. Happy tears, sad tears...I have no idea what kind they are but I'm having a hard time stopping them.

[Filter: Mulder]
Would you mind coming over? I'm sorry..it just..well this threw me for a loop and..I'll explain when you get here. I just need you right now.

Nov. 3rd, 2013


[Starfleet Ladies]

I'm thinking of planning another spa weekend. Any takers?


I know I've already said it several times, but thank you. I'm having fun.

[Language Students]

All of you are doing a great job! Keep up the good work! If you need any help at all, you can reach me any time.

Nov. 2nd, 2013


Who: Sulu & Uhura
When: Backdated to October 19
Where: The celebration of TOS Kirk and Spock
What: Talking/hanging out
Rating: G

You know, Hoshi Sato, the communications officer for the NX-01 Enterprise was a teacher as well )

Oct. 31st, 2013


Congratulations to Captain Kirk the appointed commander of the U.S. Navy's sleek new guided-missile destroyer.

I can't let that go unnoticed or unappreciated.

[OOC: Thanks to Laura for bringing this one to my attention <3]

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Text to Jim Kirk (hers)
I saw Bones was gone.
You alright?

Christine & Uhura - identical texts
You guys alright.
Just saw that McCoy's gone.
Dinner at some point?

Oct. 20th, 2013


Damn it, Bones

For those who knew him, Bones was sent is gone. Whatever happens when we leave here, that's what's happening to him now and I'm not - so wish him luck.


Good talk on Friday, but let's lock it down - I say we do this. I say we strike out on our own and fund and build this. We're bound to hit enough snags along the way before we even get something someone might want to steal. We've just got to start crossing bridges as we come to them and stop speculating so far in advance. We all know the Kobayashi Maru test, we all know that we can't plan for everything -- and you all know that I don't believe in no-win scenarios. There's a way to do this, a way to do it right and we'll find it as we go.

So who is with me? And who has fundraising ideas?

I suggest we sell the Vulcan.

Oct. 17th, 2013


I'm hoping that everyone can make it this Friday at 7pm at Sam's for a discussion on the prime directive and some proposals that have been made about what we might do here in this world. We'll have a private room and dinner will be provided. I want to make sure everyone has a chance to voice their opinions.

Oct. 16th, 2013


[Starfleet Ladies]

Is everyone going to the celebration on Saturday?

Well, I believe I'm in need of a dress for the occasion. Anyone want to go shopping with me on Saturday morning? It's horribly last minute and yet it is the only time I think I'd have time to actually look for something. We could even make a day of it since the celebration isn't until 7 and have lunch.


[Filtered to Starfleet and friends of TOS Kirk and Spock *]

About two months ago, Spock (from my timeline) and I chose to life-bond. That makes us more or less married by Vulcan standards, outside of a traditional ceremony. We haven't decided on the ceremony itself yet, but I've always been a fan of celebrations. I rented out the 13th floor of the building for this Saturday at 7 PM. Food and drinks are provided, feel free to bring guests. No gifts required, your presence is enough.

[Filtered to Spock (TOS)]

Surprise. Also, do you want to do an official ceremony some time in the next month?

[*ooc: feel free to assume you're on this filter if you've been friendly with either of them before or work with them at SHIELD/educational division]

Oct. 12th, 2013


Hello, I have to say this is quite the experience isn't it? I'm Carol - I've been told that the majority of my ships Bridge crew are here if not all of them? Logically, I need to find a job would SHIELD be willing to hire a scientist who specializes in weapons or should I work elsewhere?

Christina, Uhura
Okay girls, tell me what do I need to know?

Oct. 11th, 2013


We're trying to set up a Starfleet dinner/meeting/forum to discuss a proposal that has been made. Would one of the next two weekends work? Ideally, everyone would be there. Food and drink will be provided.

Help. I seem to have gotten myself in a situation.

[Cameron Mitchell]
Well, I think you can smack me upside the head now.

[TOS Kirk | Picard]
Gentlemen. I believe I find myself in need of advice.

Dinner, tonight?

Oct. 10th, 2013


Why am I more nervous about this convention panel today than I am about entering hostile space?

