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Mar. 22nd, 2015


network post: kanan jarrus

Filtered: Star Wars
When it came - or comes - to learning more about your history, our history more generally and similarly the future, what informed your decision to learn or avoid learning more about it? I have managed to be here for weeks learning somewhat of our future and small pieces of the past - namely Master Kenobi's and Master Yoda's continued survival - without forcibly learning more. I am not as much a common name or popular face, to which I take no issue. It's been something I actively avoided until some Imperials got obsessed and made that decision for us. But never have I shied away from information, from learning more about what happened, back home. The amount of information I can get my hands on is greater - it would have to be without Imperials censoring everything - but nothing else has overwhelmed. Surely it wouldn't either. I've handled worse. But still, I haven't leapt in yet. And it makes me wonder why. And without a good reason, I should.

Mar. 11th, 2015


Network post; Anakin Solo

[Filter: Solo Siblings]
I watched Aunt Mara keep a fatal disease at bay for months. I should not feel this bad because of anything simple but I can't seem to get any sort of grasp on it. Every time I think I have, it just - slips. I don't know how to explain it. Cilghal probably would, but that's completely unhelpful this morning. I feel terrible.

Are you two feeling all right?

Do you think I've just got a bad feeling about this.

[Filter: Mom & Dad]
Are you two still feeling all right? Not sick?

[ETA filter: Uncle Luke & Grandfather]
You two are both not sick right?

Mar. 3rd, 2015


text messages; han solo

Group Message to Solo Family (Jacen, Jaina, Anakin & Leia)
- Hey. So, anyone interested in free pancakes?
- And maybe helping their old dad out with a favor?
- I've got some renegade fuzzballs on the loose that I might have volunteered to round up.


I know that most of you are familiar with SWORD in the tower. We deal with extraterrestrial phenomena and incidents relating to the tesseract.

It would seem that there's the beginnings of an infestation in the tower of creatures called tribbles. Agents are being dispatched to Potts Tower.

We would very much appreciate your help. Volunteers who are willing to help SWORD agents collect the tribbles to be properly removed from the tower contact me directly. I will put you in contact with an Agent.

Thank you for your understanding as we attempt to handle this.


I'll take volunteers first.

And if no one volunteers, I'll take whoever I decide to assign.


Happy National Pancake Day. Who wants pancakes?

Feb. 26th, 2015


Filtered to Leia Organa
It seems like there's an awful influx of folks from our universe right now. Think anyone of them brought my ship?

Filtered to Luke Skywalker
Everything alright, kid?

Feb. 25th, 2015


I never would have thought I would become so fond of the snow, but there's finally enough that we've managed to hook the horses up to the sleigh and get them used to it. Sleigh rides were certainly not a possibility growing up in the mojave.

Also, would anyone be interested in a trip to see the Dark Universe Space Show at the Museum of Natural History? It looks interesting and I'm always curious to see how different worlds present space exploration.

[Sam Winchester]
I was looking to my calendar. Are there dates that work better for you for the training / war games weekend?

Feb. 21st, 2015


Is it me or has late night tv gotten extra weird this month?


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker (Backdated to BEFORE the Midnight Plot)

Usually beings who pull me out of my ship without warning are more aggressive about it. I wish it had brought the ship too, but this isn't bad so far. If we're going to be here for awhile, are there any good garages?

Feb. 20th, 2015


So - I'm just saying, hypothetically, if someone got married in their home universe, but they're here, what... exactly does that mean?


Feb. 16th, 2015


Children (and Han)
Would the three of you like to come around for dinner tonight?

Feb. 15th, 2015


Who: Leia & Han
Where: By a river in New York
What: Walking and talking
When: Valentine's Day, late at night
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Feb. 8th, 2015


text; han solo

Group Message to the Solo kids
-- Alright. Valentine's Day. Your mom. Help. You're my only hope.


I've skimmed enough of this network to have figured out a couple things:
1. I'm pretty much stuck here.
2. Until, apparently, I randomly disappear.
3. I've been here before. Creepy.
4. I am a very, very ugly crier.
5. Being able to see my friends by googling their names is not comforting.
6. I need a job. Or at least spend less of my stipend on wine until I get a job, that was a mistake.
7. My Valentine's Day plans are thoroughly ruined, but... honestly the guy I was dating was casual and the more I think about it, the more on the fence I am about getting all up in that business anyway. I'm definitely the hot one in that relationship, but at what cost?

Hi, Kurt Hummel, new friends with your girlfriend.

Tell me you actually have Valentine's Day plans for Chloe, because so help me god if your idea of a romantic Feb. 14th (on a Saturday!) for your just-made-it-official girlfriend is brooding on the roof while she watches Netflix, I will hurl something out a window.


Who: Leia Organa (Solo????) & Han Solo
When: Set to mid-January
Where: Leia and Han's apartment.
What: All the feelings of married life.
Warnings / Status: Complete

text text text )

Feb. 4th, 2015


filtered to Han

So Valentine's Day? Any ideas?

Feb. 3rd, 2015


I can't believe this planet has an entire holiday devoted to a groundhog seeing its shadow. Think I could get Chewie to take on that role when the little fuzzball gets tired of it? Yea, probably not. He'd take out anyone close enough to see his shadow.

Speaking of, the colder it gets, the more I miss space. Least that cold had a purpose.

Feb. 1st, 2015


network post: raven reyes

So, SWORD. Decided to go for it. I start training tomorrow.

( Sam Anders )
You ever decide what you wanna do?



I know that I have been out of commission for almost three months now. Given the issues with my health, Director Brand has stepped up above and beyond the call of duty for this organization. As have all of you. These are not circumstances that any of us could have predicted and with still no clear answer to the White Event you are truly the hardest working organization in this world.

I've been released from medical and will be returning in limited capacity this month. It's a decision we don't take lightly, given the difficulties I have had. Director Brand is still entirely in charge while I'm working to get back up to speed. Given the situation it may take a few months or even longer, we will have to see.

But I think Han mentioned something about a welcome back party? I think we've all earned a party.


Not to disrupt anyone's super bowl plans. Which apparently today is the super bowl. I'm not even sure who's playing.

But I've been given my release from medical today.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


What can I say? Life's good. Married life's good. I'm thinking of doing some droid-run poker next month. Fair, unbiased, no potential for cheating?

Yea. I'm not the type of guy who likes to update the network on his life. Where's Threepio when I need him?

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