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Jan. 8th, 2014


All else aside, you have to admire the courage extreme cold inspires in people.

Jan. 7th, 2014


Clara and I are going to have a brainstorming session for another fundraiser. I might regret asking this, but does anyone have any suggestions?

While I'm asking questions, where is the best place to get my pilot's license? I'm a pilot, after all. (Moya, you could come with me! )

Mr. Stark, are you still working on that thing? I don't know if it's a secret or not so I will refer to it as The Thing.

Did she turn you into a newt? Are you still alive? Should I come check on you?

Are you going to use your Christmas present?

This weekend is their deathday. I don't know what to do.


I'm not much of one for takin what I haven't earned one way or another so I reckon I should be findin myself a job. I don't think that SHIELD and I would see eye to eye but I can respect that they are tryin their best for us when we get here. Anyway, I got the need to be useful so I reckon I'm goin to see about gettin my New York driver's license. Been doin some research and I like the idea of deliverin things that people need to em, things that they might need. I read that I need somethin called a CDL for that, and I reckon I can get the schoolin for that.

Dec. 31st, 2013


Happy New Year. Today, I found this. I don't really know how to link things on this, but here's where I found it. I think it's real nice.


Dec. 30th, 2013


Well, ain't this snow a treat? I'm guessin I missed a hell of a snowball fight yesterday, but I ain't too worried as I had myself a few at the ranch, mostly with the dogs runnin around. Had a real good Christmas, too, even if I did miss Kaylee and Inara and Zoe and the others. Did a lot of thinkin about how Wash really is dead and wouldn't it be nice if he were to come back here. Then he'd be alive and even if Zoe weren't here, Wash'd at least be alive somewhere.

Haven't been much for Christmas the last few years, as I figure I got no call to celebrate someone's bein born who abandoned me and mine when we needed Him most, but I guess that even if He was at the ranch He didn't do no harm. Would have liked to hear the good Shepherd speak, though, even if he tended to be too quiet on the things I wanted to hear most, and talked the most about things I didn't want to hear.

Anyway, I'm home now, and I feel the need to do somethin to bring in the new year. Anyone got any suggestions?


[ooc: this is after the log at Ginny's, so if your character was showing up there for the London trip, they will have already seen him there!]

Well, this wasn't at all how I expected it to go when I left work tonight. Er, last night? A week ago? I seem to have lost a few days. I can't believe I bloody missed Christmas!

Anyway, hello, New York, I'm Harry. My wife tells me I've been here before, but I don't remember a bit of it.

Dec. 17th, 2013


Well, ain't that somethin. Barely been here a week and already I'm gettin presents from all sorts of folk. And by folk, I mean the Tesseract.

[Filter to Lee Adama, Chris Pike, Byron Sully]
I found a place makes pretty good bao and other such things. Whenever you three are of a mind and not off doin savin the world type things I'd like to treat you to dinner.


I'm interested in putting together a statistical model to see if there are some kind of common factors regarding those who remain in this world those who are sent back, and I'm going to need to speak to a wide variety of people. If you're interested in being a part of my study, please let me know.

Thank you.

Dec. 13th, 2013


Who: Mal Reynolds and Willow Rosenberg
When: December 9, 2013, about half an hour after he initially posted
Where: Mal’s apartment
What: A case of mistaken identity
Rating: Low!

Then, what was overly rude after you tried to kill someone? )

Dec. 10th, 2013


[Filter: Ororo Munroe (616)]

Ms. Munroe, I've been informed that you're my housing assistant, and that you're the person I go to for paperwork. I need paperwork. I've been told I have a ranch and other property that can be returned to me and that you're the person to see about getting this paperwork. I'd be much obliged if you could pass along whatever it is I need and I can take care of the rest.

Best regards,
Mal Reynolds, apt. 2607

Dec. 9th, 2013


The nice young lady who showed me around this apartment said I should introduce myself around. She also told me I'd been here before and that some of the things I had before were kept for me, but she didn't know about the other. She was not clear about what I am missing.

I'm Mal Reynolds, for those of you who might be wondering who I am.

