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May. 21st, 2014


You know, they got nice doctors here. Ones who ain't lookin to be on the run and who are a far sight prettier than the doc I got on my ship. Although the one who took care of me today does know how to give Looks when you try to walk faster than she thinks is necessary.

They say I been here before, and that I got some stuff somewhere. Not that I'm complainin, this apartment they got me in is a hell of a lot larger than my room on Serenity.

They also say that this is Earth-that-was. That true?

Oct. 31st, 2013


Happy Halloween to me.

Thanks, Castle. This is one way to make me forget the Red Sox won the World Series.

Oct. 17th, 2013


So I was thinkin... it's been a while since the space folks all got together for a dinner, and I know we lost a bunch, but we also gained the prettiest little girl in the 'verse!

Any rate, I was thinkin maybe a little after Lee gets back - to let him settle back in - we could all have a night in at me n Zoe's?

Oct. 13th, 2013


Wassat "NYCC" stand for? A fella was wearing my hat and I asked him where he thought he was going with it and he said to NYCC.

He said I could get one if someone would learn me to knit or for $24.99. Oh, I think not.

I didn't hit him, I'm feelin that Zoe and Kaylee should give me some credit for that. A round of applause will suffice. Maybe some singing of my praises.

And I need knittin teacher. I'm good with my hands.

Oct. 9th, 2013


Tell them that they took my gums



How the hell did it get gnus?


Gorram thing

Oct. 5th, 2013


the internet wants me to move to pawnee and hang out with ron swanson. they think he'll help me perfect my woodworking skills.

i just want a fucking el camino. which rich person do i talk to about that?

Oct. 2nd, 2013


Seems this rock won't ever get anymore used to seasons than I will. Though the leaves sure are something.

Saw cause to break out Serra's first browncoat today.

[Filtered to Christopher Pike, Kaylee Frye, Lee Adama]
There's an auction for draft horses happenin upstate this weekend. I was thinkin of headin on up there. Any of you interested in ridin along or want me to pick anything up while I'm out there.

Hopin if I'm lucky that I might be able to find a few hands to go with the horses.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


[Friends + Starfleet]
Today is or would have been Babs' birthday.

I didn't expect to miss her this much.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Well, that's exciting. A few nanny jobs all lined up. I should open my own service here in the building, I think. Don't suppose anyone has any babies or small children that need minding while they're working or out doing things?

Sep. 17th, 2013


Is it a requirement that we must live in this city?

Sep. 12th, 2013


Today's Snapple factoid:
A bolt of lightning can reach temperatures hotter than 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit -- five times hotter than the sun.

Hey Longshot. You got any thoughts on that?

And just in case anybody's wondering where I can't see it, here's some facts regarding pregnancy.
  • Simple math says that Cylons and humans have a hard time. Helo, you know what I mean. Sorry to bring it up. But it's also been pretty well determined I'm not human.

  • This baby isn't beating the frak out of me yet. No troubles, alright? So stop asking me how I'm feeling because my response is going to be: Good enough to whip your ass.

  • Kiss, kiss. Hug, hug.

  • Yours in war,


    Sep. 9th, 2013


    Ain't sure who it was planted lemon trees out at Miranda, but it is not lookin like there'll be a harvest this year.

    This rock seems too gorram cold for lemons.

    Aug. 30th, 2013


    Hey, heard you were trying to get ahold of me a few weeks ago. Still throwing out business propositions? I could use the cash.

    Aug. 26th, 2013


    In about a month and a half, I'm going to be here:

    cut for photo )

    Gods willing, anyway.

    It's hard to believe how different my life is now from just one year ago. This time last year, I was somewhere in Africa, probably trying to build a fire from whatever wood I scavenged. To say I've lived through a whirlwind over the last five years would probably be an understatement. I don't think about it much anymore. Where I've been, where I was. Today, I'm thinking about it. This Earth is home to me in more ways than Caprica was for the last few years I lived there, and more than Galactica ever was (she was my father's home, not mine), but this Earth is missing things I'll never see again, too. The same goes for the rest of you, which certainly helps, but it isn't the same. I've been trying to write down what I remember - so I don't forget, while I'm here, and so I can really have a story to tell Serra and Kara and S when she's older.

    Aug. 23rd, 2013


    [Filtered to Friends* but not Alexis]

    My daughter is here! She's actually here! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!

    * anyone that Castle has been friendly with is free to comment

    Aug. 12th, 2013


    Hand all of my personal information over to another branch of government to vote for the lesser of two evils? Why don't you just shoot me in the head while you're at it?


    I realize it's been a while since the last one, I've been busy. But you folk still interested in poker? Mal started it, seems only right to keep it goin' so long as there's interest.

    But I'd been thinkin' for Friday night. I'd just as well have it out at the ranch. Same as usual. $50 buy in. No fightin. Have some food and drink but more's welcome. Space to crash if you don't wanna find your way back after.

    [Filtered to Han Solo]
    I've got a business proposition for you.

    Aug. 4th, 2013


    [Filtered to Space Folk]

    I'd a said something sooner, but this week's been a bit of a blur. But, anyone's interested, I had my baby Monday, it's a girl.

    cut, not filtered )

    I named her Serra.

    Jul. 31st, 2013


    cut for image, not filtered )

    Jul. 27th, 2013


    [Filtered to Pepper Potts]

    Last 24 hours, seems the Tesseract's gotten a mite testy where mothers are concerned.

    Can I ask what's happened with the Odair's and Meredith Grey's babies?

    [Filtered to Firefly Crew extd]
    This is seemin more and more like a Kuài hùzhǔ de xiǎngfǎ forcin běnshēn tōngguò yīgè yuán xíng de tōngfēng kǒu each time someone posts to this network, I ain't sure what is.

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