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Mar. 12th, 2014


Network Post: Hikaru Sulu

So it's board game night down in the Youth Center. Anyone want to come with me? Sounds like fun.

Mar. 11th, 2014


I'm assuming that either Chase or Xavin painted glowing stars on my ceiling. It's not horrible. Maybe it was a joke via Nico? First twenty minutes going to sleep always means just staring at the ceiling and waiting for the stars to dim - which works, because then I start to fade to sleep too. Kind of peaceful.

I can't remember the last time going to sleep was peaceful. I kind of like the glowing stars the more I think about it. Shine bright before fading into a memory.

[Edit before Chase enters:]
Oh, yeah, hey people - is Peter Parker here?

Mar. 10th, 2014


Network Post: Tinker Bell (Voice to Text)

Uhh hello? Am I using this right? Oh wait it said to push this one.

Mar. 9th, 2014


I can't believe I hit him. Me and Gert were shopping and buying stuff with money and I tuned a corner and there he was and I got scared and I just hit him. I hit him and ran back around the corner. I hope I didn't hurt him. I can't believe I punched mr hulk.

Mar. 6th, 2014


So I'm thinking about starting up my own X-Factor here. Obviously it won't be an all-mutant detective agency, but it's a start. Maybe we can do some bounty hunting on the side (that's for you, Wade).

I would need an office space. And money for the office space. And people interested in joining. Shit. That's a lot of stuff.


Filtered to Rachel Summers

Why did my phone say I had to contact you for school? I don't need school.


toy stores are a dangerous place. did you know they still made the howling vortex football? you bet your ass i picked one up. anyone game for a little catch in the hallway?

you still sure you want us moving in?

you up for the move to xavin's place? it's probably loads safer than us all being separated. not that that made a also, i found doop's cousin. his name's slimer. or doop's long lost sister, Ella. take it or leave it, it's the best i could find.


So... you're tellin' me that I get sucked into some flarkin' cosmic vortex, and thrown into another world... and of all the d'ast worlds in the galaxy, I get stranded on EARTH.

Flark my life.

Mar. 4th, 2014


Network post: Molly Hayes

There are soooooo many mutants here! It's kind of cool. Even though Doop isn't here. Or Dazzler. But that's ok.

And Gert is here and Chase and a new friend Xavin who marries Karolina. That is so crazy. And I accidentally broke the doorknob to the bathroom but that's ok because it can get fixed. I don't know by who but that's how things work.

Does anyone want to go buy superhero costumes? Last time I made my own but I want to get something cool. Or someone could make me one? That would be even awesomer.


I want to punch something!

Oh and get kit kats.

And get a hot dog.

I ate 5 bowls of lucky charms.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


So I'm not even into a full week of being here yet and I get to spend a good part of my evening stuck in an elevator.

Since it looks like I'm going to be here for a while, I've been talking with some people about getting signed up for classes. I don't think my parents would want me to skip out on school just because I'm in some crazy new universe.

Filter: Usagi Tsukino
I thought we could get some lunch sometime, and get to know each other a little better. Since we're roommates and all.


Voice post:

I swear to whatever thing you bastards worship; the next one of you to lay a finger on me is getting fed to my $%!#ing dinosaur...oh, damn it, you do not drug a 16 year old and blindfold them for a joyride around NY just to dump her (and her woozy dino) at some building.

I think my glasses are brok...nevermind, they are. Someone of the not adult sized come and help me before I walk into traffic?
...maybe I'll just walk into traffic, take my chances.

[ooc: Gert was not drugged. Lace had tranquilizers shot at her to keep her from eating/defending - Gert's just feeling the side effects.]

Mar. 2nd, 2014


network post: xavin

Filtered: Private
They returned, Chase and Molly, the last two who left. Perhaps Gert will come next, then the others: Klara, Karolina, Nico, Victor. Karolina, more than the rest, has never stayed here long. She is not and cannot be the reason I live and breath here. I wanted her to live, and she is living on another earth. My sacrifice was meant to be final, but it was not. I cannot ask less of myself than I did her, impossible as it feels. Live in peace, Karolina, my beloved. You will always be in my heart.
Filtered: Chase Stein & Molly Hayes
You should both move into the Rungalow. It has more space, and it has rooms for each of you. There is no gay to clean up after you, but as you do not remember him, it is no loss.
I would like a little golden man.

Feb. 27th, 2014


the name's chase. i like bonfires, beaches, beer, and babes, but not in that order. what i don't like is this Capone style circus journey and some crazy story about an alternate world. what gives? this heaven? hell? some warped ghetto disney ride on lsd? 10 bucks on the heaven part because this nurse checkin' me out is smoking hot. props to you Stark for the good hire. on second thought, takebacks on that $10 and sticking with the hell answer because my heaven would NEVER be in NYC. man this place sucks.


Network Post: Molly Hayes

I woke up in a strange dark room. They knew who I was. I was blindfolded. And then some other people brought me to some place and then now I'm here at this tower. They're lucky I didn't hit them.

Where are my friends? This is so not cool. Are my parents here?

Nov. 18th, 2013



Oct. 25th, 2013


[Filtered to Lily]
Thank you for coming over and making sure I didn't ruin my potion.

I would very much like it if the tesseract would stop doing things like that to me.


[Filtered to Molly Hayes]
I thought you'd like to know I'm back to normal.


[Filtered to Hestia Jones]
Thank you for the food. My sixteen year old self enjoyed them very much.


Oct. 23rd, 2013


is anyone else being weird? cause professor dumbledore's being a bit strange and and and

BEETLEJUICE DID YOU DO THIS that's it, i'm swearing off the movies.

Oct. 17th, 2013


You knows what? Fuck it. Imma jus gone say it.

This place is fuckin' me up. Between body changin' (lord fuckin' git dat shit away from me. Been possessed too many fuckin' times for me to ever be okay with dat shit. No fuckin' way), and whatever else fucked up shit going on here, I'm frustrated as fuck.

I'm glad I have Sam's and some of my peoples because dis shit is enough to drive a nigga ta drink.

Ya'll need me, Is be at the bottom of a fuckin Tequila Sunrise.

Oct. 13th, 2013


so there's stuff and stuff and stuff and can we read lotr for class already sjeesh unless i'm the only one of my age who's read it idk

i also want a canon bump plz kkthks bc i'm out of the loop again i think

Filtered to Julie Power and Karolina Dean

so if there is this girl that i hypothetically like is that in the right context, teacher what do i do

Oct. 5th, 2013


so i was walking around the city today, legit looking for work, picking up a few things for the rungalow, you know, being busy, minding my own business, and this commuter guy on a bike out of nowhere blindsides me. he goes flying, my shit goes flying. next thing you know we're exchanging digits and shouting names that k and jules would hate. this motherfucking SOB gets me down on the ground, goes to his shit, turns around, and TASES ME. !@$$% #%!&@$ *!%& $#@! $^&%!$$^&@ @!$^ have you ever been tasered?! who brings a taser to a fight that HE started?! man, you don't get that shit in LA. if you're gonna fight, you're gonna fight mano a mano.

like a coward, he gets back on his bike and takes off. and it's taking every bit of willpower to move not go darkhawk on his candy ass and all i can think at the end of this whole stupid day was that my carton of eggs were all broken and i'll shove that bike up his ass if i ever see him again.

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