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Nov. 19th, 2014


You think there'd be a cranberry latte or something between pumpkin and gingerbread. Although I can't tell. Maybe that sounds terrible.

[Filtered to Tony Stark (616), Dorian Gray, & Herc Hansen]
What were you thinking of doing for Thankgiving?


[Filtered to Pepper Potts, Dorian Gray, Herc Hansen]
So Dorian and I were talking about how we should maybe do a "family Thanksgiving" together this year.

I think we all have some awareness of about how much you can trust me with preparing extravagant meals. However, recent studies have shown that you can buy all of that stuff.

Obviously we'd be willing to host, though if you want to have an Exorcist-themed Thanksgiving, I guess that's... also an option.

Nov. 11th, 2014


After reading this, I finally understand what they were going on about in Pride and Prejudice.

Nov. 7th, 2014


How do you feel about dogs?

Can I ask a favor?

I heard you run the clinic downstairs.

Nov. 6th, 2014


Who: Herc Hansen & Mara Jade
When: ... backdated to early October, when Mara first came back to town?
Where: Pepper (and Herc)'s house!
What: A tour of a haunted house, catching up, telling Mara about his new skillz
Rating: PG for cussing?

'And here’s the creepy jacuzzi.' )

Nov. 4th, 2014


delivery for pepper potts (of the 616 variety) )

Oct. 21st, 2014


It's been a while, but I always like to offer to the network before we look into the community at large.
STARK RESILIENT is a for-profit tech startup specializing in robotics and computational innovation for the future age. Named one of Forbes' Silicon Alley Startups to Watch Out For, We're seeking new blood in the form of programmers, engineers, and technicians for idea-driven co-working and project-directed consultation. Salaries are negotiable comeasurate with experience and we offer competitive stock and benefits package. Stark Resilient is an EOE.

Also, we're in the office from Mad Men. :)

In other news, this is pretty much my life.

Oct. 11th, 2014


My dog turned a year old a couple weeks ago. We got him a cake, although he didn't seem to care for it much. But that might have been the ghost I'll have had him for a full year next month, and it's gone by fast. Hard to believe.

I've got to plan something for mine and Pepper's one year. How fucked am I here?

Sep. 23rd, 2014


Mara's coming to town, you want to join us for drinks on Thursday?

You know, we've known each other a year now. It went by fast.
How'd you like to meet a Jedi?

Sep. 18th, 2014


More and more people seem to be suddenly showing up with abilities. I vaguely remember what that was like. The sudden shock of power that I didn't know how to control. Granted that led to the templars, the tower, the circle. I am glad to see that at least publicly no one's advocating to lock these people up.

Maybe I'm a cynic but I'm wondering how long it will take till someone does.


Are your brands still hurting you?

Sep. 17th, 2014


Right, first things first, Pepper, your house tried to kill me. Who do we know who's good at cleaning up blood?

Second, I think I'm going to be fine, but I don't know how that's possible. It's looking better than it did fifteen minutes ago. What the hell does that mean?

Sep. 15th, 2014


[ooc: photo from here]

Not bad, Australia. I'm going to miss you.

I forgot to share anything while we were gone. Not too surprised. The views were better out there.

Sep. 13th, 2014


Who: Chuck & Herc Hansen
When: August 29th
Where: Chuck's apartment
What: Father & son reunited
Rating: PG13 for some language, I think.

''Think someone's missed you.'' )

Sep. 8th, 2014


Weather change not doing me so good. Cold to heat. Think I'm coming down with something.

The hell kind of place are you living in? Why is there a jacuzzi in the bloody basement?

Sep. 6th, 2014


I need a job. I'll do just about anything, but I have a degree in Engineering that I'd like to get some use out of. I've got over 10 years of off-world experience, surveying new planets, if that's something that might be of more use.

Sep. 2nd, 2014


It's strange, being from the near future. Different world, but close enough that I remember living through some of what's happened here. Movies are familiar, music. Some of the history. And then you get to a day that held enormous significance in your life before, and here it's just an ordinary day.

And I'm grateful for that. That some of these days end up being ordinary here when they were anything but for people in our world. It's just strange to live through it again, only differently. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to that part.

Want to get a drink today?

Aug. 27th, 2014


Who wants to help me convince my son that Iron Man is real?


One second I was in Striker, next I'm here. The world doesn't look the same, and yeah, I know what they said, but I thought there was only one rift. And this was not what was on the other side of it.

Aug. 19th, 2014


Don't suppose you two would be interested in a getting to know you dinner kind of thing, would you?
I don't suppose you'd watch a cat while I head off to do some job searching, would you? I'd leave him here alone, but he's gotten into a bad habit of getting bored.

Aug. 11th, 2014


Has anyone heard from Mako today?

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