July 2016




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Jul. 14th, 2014


So did everyone enjoy the supermoon this month? If you missed it, that's okay! Turns out you have two more chances to see one this year! August 10th and September 9th. Plan accordingly. Nothing says romance like a beautiful full moon, right?

And now my brain that's adjusted to modern living understands the joke, but I did not mean it in that way. Just so we're clear.

Jul. 13th, 2014


In the interest of transparency, I am making a public announcement that the Sentient World Observation and Response Department, or S.W.O.R.D., has received an official charter for operation from the US government. In working with our allies in Asgard, the tesseract has been returned to Earth and is currently in our possession to protect.

The tesseract has been bringing items as well as some children and animals through recently. We will attempt to process all of them as quickly as we can to reunite you with them. Please allow us the time to properly do so.


So Thor was gracious enough to entrust the tesseract into our care.

I know we've only just started, but seems that the tesseract has other things in mind. Like this past December we've got a bunch of items and people belonging to people here showing up. Which means a lot of time sorting and trying to get this stuff to people. Last time it lasted a couple weeks, so hopefully it'll be slow and steady so we can keep track of everything.

It seems kids and animals are coming through. So are any of us good with them?


Network Post: Sarah Manning

Kira is here. KIRA IS HERE.

I know I haven't been at Sam's long, but I'm gonna to need time off for awhile before I can let her out of my sight. Got memories that say I just saw her like last week, but I haven't really seen my daughter in ten months-- damn good reason for a holiday, yeah?

Anyone got a twin bed they aren't using? Probably in a few days she'll want her own again instead of sharing. And any tips on cheap girls' clothes around here? Finally get to wear the necklaces Cos got us for Christmas but she's only got the pajamas she showed up in. Anyone I like who wants to meet her can, but you won't be seeing her on the network with all the shit we post.

Party, NOW. It's still morning for her and she wants to see everyone.

Jul. 2nd, 2014


[EMH adults, Sam, Jan, Kamala, Tony (616), Hawkeye (616), Hill]

I'll be in DC for the foreseeable future. My team managed to avoid being arrested as terrorists and we might actually come out of this whole mess with stable ground under our feet.

Granted that's if I can convince the government that they like me and they don't Ike alien invasions. Which hopefully won't be too hard. Sleeps always been overrated anyway.


I'll be in meetings with the military and members of the defense committee in addition to the hearings scheduled for SHIELD for the foreseeable future. I might have need to call some of you to DC to testify on behalf of SWORD and the work we do and wish to continue to keep doing on behalf of the people of this earth.

Any volunteers?

Our new friends will be heading down to DC with me as well. Hopefully we will come out of this with a more permanent set up than Potts and hotel rooms. Granted I doubt I can get us a spaceship like I had back home but maybe they'll really like me.

Jun. 30th, 2014


Damn, I wish Sookie was When I first got here, I was of the mind that watching that piece of shit show I'm on was a mistake, and pointless, and wouldn't do anyone a bit of good. That worked for a good long while. Then I changed my mind.

Should've stuck to my original plan.

Jun. 22nd, 2014


I'm not going anywhere, in case anyone was worried about the status of the bar. The last week's fucked up my profits for this month, but the best way I can think to give anyone who doesn't want us here a big fuck you is to stay put. This is where I put my roots down here, and this is where I'm going to stay. This is home, and we've got a strong community here, for better or worse. I'm not giving up on what we've got here, or we could have here.

As long as I'm here, the bar'll be too, and jobs for whoever wants one.



I just want to have you all know it's been an honor serving beside you. I'm not sure where SWORD's going after all this, but I'd love to have any of you by my side if I can.

That being said, given everything that's happened I don't think the military is the proper place for these meteor fragments. And we've a med tech who is ready and willing to help with the transmitters. Apparently saving their life makes them willing to remove them without the military's go ahead.


Sidewinder has been taken back from HYDRA. It is in the hands of the US military currently. But at least they're not HYDRA as far as we know.

We do have a couple more allies by way of this assignment though.

[EMH, Kamala, Jan, Sam, Tony(616)]

We have communication back online, still won't be back stateside for a couple more days.

Anyone want to fool me in on what happened while I've been gone?



So I dug that tracker thing out of my arm myself because fuck that. Need bandage. I don't heal quick like you guys do.


Quite the show you put on today. You need to do it again sometime.

Jun. 13th, 2014


Strange request, but does anyone have any experience delivering babies?


If there's one thing I've learned about being out on my own, it's that running is always an option. If you guys didn't hear those gunshots, you probably read about them. Angry protesters. Heroes being declared fugitives. Bad stuff is happening here and I don't think it's safe for me or the baby. I'm packing my stuff up right now and heading out to Serenity ranch tonight. If any of you want to carpool with me after tonight's full moon, I don't mind taking you. In fact, I'd love the company. That's up to you guys, though. If you are staying, just be safe. I just... Now's not the time for all of this messiness.

Jun. 9th, 2014


[SWORD + Betty]

We have been contacted by an overseas SHIELD facility. There was a meteor shower a few days ago, nearly wiped out an entire village. And now apparently the locals are developing what seem very much like super powers. Their welcome wagon didn't go over too well. We're being called in to assess the situation, help with recovery of possible alien influences, and help with the cataloging of these new individuals.

Don't expect to be back in the next couple days. This will be at minimum a week to deal with if collection doesn't take longer. Lift off is in three hours so get your gear together.

