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May. 12th, 2015


Filtered against Inara and Jayne

Right. So, I might be takin someone to this dance thing, and I might have said I'd take her to dinner before. And I might need a bit of help knowin where to take her that won't leave me in the poor house.


Filter: Inara Serra

You got a fancy dress? Stupid question, most like.


Proof of a good marriage: Your husband doesn't laugh at you when you cry over your ridiculous television life, and gets deeply offended when some guy implies you are incompetent on a tv screen.

This is the first summer since we've been here that we aren't going to spend it on pins and needles that something terrible has happened to one of us. So that's new.

May. 10th, 2015


Citizens of Manhattan, and most beloved brethren:

Urged by necessity, I, Loki, come to you as your king, and as an ambassador with a divine admonition to you.

An evil sorcerer has descended upon our kingdom to bring discord and suffering upon our people. Magus Caligari has used his knowledge of the darkest arts to bewitch our towne with the most dreaded Dragon Pox Curse. But now is not the time for cowardice.

This evil mage would come to us with demands of wealth, of bears and lions and hunting dogs on chains, mules packed with the gold of Araby. He would stand before me and demand control of my kingdom to end this pox. And you may be tempted to believe his promises of mercy. But trust Caligari and suffer! We came to this land several long years ago, and already, I have won Brooklyn towne for you. I have won the Queendom for you, I took Harlem and all of the land of Morningside, and the islands of Long and Staten. In the beginning, Caligari lived comfortably in our land, enjoying the fruits of our labor, but when his eyes became fixed on power, the sorcerer played a traitor. He left our land to learn these dark and mystic arts, and has returned to destroy the peace and prosperity that we have fought and died to achieve.

But we do not require, and will not seek, the help of traitors and thieves. It is far better that we should lose our lives than we should lose our honour and be reduced to beggary!

Among our ranks, there are men of great talent and skill, warriors and wizards far more powerful than the sorcerer who has set upon us. We will find a cure for this powerful hex. We will avenge the men that this criminal has murdered! For it is together that we prevail!

May. 8th, 2015


Earned me some money. Who wants to help me drink it away? Jayne, you owe me fourteen beers anyway.

May. 5th, 2015


Ain't rightly sure, but I feel like our truck run me over then parked on my head for a few hours. Doc, whatever beer that was ain't no need to share no more.

May. 3rd, 2015


What Qing Wa Cao De Liu Mang took me off my ship and brought me to this Ho Tze Duh Pi Gu corner of the verse?

Sep. 19th, 2014


Filter to Zoe
Is it just me, or do you keep gettin an unpleasant feelin every time we deal with these fellas we been dealin with? Somethin ain't sittin right. Might be it's time I do some diggin into what it is we're haulin.

Aug. 28th, 2014


Who: Mal Reynolds & Wash
When: Wednesday, August 27
Where: The Ranch, probably in the kitchen or something
What: Mal and Wash have their first real conversation since Wash arrived
Rating: Firefly.

Mal was unsettled, and he didn't like being unsettled. )


Filter to Serenity folk, Sully, Pike, Beth Greene
Sully -- other fella who owns this ranch with me and Pike -- is tellin me there's a girl who lost her father in their own story. Sully wants to hold a service out here to the ranch on Sunday for the girl so she can say goodbye proper-like. I got no objections and I think it'd be doin her a kindness if we was to all be out here for it. Those of us that can and want to. Wash, I know you got to do stuff with your SWORD people, so if you have to be gone by then it's all right. Everyone's welcome out here as long as they need to be.

Might be we could find a way to help Sully out with this, cookin some food or the like. Let me know what you think.

Aug. 27th, 2014


Filter to Serenity folk
I think it'd be a good idea for us to get out of the city for a spell, especially since we got Kaylee and Wash with us now. There's the ranch that I apparently share with Chris Pike, and there's plenty of room and some horses besides. It'd be a good place to catch up and find out where we all differ, decide what we're all gonna do. Zoe and I got us an operation goin on, tryin to make it better, and you're all welcome and wanted to join in.

Any case, plannin on headin out that way tomorrow or so.

Aug. 9th, 2014


I can't say as this is the strangest place I've ever lived, but I can say that the strangest things happen to the folk who do. Are fishmen comin out of the ocean regular events for you people, or was it somethin special? But all the weirdness aside, I feel like I might be settlin in okay. The ranch is real calm, and while it doesn't resemble my home planet in looks, there's a sort of peace you get when you're sittin on a front porch. The only thing missin is watchin the cattle out in their pastures, but I guess we can't have it all.

