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May. 12th, 2014


SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY, I don't fuck around for this game.

What's your "daemon/patronus/soul animal"

I was going to ask what kind of dog you'd be, but I figure a lot of you will say 'not a dog.'

May. 1st, 2014


These are some pretty cool gifs. Anway, how do you say gif? With a hard g, like in guy; or with a j sound, like the peanut butter, jif?

I say it with a hard g, and I don't care if I'm wrong.

Apr. 24th, 2014


This sucks.

My husband isn't here (but there's a guy that LOOKS like him, no fair, universe).

Everyone is all happy and stuff about the stupid prom. No, I'm not going. I don't want to be around a bunch of smiling, dancing people.

And a dog pooped in my shoe.

Apr. 22nd, 2014


What exactly are pokemon supposed to eat? I've been feeding mine fruit. I guess I could give him dog food.

penelope featherington, april ludgate )

Apr. 8th, 2014


I'm going to be down one dog sitter when Rhodey leaves.

You all know you want to work at the Barking Lot. We got talking dogs now, dudes.


This place is weird.

Apr. 3rd, 2014


Filter to April Ludgate-Dwyer
Hey. So I just wanted to give you a head's up and I'll be doing the paperwork when I come in today. But this is my two-week's notice. I've got a job lined up that will be great for when I start college in the fall -- I'll be working with computers and stuff. Thanks for letting have a place at the Barking Lot, I've had a lot of fun there.

Mar. 16th, 2014


The Barking Lot.

It's mine now.

I was Deputy Director of Pawnee Animal Control. That's a big deal, got me the job easy.

Roll call, who all works for me?
Double roll call, who wants to work for me?

Mar. 15th, 2014


I didn't sleep very well last night, loaded up on caffeine this morning, got bored, and found my way into the kitchen. I ended up making three dozen and a huge mess, so if anyone wants one, or two, or however many, my room is 1403.

Cut for image )


It is strange. There are no tales of such occurrences as these for all the ages the tesseract was on Asgard.

Being on Midgard so long may have instilled it with a sense of humor.


Okay, um. Not like I didn't know about this to begin with because hello, girl who wanted her own Iron Man suit so I could stop getting kidnapped half the time and start saving herself because I'm no damsel in distress, TYVM.. but I now have a rekindled hate for double standards.

So, like, anyone know how to treat a black eye? Like, when its still somewhat of a red eye? Other than ice? Or is that all you can use? IDK I'm a computer expert, not medical.

Mar. 14th, 2014


Well. I don't look nearly as much like Sif as I did last time.

This should make it much easier to leave the tower without incident. Or without that kind of incident, anyway.

[OOC Note: Loki is a shapeshifter, so if one were to draw up a chart comparing the odds of this happening to him vs. the odds that he thought it sounded like fun, well.]

Mar. 9th, 2014


It seems that there are more pressing dilemmas at hand then those of the moral variety. I just went to take a shower and turned my entire bathroom into a wet sauna. Steam everywhere. And while I would, in fact, love to not be naked at the moment, but as I have set my towel a flame, it seems the best option, at present.

Mar. 8th, 2014


Who do I talk to so that I can get The Barking Lot working at maximum capacity? I'm flippin ace at that stuff. I'm the best that there is. Better than there is.

You guys got Jolly Green Giants running around here, might want to spray something for that.

Mar. 7th, 2014


Network Post: Drusilla

My Spike is gone. Why is the mean thing taking my family away? I don't like it at all.

I shall have to tie Angel down with ropes and kisses so he can't disappear.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


There is nothing like getting in your pjs after work and eating junk food while you watch Twilight.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


I was blindfolded and kidnapped.

That was awesome.

Where's Thor? Wait no, don't tell me. I want to find him. I want to earn it.

Sep. 5th, 2013


Oh! I would very much like to go to this week of fashion! The clothes are seeming very creative and not at all like one sees on the street, yes?

How would one go about to attending such an event? I am unsure if there is a native dress I should imitate.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


who here runs that doggy daycare place? the barking lot?

because i want to work. i want to work there.

this feels wrong. this is unnatural. this state, this -- i can't-- i-- help me someone. i think i'm sick. i've got a chestburster just waiting to come out. this can't be me. THIS ISN'T ME.

Aug. 19th, 2013


so andy's dad came to visit us... it was sort of weird because he was dead and didn't pay attention to us, but it was nice seeing the side of his head while he watched tv. if he'd been alive i would have hit on him, probably, i guess.

why couldn't little sebastian haunt us? he's the best.

anyway i woke up with all these memories... working in dc, leslie and ben getting married, getting a new job, andy thinking i'm pregnant... (not true; i intend to plant a garden of babies in the ground when the technology improves)

all these new memories are making me think about life. so i borrowed some hennessy from someplace. guess where.

also andy - we got invited to a pirate party.


Yeah so. If one of you hero types around here wants to stop a robbery that's about to happen on the corner of North and 34th Street, that'd be great.

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