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Apr. 12th, 2015


network post: padmé amidala

Potts Tower becomes a democracy this month, electing its own representatives to handle the issues that matter to residents and coordinate with those providing business and services in the tower. If you are of mind to, I hope you will run for office by announcing it here. And I hope each of you will participate in the election by voting and coming to meetings as an active part of democracy.

My interest in running is to help you and to find solutions you support. Whatever issues you find most pressing, most important, and a part of everyday life in this tower, the little things that arise in a home, please let me know. If you have solutions that haven't been considered or acted upon, lets discuss them. Much has happened here in the past two and a half years. There have been attacks, protestors, magical mishaps, people disappearing, strangers as roommates, thousands of friendships. What should we do about the difficulties? What lessons can we take from the wonderful things that have happened? What I believe is that it should be our decision together.

And I'm happy to answer any questions.


Who: Laura Roslin & Regina Mills
What: Dinner and a Theater Production
When: Friday evening
Where: NYC some restaurant near the theater
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Apr. 11th, 2015


Alright everybody. Announcement time.

The guys at the Charity (are sick of us) think, in the spirit of democracy and shit like that, that Potts Tower should establish its own tenant's board to make a lot of the day to day calls for the tower, interface with the PTYC and Housing Advisors, and organize events here.

So we'll take nominations and volunteers until the 19th. Elections will be on the 26th for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. And it's open to residents over 18 who want to run. ETA: Also we'll take a youth representative until Legal says we can't.

So let the games begin.
Presidential Candidates: Padme Amidala, Erik Lehnsherr, Laura Roslin, Loki
Vice Presidential Candidates: Jaina Solo, Verity Willis
Secretarial Candidates: Donna Noble, Inara Serra
Tresorial Candidates: Jamie Moriarty, Nick Fury (616)
Youth Representative: Claire Bennet, Alexis Castle, Violet Parr, Anakin Solo

* means the candidate needs to confirm

Apr. 7th, 2015


cut, not filtered )

That was my view this morning. We were up early enough to take a walk on the beach and watch the sun rise.

Filter to Walter Blythe
Do you remember when I applied and interviewed for the teaching position at Poplar Academy? They called me yesterday. They're giving me the position, which is wonderful, but they also would like me to be a long-term substitute for that teacher for the rest of the year. He's been diagnosed with cancer. It's only stage 1, but he would rather focus solely on getting well over the next few months, and I really can't blame him.

They need me to give an answer by the end of the week. I'm inclined to say yes.

Filter to Mary Margaret, Laura Roslin
As you both know*, I've applied and interviewed for a position at Poplar Academy. It was originally going to start this autumn, but due to circumstances beyond his control, he is electing to take a leave of absence for May and June. They have decided to hire me regardless, but they are offering me the chance to take on his classes for the remainder of the school year. They've asked me to let them know of my decision by the end of this week, and as soon as I know, I will be sure to let the both of you know as soon as possible.

*Alex, let's say that Anne informed her of this when she let MM know?

Mar. 31st, 2015


I never had many friends at home or here so while k am happy Jean-Luc has had a chance to return home I will miss him. One should always cherish ones friends, especially here as we just don't know what will happen.

Mar. 29th, 2015


For those of you who knew him, Jean-Luc Picard has returned home through the Tesseract.

Filter to Brand & Danvers
Effective immediately, I am tendering my resignation from SWORD. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity work with you and this organization.

Mar. 25th, 2015


This month has been absolutely exhausted that I only just realised I haven't posted here in what feels like forever. Still, a part from coming down sic like most people it was a good month. Well besides that and the majority of people from y world leaving. At least they get a chance of building their lives back home though.

Regina/Caprica (seperately)
Coffee at some point?</blocquote>
Mary Margaret & Anne Blythe
I'm thinking that perhaps we could do some sort of triva night for the children?

Mar. 14th, 2015


Network Post: Caprica Six

Humanity has been judged and found wanting, and faces annihilation as a species.

All this has happened before, and all this will happen again. You can survive this.


I am so sorry.

Mar. 7th, 2015


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I made some tea today only to realize I had underestimated the amount in the tin. Mostly I prefer making it myself anyway, but there are days I miss a replicator.

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
I would very much like the Enterprise at my command right now.

Mar. 1st, 2015


Network Post: Regina Mills

Filter: Laura Roslin
This is certainly much later than it should be but I've been rather busy lately. If you were still interested in talking over coffee I have a few hours free this coming Thursday.

Feb. 15th, 2015


Tony Stark
Hello, my name is Laura Roslin. I know we haven't had the chance to speak or meet in person, but I thought I might reach out and introduce myself. Mostly because I have a question for you. Where I come from we had numerous of robots that evolved into individual artificial intelligence with their own personality and desires. They ended up destroying our worlds.

My question is. I have recently come across a mention of JARVIS and I understand he is yours? I'm just wondering if this sort of artificial intelligence is rather common here? I'm sure you understand my hesitancy towards any sort of artificial intelligence after everything they have done to us?

Apologies if this is too forward.

Laura Roslin

Feb. 13th, 2015


Sharon didn't tell any of you that she was going somewhere, did she? One minute she was in the apartment, now she's not.

