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Jan. 14th, 2013


[ Filtered to Joseph Curry ]

I'm getting Wonder Woman as a roommate.

Did my room just get more awesome, or what? :)

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Emma Frost ]

Hi! I know we talked a little about the potential that you might do some modeling for SuperSuds! I just wanted to let you know that January's scents are just about done, if you'd like to negotiate. If you're too busy now that you're teaching again, I totally understand though!

[ /Filter ]


This New York City is nearly the same as what I'm used to, yet there are significant differences.

My name is Diana of Themyscira, also known as Diana Prince. Regardless, Diana will suffice.

Jan. 13th, 2013


I'm trying to decide if walking around a corner and spotting yourself on a billboard ten feet tall and in your laciest undergarments is awesome or weird.

I think. I'm going with awesome.

Today I saw myself.. or who looks like me but daaaaaaamn I looked good .... on a billboard. In my underwear. Of course. I had to go buy a set of what I/she was wearing.


I miss trains. This is all your fault

Jan. 9th, 2013


[Filtered to Kara Zor-El / Power Girl]
You know, I'm rocking this Rupert Giles scent. There's worse things that going around smelling of caramel. I just want to keep picking up a book and approaching young girls to tell them they're the next Slayer.

Which I won't.

Because I might get arrested.
[End Filter]

All right. First week of the new year is over - how many resolutions have you already broken?

Jan. 7th, 2013


Turns out being me is kind of useful. I got a job down on the docks driving the loaders you use these days and I've never met a more respectful bunch of men in my life once I introduced myself to them. I think they're afraid I'm going to kick their asses if they look at me wrong. They're good guys though, especially once I proved I wasn't afraid of a bit of hard work. I'd take most of them into a fight.

I found this little guy down at the docks. The guys said he was a stray so I brought him home and cleaned him up. His name is Jonesy.

Cut for image - not filtered )

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Despite how I feel this morning, I'm not dying, but I could use hangover food recommendations.

It's, uh, been a while.

Jan. 1st, 2013


That was amazing, but I think I need new feet. Mine are numb.

Thanks for the dances, all you wonderful people. Especially you Power Girl. ;)

Dec. 31st, 2012


Who: Potts Tower folks!
When: New Years Eve, 8pm-onwards
Where: Potts Tower: Basement & floor 13
What: PARTY TIME. This is the IC/OOC post what is going down. Feel free to comment. You're also welcome to post logs. When you reply to the comment times below, please be sure to put your character's name in the subject line. IE. Under Arrivals, add Arrivals - Character Name to make it easier to find things later. Also, remember to tag your character!


Dec. 30th, 2012


I love starting my morning with a random involuntary dimension hop.

I'm Zatanna Zatara. I like French Macarons, Frank Sinatra, coffee makes me twitchy, and I'm addicted to magic. Some of you I know personally, others I've seen on tv or have read of in books at some point, and some I am completely clueless about but regardless; Hello!

Call it a hunch but getting the impression I'm going to be here for a while, and as much as I enjoy the perks of free money to spend, I enjoy my work a lot more. That said, would anyone be interested in a job in the near future as an assistant or apprentice?

Dec. 29th, 2012


Okay, New Year's Resolution. Are you ready? (I know it's a couple of days early, but I think it's okay, isn't it?)

Resolution: To love every second of being Mrs. Clark Kent. Every. Single. Second.

Too simple, though, isn't it? Nah. Some years, you know you just need to enjoy them for the sake of being a new beginning.

Dec. 27th, 2012


Okay okay, I promised that I wouldn't be THAT PERSON, but I'm totally going to be THAT PERSON; I don't know why I even tried to contain it.

What's your New Year's Resolution, if you have one? Gloomy Holiday Gus-types NEED NOT APPLY.

Mine is to eat more broccoli, get a pet cat, and figure out what I'm going to do with the boob window on my costume. THIS IS IT. IT'S HAPPENING THIS YEAR.

OH and I almost forgot - I've made one more batch of my fragrances and I'm running SUPER-LOW on "Emma Frosty", so if you're interested, you'd better stop by the store!


So I was thinkin with all the new folks comin in, we should do some kinda weekly welcome gatherin. Folks can do things like they would on their own planets and get to know each other. Weren't even need to be just for new folks either. Could just be for people who don't know nobody here. I seen lots of people not knowin anyone here & i think it could be good.

Anyone wanna help out with that kinda thing?

Dec. 18th, 2012


What traditions would you suggest to a person who hasn't celebrated Christmas in years and looks to be dragged into it this year by a rather insistent blonde elf?

Dec. 15th, 2012


OKAY this entry is intended to be twofold:

Part One: I forgot about my super-strength and accidentally broke the door to my apartment. The metal hinges are going every which way and the door won't fit in them any more; it just falls over. I'm so sorry, Ms. Potts! I'll pay for another one.

Part Two: Since I'm without a door until maintenance comes, my apartment is a little public. I'm using my dresser as a door until then. If someone needs me, I'll move the dresser if someone knocks, and if someone tries to peer inside without my permission, I'm going to take you for a flight you're not going to enjoy.

Ughhhhh. Some days, you know?

Dec. 13th, 2012


I'm having one of those low memory days, where I keep having this feeling like I forgot something important, and if only I could remember what it was, my day would be worthwhile. I keep getting these little flashes of insight, where I feel like I may have just remembered what it was, only to grumble because I lost it again.

Really hate days like this. Is it Friday yet?


I've been here exactly one month, and in that one month it took me the full 30 days to finally quit the internet.

I think I did well, all things considered.

Please tell me someone is interested in going out tonight, despite the fact that it's a Thursday?

Dec. 12th, 2012


I am not Peter Pan.

Dec. 11th, 2012


network post: john crichton

Sometimes Googling yourself is just a REALLY bad idea.

Dec. 9th, 2012


Hello! It's Kara. As you can probably tell given my namefield so... awesome. Anyway, I'm pleased to announce the start of my business, "Supersuds!". Notice the !. That tells you that this is exciting.

Anyway! I got the money to start Supersuds! from a combination of SHIELD's super-generous stipend when I first got here and helping out the local police clean up their Most Wanted list. Supersuds! is a bath and body store themed after the influx of superheroes into this world of all types and varieties, from those with superpowers to those that are just awesome. 10% of all the proceeds go straight to the Girls Incorporated of New York. We're going to eventually launch a wide variety of products, but for now, here's our current three Limited Edition scents of the season:

Emma Frost(y): Naughty peppermint kissed with a bright bouquet of tuberose, lily, and vanilla-soaked iris. Light and sultry, but packs a whallop, this one's definitely for the ladies!
Rupert Giles: Comfy with an edge - the smell of hot caramel coffee, irish cream, and old books mingle with cardamom and the blackest of leathers. This one's intended for the guys, but I've worn it before and it smells great, so girls, give it a shot!
Susan Sto Helit: Put your hair up and your best dress on - it's time to celebrate New Year's! This perfume is as pretty as it is melancholy. Violet leaves, the bubble of champagne, blue musk, and a hint of fog. Feminine, but it could easily be unisex.

To start, I'm going to be downstairs tomorrow afternoon with a BIG BAG of samples, including our perfume oil, shower gel, and scrub. Everyone's got a sample bag waiting for them! Each bag will contain a 15% off coupon and a business card for the next time you want to visit. We're only a few blocks away and we open officially December 17, so come on by! :)

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