Starfleet - you can come for moral support, but no heckling, please.

Oct. 9th, 2013


Network Post: Rachel Summers

Attention to all ESD participants, staff, and potential hires:

We've lost Kitty Pryde, my best friend and our co-headmistress. This leaves her advisory group without an advisor and several classes without an instructor. We've lost others recently as well and have had a lot of vacancies. For the advisory groups, affected students previously have been reassigned a new advisor, but if someone else is willing to take over Kitty's group so that people don't get shuffled again, I think that'd be appreciated.

Students, please revisit your class schedules. If you're in a class that has lost its instructor, please let me know if you want to wait it out and see if someone else will take over the class, or if you've decided to drop it. I have taken over the Private Study in the Control and Use of Superpowers, previously run by Jean Grey and Charles Xavier.

Staff and potential hires, please let me know if you're willing to take over one of these affected classes.

[Filtered to Sookie and Aracely]:

I'm giving off too much grief right now, so unless you want to practice shielding very strong emotion, I'm cancelling our Psionics lessons until further notice. Your choice.

[Filtered to SHIELD]:

I know that Jean worked for you and was available as a consultant for telepathic needs. When I'm in more control of my grief, I'll be available for the latter, if that's needed. Ordinarily, I'd try to help get all these swapped people back into their bodies, but that'd be a bad idea right now.

[Filtered to Mutants]:

The list is updated.

I need to do something to let all of this out. I've hit my breaking point but I don't have the luxury of breaking.

So I'm going to the property and I'm going to destroy every bit of dangerous material in it and reconfigure everything that can be salvaged. I'm going to let out such a primal scream that nobody who'd want to harm us would dare face the psychic imprint left behind.


Okay. So just to make sure I get everything straight. If I know you and you're not in your body please let me know. I thought I'd just toss that out there so I didn't put my foot in mouth. Oh and by the way I am actually in my body so this is me and not someone else.

Sep. 30th, 2013


I really like teaching. Why didn't I think to do this when I first arrived?


It feels like it has been forever since I've spoken to you! Okay, maybe it was just the other day. I'm thinking we could have a girls night soon.


Did you decide to join SHIELD?


Who: Hikaru Sulu and Nyota Uhura
When:Tuesday evening September 10
Where:After the Starfleet weekly get together
What:Catching up
Rating: Low

The sixth floor is the best floor. )

Sep. 9th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I have been spending this morning over a cup of tea and a book I picked up at the shops yesterday and I have no complaints.

[Filter: Will, Deanna, and Kathryn]
I would love to have the three of your over for a dinner at my house this week. Is Thursday evening suitable for everyone?

[Filter: Starfleet]
We have had a few new arrivals, or returns and I wanted to let you all know that we have a standing reservation for Potts Room at Sam's Bar & Grill on Tuesday evenings between 5 - 7pm.

You are welcome to join us tomorrow evening for conversation, dinner, drinks, and the like. You are welcome to bring a friend as well.

[Filter: Will]
I do not suppose you care to join me for a cup of tea earlier than Thursday? I would like to hear how your work with SHIELD has been.

[Filter Private: Captain's Log, supplemental]

Captain's Log, supplemental; Stardate 308697

Six months in this place and I am beginning to wonder if I will return to my own reality and time any time soon. I have begun to live as if I will not be as there are many here who have been here longer than I have been and perhaps I can do work within this century and reality that will bring something beneficial to this time.

While the memories of this place may not travel with us when we leave, as demonstrated in Kathryn Janeway's time here, removal, and return, our own memories are certainly accessible here and now. A recent altercation in Potts Tower has reminded me in a very visceral way of this reality. A hallucinogenic gas was pumped into the Tower and left many of us in a highly charged state where we were left with our deepest fears.

It has left me wondering what will happen if the Borg should come through the tesseract. Without the powers of their ship an individual drone might cause difficulty, but should be able to be taken down and perhaps returned to an individual rather than a member of the collective. This has given me reason to think if I ought to rethink my position regarding joining SHIELD.

Perhaps France is not such a

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