July 2016




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Jul. 20th, 2013


I've been looking up some of the music of this world on the computer and I have found a group that I like a lot. If anyone has any of their music, could you send it to me please?

They're called Backstreet Boys.

Jul. 19th, 2013


I will miss Captain Janeway. It is sad to learn of her leaving as I was enjoying getting to know her and her crew's history.

Would people be interested in discussing space exploration on a regular basis? I've been fascinated in what I've learned on my own, but it seems there are a lot of us who have varied experiences in space. I'd love the chance to just sit down and hear other people's stories.

Also, if anyone wants to read a first draft, I've finished the first two chapters of my Starfleet history which seem to remain consistent across universes.

Jul. 17th, 2013


If this baby ain't about ready to come soon, I don't know what I'll do. Feels I've been ready for an age.

[Filtered to Kaylee Frye]

I've been thinkin about names.

Jul. 9th, 2013


I am sick of this go se. Gettin all handsy and riflin through our things ain't gonna keep any of us any safer. I'm headin out to stay at the Ranch till things settles. Any of you are welcome, unless it's been made clear you ain't.

[Filter to Serenity Crew (extd) ]
Might feel better if you folk took me up on that offer.

Jul. 6th, 2013


I been thinkin. Maybe you and the baby should come live here. With me. Ain't nobody been here since Inara left, and I ain't sure I wanna live alone no more.

I bet we could get most of the space folks to help! Maybe some of them magic people too.

If you wanted.
I just asked Zoe to come move in with me.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


posted this morning.

It's Kaylee's birthday, and I'd like to throw her a little party tonight. I'll cook dinner, and I have the cake taken care of, but I'm sure she'd like to see all of you. Let me know if you can make it. And if you want to bring someone, that's fine with me too.
Don't make plans for tonight.

Jun. 23rd, 2013


Might not be the common thought, but maybe he ain't wrong. Only difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter's the side of the fence you're sittin on and those events mentioned don't cast too kindly on this government.

So maybe they to keep their nose out of other lands' business then there won't be problems like this.

Jun. 18th, 2013


Since folk seem impatient to wait. Yes. Malcolm Reynolds is gone. The ranch ain't. I'm Zoe Washburne, Mal's second in command, and I'm takin it over in his stead. Any deal you had with Malcolm Reynolds, you'll have with me if you speak up on it.

And since it's been asked. There'll be a poker night next Friday night out at the Ranch. You need to hitch a ride, we got some. Same rules as always. 50 dollar buy in. We'll provide some drink, but more'd be appreciated. Got places to crash if you need to stay the night. We'll see how many tables we get.

[Filtered to Serenity Crew extd ]
I know this is a rutting hard blow. But now's the time we band together and move forward, cause that's the only direction there is.

I ain't yet willin to say that this was Malcolm Reynold's last stand on Earth-that-Was. Nearly all of us have gone and come back, and if there's a way for us to speed along gettin our boys and Inara back, I sure as hell mean to find it. And he ain't comin back to a fractured crew.

That said, like I said yesterday, everyone's safe so long as they're here and with crew. And I'm takin Mal and Inara's things, and I do suppose what we've been holdin of Jayne's and Wash's out to the Ranch where SHIELD can't get their hands on them. Case any more of us go back, we do the same. I also want to revisit movin us out to the ranch. Some folk here's passable, but I wouldn't miss the most of them. More, don't seem safe bein so close to the Tesseract

[Doc Brown]
I've been lookin into some of that equipment you wanted. Might be some time on some of it, but none of it seems too impossible.

When it's in, I'm gonna need you to make me a sign.


Can anyone whose taken in one or the large-earred marmosets tell me if there has been any change? I'm concerned that


So I learned it's hard to play cards against a consulting detective, even when he's not trying to win.

Anyone thinking about keeping those Poker nights going?


He may not have trusted me or anything like that, but it's disappointing that my face twin is gone. I hope he comes back. Or if not Captain Mal, then Captain Hammer.


I'm sorry about your friends. If you need anything, anything at all, I'm quite happy to help.

Jun. 17th, 2013


Inara's gone.

Edit: And now they're sayin the capn's gone too.

Jun. 14th, 2013


Has anyone else in the building been having a problem with their electricity? My lights have been flickering endlessly, blinking on and off nearly all day. I've spent hours searching the fuse box and checking the breakers, as well as looking at the wiring behind every single switch plate. But all I've been able to find is that nothing should be wrong! Everything is correctly wired and grounded and none of the other electronics in the apartment appear to be affected. There is no apparent pattern to the disruptions that I can discover, and the strobe light effect that it sometimes creates has given me quite the headache. Normally I can take care of simple things like this myself, and I feel rather foolish for not being able to find the cause. Who do I see about maintenance repairs around here?

