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Jun. 12th, 2014


There won't be another full moon on Friday the 13th until 2049.

Or so the internet tells me. It's really helpful, the internet.

[ PACK ]
If you want the potion, we have to stay at SHIELD HQ. I'll understand if you don't want it.

Have you made arrangements? I've told the girls they'll have to stay here.

Jun. 10th, 2014


I just realized my new bff is gone. WTH. People need to stop leaving.

Jun. 2nd, 2014



So the full moon is on Friday the 13th. Kind of cool.


Whoa. I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore.

Not that I was there to begin with. Kansas in the summer, no thanks.

Okay, usually when there's a portal, it's Bunny playing a trick on me, or North needs me for something, but this? This is new! Sort of. New York City looks about the same, but adults don't see us, and those guards could definitely see me, so THAT is new. They looked pretty serious, so I left them with something to have fun with on my way out. Man, those floors really turn to ice easy.

I'm Jack. Jack Frost. I know the legends say I'm not real, but trust me. I'm real. We all are.

Jun. 1st, 2014


When's school out?

Okay, Nico. I think I'm ready to try that cross-country thing. I just need to make sure that Gabe's not sitting there waiting for me. I should have done this ages ago
[Pretend this is before sundown. Because.]


For those of you who knew him, Henry Pym Jr has been sent back.

This morning

His ants were

May. 27th, 2014


That stupid things need to stop taking people from me.

May. 23rd, 2014


What strong men out there want to help me and Hayley move this weekend? Sam? Moody? I'll make baked good as a thank you.



Not sure if any of you all knew, but Erin and I are getting an apartment together, and they prepared it for us a lot faster than I expected. I haven't moved in yet, but I stocked the fridge over there full of groceries. Anyone up for dinner? I was thinking about making some gumbo, but if anyone has a suggestion for something better, I'd be more than happy to make that. Think of this like a housewarming party!


Friends ( feel free to assume )

So I'm watching this movie right now as I pack up my room called Homelss to Hardvard. It's making me get all retrospective and shit but I can relate to the main girl so much. I haven't thought about my parents or the group home or my foster homes in forever and now I am. Ugh I don't like this.

This chick goes from the kind of life I had to completing school by private study and going to Harvard. It kind of blows my mind and for a second makes me wonder if I could do that but I'm just average. I'm not super smart like she is. There's no way Harvard is in my future. No way in hell. But still, if this chick can make it out on her own and do that well ...

May. 21st, 2014


I'm bored and it's gorgeous outside. I'm going to the Bronx Zoo.

Who wants to come with me?

May. 17th, 2014


I hear school's out for a lot of you. What're some of your plans for the summer? I plan on spending most of my time in movie theaters because all of the best flicks come out during the summer. There's also all the barbecues everyone has. So, if you need me for the next few months I'll be eating, watching movies, and being lazy.

[Erin Shepard]
I've been looking around for some ideas for the nursery, and I've narrowed it down to four. I'm trying to get down to two and then eventually one but I'm gonna need some help. Which two of these do you like the most? Also, a picnic sounds awesome.

[Felix Blake]
I bet if you had a chocolate fountain none of this WikiLeaks stuff would've happened. This is why you should always listen to me, huh?

May. 15th, 2014



All of us should go on a non moon related trip together this summer. We shouldn't let the full moon be the only time we get together.

May. 13th, 2014


Seems like everyone's show is ending this week, and mine's no different.  My season finale is tomorrow.  If these witch bitches hurt my baby, I swear...  Who all watches themselves on TV?  Are you weirded out or?  I think it's pretty cool.  Imagine if you got together with your writers and forced them to make you end up being the most powerful character of all.

[Erin Shepard]
Free up your schedule because this Sunday we're having an anti-Mother's Day/pro-Children day.  You can invite anyone who didn't get to enjoy a normal childhood if you want.

[Caroline Forbes]
How's that hybrid boyfriend of yours?  I've got a few words for him about kidnapping me.

May. 8th, 2014


I've always wanted to visit NYC, but not under these conditions. Those S.H.I.E.L.D. guys were a bit too sassy if you ask me. Anyways, I'm Hayley. Apparently I'm not a real person, but that doesn't surprise me. New Orleans and Mystic Falls were about as wild as learning I'm from a show anyways. What kind of trouble is there to get into around here?

May. 6th, 2014


It's nice to have employment again, and I'll be officially starting tomorrow. It's appropriate, as tomorrow is the youth night, so it'll be like jumping into the deepest end of a swimming hole. It's arts and crafts night, too. The younger children will be making Mother's Day cards, and the older ones will have the option of doing that an art project that I know nothing about: tie-dye? In any case, I've got a lot to look forward to. Next week I'll be mining for ideas from everyone -- themes, activities, everything that might be needed at the center. I do think that it would be wonderful to cultivate a library of our own, too.

Filter to Steve Rogers (EMH)

Filter to Walter Blythe
Mrs. Lynde always guilts her children really badly when she doesn't hear from them every day. As much as I admire Rachel, I really have no wish to be like her, but I do admit that I'm wondering why I haven't heard from my son in several days.

Filter to Janine
I feel like I'm alone in a city completely full of people. I don't suppose you'd care to join me for dinner?

May. 3rd, 2014


[Text to Leah]

got into another fight. need u to come get me. let's not tell stuck up piper bout this, k?

Apr. 29th, 2014


My hair looks awesome today. I just had to take a selfie. Speaking of selfie, have you guys hard the #selfie song yet? It's something else.

Apr. 24th, 2014


This sucks.

My husband isn't here (but there's a guy that LOOKS like him, no fair, universe).

Everyone is all happy and stuff about the stupid prom. No, I'm not going. I don't want to be around a bunch of smiling, dancing people.

And a dog pooped in my shoe.


All right this whole business with being taken into another realm really starting to get old.

On the upside, I've always wanted to visit New York City. I thought about leaving for Boston before, but this is so much better.

Okay so lovely people with guns say there are people here that I know. I would say its a relief, but it only validates the theory I have behind this.

Reduby Lucas, at your service!

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