[EMH, Kamala, Sam]

Works got me out of town for a while. Probably won't be able to talk much if at all. But you need me, let me know.

Jun. 6th, 2014


I swear, if I wasn't pregnant and it wasn't my birthday, I'd be down there going for throats. What's the opposite of holy water? Whatever is, I need to start flinging it back. These people don't even know how to come up with a good chant. The Protest Committee's really scraping the bottom of the barrel with these nuts.

[Sam Merlotte]

I found this. I can't decide if it's a good idea or a terrible one, so you tell me, Mr. Food Critic.

[Filtered to those helping with the nursery]

This morning I got a call from the delivery guys saying they'd be here at around 3:30. If you're still interested, I can offer you free drinks and food to help set it up and move it around. It shouldn't take too long, either.

Jun. 4th, 2014


All at least we know that the arrival pamphlets are far better than the ones protestors are handing out outside, if we were to be ranking pamphlets.

[EMH adults]

I've got a mini-me. Or rather a mini Ms. Marvel. Not that I'm her Ms. Marvel. I'm not. So I'm not sure it really counts.

I feel almost like I should be responsible though.


Did you have a team back home? Or were you on your own?

Jun. 2nd, 2014


I apparently teach Defense Against The Dark Arts one day. I've been talking with Lily, and I thought I could teach here. None of the openings appeal to me. Students in ESD, is there a class not being taught that you'd like to see? And who do I talk to about creating a class? Sorry to bring this up so close to the summer, I know you lot probably don't want to think about school anymore.

[ PACK ]
My friend Someone I went to school with is here, he's quite good at potions. He can make us all the wolfsbane potion, if you're interested. It helps you keep your human mind about you when you change. Just let me know as soon as possible, it's a difficult potion.

May. 26th, 2014


In a couple of days, it'll be my two year anniversary in this world. I never expected to stick around for two weeks, let alone two years, but here I am anyway. Back then, there were just a couple of us. Me, Buffy and a few others. I remember thinking we wouldn't be here long, and then the days just kept ticking by. We've come a long way since then. Seen a lot of folks come and go, got my bar up and running, this tower opened up. The folks here have been good to us, outside the few who don't even want to bother to get to know us as real folks. I can't say I know a lot of people back home who would've opened their doors like this to strangers, and the South's supposed to be known for its hospitality. We've got a lot of folks suspicious of strangers, though, back in Bon Temps. They looked at me odd for months after I first came to town. I just figured I'd win them over with kindness. And a few beers. The same thing's been true here.

Seems almost fitting I got my start out here on my own, and now I'm back to being the only one from my world again. But there ain't much to do about that except keep going.

In June we'll have a couple new drinks on the menu in honor of me and Buffy and the reason we're all here, just like last year, and I'm gonna open up one of my barrels of mead. Here's to two more.

May. 23rd, 2014



Not sure if any of you all knew, but Erin and I are getting an apartment together, and they prepared it for us a lot faster than I expected. I haven't moved in yet, but I stocked the fridge over there full of groceries. Anyone up for dinner? I was thinking about making some gumbo, but if anyone has a suggestion for something better, I'd be more than happy to make that. Think of this like a housewarming party!

May. 19th, 2014


It's hard to believe that the end of this month marks the very first refugees to arrive. It's been an incredible journey, really, and getting to know you all is a pleasure.

I need a vacation. Somewhere warm where the men run around in next to nothing.

If you could have a week or two off to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

May. 9th, 2014


[SWORD + Asgardians/Hill]

I would like to extend a big thank you to you, Thor, and the rest of the Asgardians for helping arrange this meeting in Asgard on behalf of Midgard. That we can serve as representatives of Midgard is a distinct honor.

So everyone. Best behavior then. We'll be gone over the next couple days, as your orders have detailed out. Each of us will be dealing with several meetings with members of the Asgardian forces to negotiate formal terms for the alliance between our realms now that Midgard has regained awareness of Asgard's existence.


So. From what I've gathered there's a me you know pretty well. What advice would you give that me dealing with this worlds Asgardians on their home turf?


Out of town a few days. Heard you're apparently going to be running a speed dating ring?

May. 7th, 2014


Hullo, I'm Remus.

I was told James, Lily, and Sirius are here?

I was also told there are a few like me here.
When is the full moon this month?

May. 3rd, 2014


network post: sookie stackhouse

I do my best not to find out nothing about the show I'm from. True Blood, I seen the name flashing through enough people's heads not to forget that. But today someone was projecting so hard, I couldn't shut them out, while I worked tonight. But it wasn't all bad news. Besides excitement for the next season, there was sadness because it's the last season. The last season. I never been here before, when it was coming out, but if I can get through this summer of it, that'll be it. No more True Blood. Has anyone else gone through something like that?

I don't know how everyone works on getting through it being on tv and all. But I'm here to support anyone who needs it and open to advice to anyone that has it. It's still more than a month away, but it felt like it was much further away, and now it's not.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


[Sam Merlotte]
Hi! This is really random, but I was wondering if there was any way that we could borrow your kitchen for a baking club? There's not enough room in our apartments for everyone to be in one room cooking and someone said you might let us use yours. If not, I totally understand. Sorry for bothering you!

-- Guess what.
-- I found my dress!
-- Look!
-- Whaddaya think?

[Sophia Burset]
-- Are you completely booked for prom?
-- I thought I could do my own hair but... yeah, nope.

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