Feb. 11th, 2015


While I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the majority of you yet I thought I would post this publically to see who might be interested.

I have just been accepted as the Education Lead for the Youth Centre and my job involves

planning and executing enrichment programs to help visitors from other worlds learn about this world and each others in fun and interesting ways, as well as other educational programs and events that may not be covered in standard schooling*

While I have some ideas in terms of what we could do I thought I would put it out to all of you to see what ideas you had too.

ooc:* stolen from the ptyc document as I'm lazy

Feb. 10th, 2015


So I was planning on spending sometime at the gallery tonight. Would anyone be willing to watch Gus for a few hours? I would owe you big time.


Do you ever get the feeling that this city is just all too small.

[Nick Fury (616)]
I got you this

Feb. 9th, 2015


Filtered to BSG'ers and Regina seperately
Would you be interested in meeting for a coffee at some point? I would be interested in getting to now you better.


Feb. 7th, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

A reminder, for anyone who is interested, that there is a book club that meets in the Stark Room of Sam's Bar & Grill every other Tuesday night. This coming Tuesday is our first meeting for this month and there is still time if you are interested, to get involved. This month's book is The Empathy Exams By Anthony Doerr and we'll be discussing the first half. If you need a copy, I can hook you up with a copy from NYPL.

[Filter: RSTF]
As you all know by this point, Zoe Sage was bitten by something last week during the full moon. At this point it is somewhat unclear exactly what, but I know where all of our minds are jumping and from the description she and Angel have provided it is certainly a possibility.

Those of you who have werewolf expertise in your particular worlds - let's talk about what the options are and see if any of them might match with what Angel and Zoe saw. Sydney, I suspect you are already doing so - but if you can help us by keeping a close eye on Zoe and let us know of any changes to the bite or to Zoe herself, that would be incredibly helpful.

If it is a werewolf, there's a possibility we won't know this for a month, but it does lead to the question of what kind, from what world, and how many we are dealing with. We already have vampires from multiple worlds in this city - and likely further abroad at this point - so a werewolf opens up new potential difficulties.

Until we know exactly what we're dealing with we should be cautious in drawing conclusions as much as is possible. If we draw conclusions too quickly we may miss what it actually is.

[Filter: Lilah]
I'm sorry I've been out so much recently, but I've missed you and I'd like to remedy that with dinner if you're willing.

Jan. 22nd, 2015


Filter to her students & Delta advising group
I am deeply sorry for having had to adjust our schedule this week to being mostly online work, but I'm afraid that after the blackout I've been affected in some way. At this moment I feel that it is safest for everyone that I keep my distance. I am, of course available via text, phone call, and email.

Filter to SWORD
Hello. I'm Anne Blythe, and I am afraid that I've had an ongoing problem since the blackout of last week. I glowed, and since then I've noticed that if I touch anyone (except Steve Rogers) they are afflicted with dizziness, confusion, and some nausea. In extreme cases (a child, specifically) they have became physically sick at their stomach. I know I should have contacted you sooner, but I've been in a bit of denial, hoping that it would disappear, but it has not.

Filter to Steve, Bucky, Walter, and Basil
I've contacted SWORD about my... problem. I'm still mostly staying away from people. I miss you all, and even though I still see you, I've discovered just how dependant on touch I am in my close relationships. I absolutely can not wait to hug each of you without making you sick.

Filter to Laura Roslin and Mary Margaret Blanchard
Hello, Ms. Roslin. I apologize for not replying to your filter to me, but my life has been turned upside down by recent events and I've been working on overcoming that. I can tell you that we always have room within the PTYC for a person with your background. I am not in the PTYC this week, and I am absolutely certain that Mary Margaret, my co-director for the PTYC, would be happy to meet with you and put the necessary wheels into motion.

Filter to Logan (added during her conversation with Basil)
Hello, my dear friend. I have a favor to ask of you. I'm sure you recall the blackout from last week. During it, I seem to have gained the ability to make people... dizzy, and it can be rather severe. Do you happen to know someone who might be able to help me?

Jan. 13th, 2015


There is still much about this place that I don't fully understand but in many ways, it is enough like home that it isn't a problem. That doesn't mean it is easy though. I have spent most of my time here watching this television show that I come from and I admit it is rather an eye opening experience. Majority of people from my world seem to come from the end of it which was one of the reasons why I chose to watch it. The other? I don't like being left in the dark. I never have.

It wasn't easy though, far from it. I'm glad though that we reach Earth even if it was thousands of years into this Earth's past.

Also, does anyone know of someone called Sharon Raydor? I have been mistaken for her on ocassion.

Anne Blythe

My name is Laura Roslin and I believe you are in charge of the Youth Centre here? I don't know if you are looking for people to work for you, but I'm wondering if possible I could meet with you to discuss employment? At home, I used to be a kindergarten teacher so I have plenty of experience working with children before I left the classroom to head into politics.

Thank you,
Laura Roslin

Jan. 8th, 2015


Earth has changed a lot since yesterday.

Helo said I should probably introduce myself on here. And that there were some others from home here as well.

So, hi. I'm Sharon Agathon.

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