Unfortunately, this has meant the whole day has been wasted. After a quick trip to the library yesterday evening I had been reading up on the more modern blacksmithing techniques, and I had planned on going out to Mal's ranch today to see the lay of the land, as they say - get a first look at the horses, barn, tack room, and available tools and supplies. I suppose this will have to wait until tomorrow, provided the problem with the lights doesn't keep me up all night.


Huh. This ain't helping cuz my previous incarnations did a lotta fighting Flag Day.

Guess most folk are a whole lot more patriotic than I am.

Don't seem to have much reason to. My kin had a habit of using flags for the wrong ends. And I ain't part of that.

Jun. 13th, 2013


My family has never talked much about the past. Considering how important family always was to Taurons (or so I always heard, at least), our history was a mystery. There were questions my brother and I never asked, relatives we never knew, stories we never heard. We learned early what was off limits. When I visited my grandfather, I asked him about the books in his library or about the cases he'd had over the years. I never asked about my aunt and uncle, and Uncle Sam never said much about them either.

I'd known that my aunt Tamara died, but little more. It wasn't until she arrived here that I had the chance to know her story, and by extension, our family's story. Some of it was on television, but hearing it directly from someone you love is different. There were stories she knew that were never on Caprica, secrets that would have stayed secret if she hadn't been here to tell me.

I won't sit here and mope about how I've had the chance to know her, and to know my father, only to have them leave. It was a blessing. I've never been one to believe in fate or destiny, but one thing's clear to me now: they were both here for a reason.

Jun. 10th, 2013


[Filtered to Zoe]
Put your name on the papers for the ranch. Figure if the blue box gets uppity and sends me back, you'll keep it runnin. Good place for the kid. Ain't takin any no's. Main house is still mine.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to Inara & Kaylee]
Some place called Alder just opened. Got an invite to try it out. Ain't sure what a 'gastropub' is, but I do know what a pub is. You ladies want to give it a go? Can bring Lee if he's willin, Kaylee.
[End Filter]

Got the ranch up and runnin, ready to start receivin visitors for the summer. Any of you folk interested in comin out (if you ain't already for other reasons) to try your hand at farmin or ridin horses or feedin farm animals, shoot me a line and come on out. Ain't lookin to charge, but that don't mean I won't take no donations to maintainin the place.

Always willin to bring on folk wantin some full-time work too. Just remember it's an hour outside town and it's hard work if you ain't used to it.

Jun. 4th, 2013


Ain't the longest I've ever been stuck on a rock, but it's damn well getting close to it. Might be the longest stretch without gettin shot at in a good 15 years. Still, seems like most of us have been here ages. When really, it ain't even been long enough to have a baby. Ain't sayin this place is all bad, Bù nàifán fú shuí yě wúfǎ zhǎodào hépíng. Tā bùnéng zài děng yīgè yuè?

May. 30th, 2013


[Filtered to Serenity Crew extd]
He never was very patient, my man.

May. 18th, 2013


Been here two days and this place is still weird. Or at least the people here are weird. Can't I shop in peace without someone wanting to feel the baby kick?

May. 14th, 2013


Okay, since that Doc over there was so loud about it and I'm literally a couple of hours away from becoming a Reaver's banquet as soon as I get sent back, I think that while it wasn't directed to us, we could've done without a second voice of reason. Had I known, I would've done my best not to die. For granted, I would've tried my best not to die either way, but when a harpoon comes calling, you either open the door or it comes bursting in anyway. You know?

Am l worried? Yes. Have I unnecessarily bothered people with my fears? Yes. Have I been convinced she'll be crew either way? Yes. Thank you for that, by the way. But this is my only chance to get to know that little person that's gonna come out soon. And really, it's a SENSITIVE subject. Not only for me and Zoe, I'm betting. Either way, whether you like it or not, that little person is coming and if we're lucky, she'll take after Zoe. We've got a name picked out and we probably should move to a two bedroom soon.

Now, I must go tend to my wife. A weapon's cabinet WAS a bad idea. Glad I went with the macaroni necklace! And the ring. I got her a ring. :)

How many more days of this? Zoe. My lamby toes, I'm hiding your weapons.
(OOC: Deleted after the comments below.)

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