Filter to Zoe
We gotta be in the city on Wednesday. There's a guy who wants to meet with us over dinner about a business proposition he's got for us.

Jul. 11th, 2014


Filter to Serenity Folk
Either you two have any weird dreams since you got here? Found myself takin a nap this afternoon and had myself one doozy of a dream. There was a giant peerin on me as I was eatin, he asked me about growin up on Shadow and Serenity, and then about some woman callin herself Saffron. That sound familiar to either of you? There was also somethin about needin to flesh me out for a wicky somethin-or-other. Woke up and there was somethin in the corner, way high up, like a security camera of sorts. Been feelin sorta troubled ever since.

Nothin like feelin useful. Old man who owns a farm not far from the ranch spoke to me a few weeks back, seems that we made arrangements to move his produce from his farm to the city a few times a week, and tomorrow I'll be drivin up from the ranch to the city with a load of good stuff, all for a farmer's market, so if you're of a mind and like fresh foods like that, you might consider makin a trip to the 57th St. Greenmarket tomorrow, and the Forest Hills Greenmarket on Sunday. We'll be bringing produce up both days for Mr. Harrison and his wife to sell. They're real friendly folk, and Mrs. Harrison says she's happy to share recipes with anyone who asks.

Jul. 5th, 2014


So, is this Independence Day you folk just had anything like Unification Day?

Inara's givin music lessons, if any of you are interested.

Filter to Zoe and Inara
Zoe, seems like we were busy the last time we were here. I have a notion we should take our time in findin the treasure that we left behind.

I had a thought that it might be a good idea for us to sit down an learn exactly where we come from, so soon I'd like for us to watch this show that we're from. Firefly.

Jun. 25th, 2014


-- This look familiar to you?
-- Attachment (IMG0005.jpg)

-- Don't suppose you'd be willin to do me and Zoe a favor?
-- You'd get paid, of course.

Jun. 11th, 2014


Thing I don't get about this rock. Or what I might considerin duō yuǎn liánbāng diàochá jú yǐjīng pá shàngle dàjiā de lǘ is how many ruttin things they want you to have license for here.

I don't see why the feds got any need to know about folk's personal property.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


Is it a normal thing for folk to be standin outside this building, protestin the sight of the people who live here? I didn't get hit by water, but I understand some folk did and I'm havin a hard time understandin just why they're doin that and why it's supposed to hurt.

Filter to Zoe
It's come to my attention that we've let our business license expire.

May. 21st, 2014


You know, they got nice doctors here. Ones who ain't lookin to be on the run and who are a far sight prettier than the doc I got on my ship. Although the one who took care of me today does know how to give Looks when you try to walk faster than she thinks is necessary.

They say I been here before, and that I got some stuff somewhere. Not that I'm complainin, this apartment they got me in is a hell of a lot larger than my room on Serenity.

They also say that this is Earth-that-was. That true?

Jan. 9th, 2014


[Filter: Byron Sully & Chris Pike]
This is weird to say since I don't remember bein here the first time. But Chris is puttin my name on the deed to the ranch, along with the younger Jim Kirk. And I had the thought that you ought to be on it, too, because if anyone loves the ranch, it's you. And someone with that much love for a piece of land ought to have a say in how its run. It'll be the four of us, and if any of us goes back to where we come from, there will still be someone here takin care of it.


Well, it seems that taking a hit to the shoulder can't keep me down for long. I was glad it wasn't my legs again, but I've got most of my range of motion back with just some residual soreness. I have to say, wielding a sword is nothing like unarmed hand to hand or firing a phaser. I'm particularly grateful it hasn't stopped me from riding. And neither have the cold temperatures. Just have to dress properly. Although keeping the horses warm has been our main project. Not a problem we had to this extent in the Mojave.

[Malcolm Reynolds]
I saw something about you getting a license for deliveries. There's still a truck that Zoe left me that you can have if it'd be useful. I think there's probably space at the ranch for both of us when we want it and Sully to be there to keep an eye on things if you're agreeable to that.

[Advising Group Echo]
Before the holidays, I threw out the idea of a holiday party. My injuries on Asgard kept me out of commission a bit longer than expected. If people are still up for it, how about Sunday? We could even head out to the ranch if people want.

If you have any questions about the upcoming semester, let me know.

Thanks for coming with to Asgard and for staying. Are you going to count that as the date you won or do I get to convince you to take me gokarting or dinner?

Thank you is insufficient, but I appreciate all you do.

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