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Oct. 3rd, 2014


Filter: The Doctor
Would you be able to take Helena and I away somewhere tomorrow?

Sep. 26th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Due to a lack of interest, the Archaeology course has been dropped, therefore I've been dropped as its teacher.

However, there was a need for someone to teach Latin. I have taken that on instead. Would the existing Latin students please come a little early or stay a little late after the next class so we can discuss your current progress?

Sep. 19th, 2014


"Meta Ism" (that is Network) Post: Helena G. Wells

How fusions, it seems Cincinnati has an event coming up to slanders my birthday, a "Rome recalls ball". And I've received a kata invitation. Perhaps I ahold consider accepting. 148 doesn't come everyday, ftw all, and it skulls vs quite a party.

[OOC: Brought to you by my phone's genuine autocorrect fails, aka method RPing???]

Sep. 2nd, 2014


Filter: Helena G. Wells
Agent Wells, you have an hour before I begin eating your chocolate covered strawberries. Your only clue is that they are somewhere on the Great Lawn in Central Park.

Aug. 31st, 2014


California! Golden gates, Hollywood hills, and beautiful beaches. Don't know why I don't come out here more often! Almost a shame I've got a schedule to abide by now, would stay out here longer. Me! With a proper schedule! Not certain how much longer I can manage this business of being confined to linear time. So human. So very human.

Right, then. Sorry. I'm in San Francisco, was a bit keen on seeing Alcatraz. Realised I've been... well, anyway. Dropped off Sam Winchester and Veronica Mars, mostly the reason why I'm here.

Hello, River. Doing all right?

Donna. Are you busy?

Aug. 27th, 2014


Network Post(s): Helena G. Wells

[Day 1]
I have signed up through the ESD to teach the Archaeology class this far. Thus far, I haven't had any students sign up, so do let me know if there is still an interest or if it should be dropped. I considered suggesting a Victorian course of some sort, but I've no idea if anyone would want to take it. Do let me know.

If anyone teaching the various composition and literature classes has an interest, I'm available for guest lectures.

[Day 2]
Something is very strange. Has anyone else felt a rather intense déjà vu this morning? If I was back home, I would say I was under the effects of an artifact. Myka didn't seem aware that she was saying the very same things she said when we woke up yesterday.

[Day 3]

Aug. 25th, 2014


Over the weekend I took Anna to see a Broadway musical. I realize now that I should have asked for guidance in choosing what we saw. As it turned out, Hedwig and the Angry Inch was quite the eye-opening introduction to Broadway. We want to see more shows, but I would like to see something that is a little more tame.

Jul. 28th, 2014


So I've heard blondes have more fun. Is it true?

[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
Alright, so I stopped by Refugee Affairs and added in a Chelsea Newman arriving when Thor and his buddies had the Tesseract cause paperwork sucked then anyway. So the paperwork should actually fly.

What do we do next.

Jul. 26th, 2014


I think I can safely say that this is one of the strangest mornings I've had in a long time.


I've been told that I've been here before, even though I have no re-collection of it. This is apparently the norm. I am Susan Sto Helit for those of you interested in these things.

A more interesting question from me: Where can one find a gin and tonic in this city?

Jul. 21st, 2014


Oh, this is brilliant. Much better news than what I've been seeing (and we'll not delve into those concerns). I suggest you lot swing by the flat, because I've gotten a rather unexpected gift! K-9! What a good boy, popping by a parallel Earth to say hello! Suppose he can't resist a confounding blue box of any sort! Hah!

Think I'm going to forward all my calls to him in the future.

Jul. 20th, 2014


Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!

Jul. 19th, 2014


»» Helena!
»» Do you remember when I suggested we adopt a ferret?
»» And name her Giselle?
»» We were gifted with Trailer instead
»» Now we have two dogs.

Jul. 18th, 2014


Okay so I have some spare time finally. Thought I'd catch up on my reading. Any good books out there?

Jul. 9th, 2014


Took Zer0's suggestion - Bodyguard for the win! Science-geeky body guard. It's alright. They don't seem to mind much.

Also anyone know how to write up a CV, I think it was called? I have no idea how.

Jun. 30th, 2014


Filter: Housing Assistant Floors 22 & 23 (Richard Castle*), Housing Assistant Floors 9 & 10 (Bruce Banner) and Helena G. Wells
Good evening, Mr. Castle and Mr. Banner, my name is Myka Bering. Mr. Banner, my partner and I, Helena Wells, are currently in a two bedroom apartment. 1009 to be exact. We spoke about and agreed upon moving up to the 23rd floor if there is a one bedroom apartment available, which is why I’ve added Richard Castle onto this filter. Neither of us were sure what steps needed to be taken for this move to be possible. I’d like to reassure you that our decision to move into a one bedroom on another floor has nothing to do with you as a housing assistant. We both were looking for a change of scenery and to be closer to friends.

*OOC: Dee, while its technically a filter to Castle I don't see any reason why Kate can't answer as I'm sure the two of them share the responsibility of housing assistant in some way. So if you wanted her to answer I say go right ahead

Filter: Eleventh Doctor
Helena and I talked and came to the decision that we would move higher than the 17th floor. If this move goes through we’d still like to have you over for tea sometime.

Filter: Helena G. Wells
With everything lately I forgot to mention that I may have found someone willing to be our assistant until she passes her licensing exam

Jun. 28th, 2014


Anyone with source material here they can look up or watch... ever looked at what happened after the point at which you remember things and just thought that it was a relief to be here?

On a fairly related note, this is surprisingly the first time I'm finding out that you can have were-somethingelsebesideswolves. Anyone else who deals with the supernatural ever dealt with a were-coyote or were-jaguar?

Jun. 26th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Myka and I were lucky enough to miss the worst of things by happily being on holiday when things were going mad here. I see, however, that the Rising Tide has started taking further steps to make things unpleasant for us. Should we expect further demonstrations?

I, for one, will be going to much more enjoyable demonstrations. If anyone else is interested in the Pride kickoff rally tomorrow and the subsequent events, we can go as a group as we did last year.

Jun. 24th, 2014


You know what.....sometimes I love this place and at times I really do hate it. I'm still trying to figure out how to get this damn chip out. A little help please?

Jun. 21st, 2014


so i lied i had a little time before kids thing >.

Filter: X-Men
Been told there are some of ya'll around here, figured ah'd get in contact and say hello.

Sorry fer punching you in the face. mostly

Ah wonder if any of this newly made information is gonna make it harder fer me to find somethin' akin to work.

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