Jun. 10th, 2013


[Filtered to Zoe]
Put your name on the papers for the ranch. Figure if the blue box gets uppity and sends me back, you'll keep it runnin. Good place for the kid. Ain't takin any no's. Main house is still mine.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to Inara & Kaylee]
Some place called Alder just opened. Got an invite to try it out. Ain't sure what a 'gastropub' is, but I do know what a pub is. You ladies want to give it a go? Can bring Lee if he's willin, Kaylee.
[End Filter]

Got the ranch up and runnin, ready to start receivin visitors for the summer. Any of you folk interested in comin out (if you ain't already for other reasons) to try your hand at farmin or ridin horses or feedin farm animals, shoot me a line and come on out. Ain't lookin to charge, but that don't mean I won't take no donations to maintainin the place.

Always willin to bring on folk wantin some full-time work too. Just remember it's an hour outside town and it's hard work if you ain't used to it.


I was just fine where I was before. And this ain't really some hospital.

Too fancy.

Jun. 5th, 2013


The Wasburne baby isn't far away from gracing us with his or her presence, and I'd like to do something for Zoe. Being that it's still customary to celebrate mother and baby before the arrival, I'd like to suggest a shower for her taking place next weekend. I've already started making preparations, and I won't limit it to ladies but men, feel free to bow out if this sort of thing makes you uncomfortable.

As it is, I doubt Zoe would appreciate a lavish affair, so this will likely be very low-key. I would appreciate at least one person (aside from Kaylee, who I'm already roping into this) to help me coordinate things. I'll have invitations following, with a suggestion for gifts attached to it.

I'm not completely aware of who Zoe is friends with outside of our immediate circle, so feel free to disregard this at will if you've no idea who I'm even talking about.

Jun. 4th, 2013


Ain't the longest I've ever been stuck on a rock, but it's damn well getting close to it. Might be the longest stretch without gettin shot at in a good 15 years. Still, seems like most of us have been here ages. When really, it ain't even been long enough to have a baby. Ain't sayin this place is all bad, Bù nàifán fú shuí yě wúfǎ zhǎodào hépíng. Tā bùnéng zài děng yīgè yuè?

May. 27th, 2013


In just a few days, I'll hit my one year anniversary here. I still remember landing on my ass in Asgard like it was just yesterday, and how I made an ass of myself trying to get away. It's pretty damn humbling to realize that a whole bunch of Asgardians have seen you naked.

In honor of that anniversary and in honor of the few of us who got to enjoy Asgard briefly, I'll be debuting a couple new drinks on Thursday and breaking out some more of the mead that Thor helped make. Come by then to try one (or several).

All of your food and drinks will be on the house on Thursday, if you decide to stop in.

May. 15th, 2013


I'm going to the prom. You're welcome to accompany me, if you have the desire to redeem yourself from the last time we were at a large shindig together.

I saw. Is there anything I can do?

May. 13th, 2013


Ain't nothin better than findin fanart I get.

Capn, reckon you might wanna look away.

Cut for picture size, not filtered. )Still ain't sure how them's a danger, but better than the real thing!


Captain Reynolds & Hawke

My name is Elspeth and I am a friend of Rivers. Another friend of mine and I are looking for a place to grow our own food and she suggested that you might have space available at your ranch? If that is the case I would like to perhaps discuss acquiring some of it to do so. You would be more than welcome to help yourself to some of my or our food in return.

Thank you,

May. 6th, 2013


Got to thinkin about what you said. Guess I ain't used to crew holdin down jobs and havin a life away from Serenity. But I ain't selfish neither. Can't expect them to just up and move out to a ranch and fight all manner of ground traffic in this hole of a town. Ain't no matter how purple it feels.

What I'm sayin is. What I'm sayin is I figure you ain't wrong. Just ain't a workable plan.

Thinkin I'll just stay here in this tower. Cept I ain't gettin rid of the ranch. Got to thinkin it'll be good for visitin, spendin time at. Raise some animals. Home away from home. I got plenty of ranchin experience in worse places than this. Ponderin maybe even openin it up to other folk if they get a need to step out of city life for a day or a few hours. Plenty of folk what come from similar backgrounds.

How's that grab you?
[End Filter]

End of May's Unification Day back where I hail from, though I much prefer spendin it a bit different than most folk. Marks the end of a war where I lost a good number of friends, people I consider near enough to family. Only it weren't my side what won the war and it never much settled well how things wound up after. Just puttin it out there if I seem a mite easy to anger over the next few weeks.

-- Also, glad I got skipped on this whole wild agin thing. Last thing I need's to hit puberty again.

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