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Aug. 11th, 2014


Where I'm from, Earth has been under siege for months. Casualties are in the millions, if not billions. It's hard to say with the comm-buoys down. I can't say I'm happy about leaving my friends during such a big crisis, but getting back to Earth when it's relatively peaceful, it's a lot easier to appreciate what we were fighting for. A lot of this stuff, I used to take for granted.

Well, a lot of stuff I used to take for granted doesn't exist yet, and there's plenty here that never existed on my version of Earth, but you know what I mean.

Aug. 8th, 2014


Network Post

I was told that I should post on this network and let people know that I'm here.

So hi, I'm Luke Skywalker and I'm here.

Aug. 6th, 2014


Chuck's birthday's coming up. I don't You want to do something for it?
So how are you feeling about the floors today?

Jul. 26th, 2014


Network post; Mara Jade

How much coffee can one consume safely?

[Filter: Nick Fury (MCU)]
There are pancakes & coffee. Well, there used to be coffee. I may need to start another pot for you.

I'll just - do that now.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
Remember how I said the Tesseract has an awful sense of humor?

Jul. 15th, 2014


Until I got here, I hadn't been out of work since I was a teenager. Now it's been twice. All those years and I had to get here before I stopped.

I'm not getting any better at making shapes out of pancakes, but I finished a crossword puzzle this morning. I wonder if retirement's anything like this. I might've done this earlier if I'd known. It's almost like an extended holiday. I'm going to have to do something else soon, but when you've done nearly the same thing for half your life, it's hard to know where to start looking.

So the dogs and I went on an adventure today. I took them by the house, but they refused to walk past it on either side of the street.

You sure about this?


Now that I'm sure this is real, I'm not going crazy, and I don't have an alien growing inside of me, I feel like I should have introduced myself better before. I'm gonna claim disorientation. Hypersleep'll do that. At least it wasn't as long as the last time.

My name's Ellen Ripley. I need something useful to do around here. Doesn't matter what it is as long as it's honest work.

Jul. 4th, 2014


I'd planned to barbecue outside today, but this snow looks like it might get in the way. I'm still going to try, so anyone who wants to come over is welcome. Bring drinks, any other food you want. I might not be American but I plan on enjoying this day anyway.
[*if you want to be on here, go ahead!]


network post: sasha kaidanovsky

Happy birthday, America. You're a teenager among nations. The whole city feels like one. But I won't mock. I missed Russia Day abroad. Nothing like celebrating independence from yourself. Русский Стандарт for those who want it.

Jul. 1st, 2014


[Filtered to friends*}
So guess who just put in a bid on an condo!

[OOC: Not the one from the plot calendar]

Jun. 27th, 2014


[Filtered to Pacific Rim people]
It is official. We're getting a sequel.

However since it is not due to come out until 2017, we have ample time to prepare. Or hope that we get taken home, whichever is your preferred option.


Jun. 26th, 2014


It is good to be home, or what has become home.

Anne Blythe
Well, I think I owe you dinner and more for covering my housing assistant duties during such a time. I do hope you'll forgive my extended absence. This mission ended up being a bit more complicated than normal.

How have you been? Are you well?

Floors 24,25,26
I hope you all are well. I trust that everyone is all right given the events of the past few weeks. I apologize for my absence during this time, but am back and fully able to resume my duties as your housing assistant. I'd like to welcome any new residents we have and reassert my offer that if you need any help, I 'm here.

I think Mickey and I are the last ones to come back. What do people say to getting the gang together for a bit of relaxation?

Jun. 23rd, 2014


England's nice this time of year.

I have this feeling I'm supposed to feel more guilty for throwing in the towel than I actually do. Mako asked
Haven't heard from you lately. Hope everything's okay, relatively speaking.

Jun. 18th, 2014


I feel like such a fucking broken record. We ran into some trouble. I don't know when we'll make it out of here. Based on some of the news reports we've been able to get, I'm guessing this probably isn't much of a surprise.


[Filtered to SHIELD Military]
Got a room for now at the OROCOMPANY down the Av d'alemanya under Clark. Keep your bibles handy. We're missionary sorts.

We wanna start maybe talkin bout what in the Sam Hill that was?
[Filtered to Monty Falsworth]
Still back home?

Jun. 10th, 2014


Duty calls. Look after the dogs for me while I'm gone.

And don't make plans to replace me with a robot.

Jun. 9th, 2014


I can't tell if I'm horrified or if it's just a case of art imitating life.

I might have liked the robot seal

[Filtered to Stark Resilient]
I think AIT's warming up to our pitch. How does late July look for schedules?

Jun. 5th, 2014


I was reading rumours that they're working on another Pacific Rim movie, and it made me realise that I'd rather see myself in that damn 50 Shades movie than have another one from home.

At least I'm not the main character.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


[Filtered to Pacific Rim people] )

May. 29th, 2014


[Filtered to Stark Resilient]
Why is there a monkey in my office?
[Filtered to Herc Hansen]
Do they have monkeys in Australia?

May. 20th, 2014


If you've recently lost someone because of the Tesseract or just because of a situation back in your world, I wanna say I'm sorry. Whenever I'm sad, looking at cute and pretty things makes me feel a little better, so I found some things that I hope can make you feel the same.

Cut for pictures and gifs! )

[Byron Sully]
I never really got the chance to thank you for letting me come out with you to the ranch. I know I was in a really sour mood and I probably came off as rude, but it really helped being out there all alone. If you ever need a favor, or something baked for you, I'm more than happy to help out.

[Herc Hansen]
Max and Lucky were the cutest dogs ever! They almost make me wanna get a puppy here. Probably unlikely, but I'd love to dogsit them if you go out of town for a while or something.

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