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Feb. 27th, 2015


So, to recap for those of you tragically behind: Annie and I had the world's most beautiful baby.

His favorite hobby is crying, followed closely by sleeping, staring, and kicking.

Feb. 26th, 2015


Attention to anyone who wants to see it... there's going to be a race between The Flash and Quicksilver on Sunday at 2 by the Intrepid. Highly recommended that you don't blink otherwise, you'll miss it.


FILTERED TO BARRY'S FRIENDS (if you think you're one, roll with it!):
How long do you think is reasonable enough to wait before asking another speedster if he wants to race? 10 minutes?

Feb. 23rd, 2015


That was an eventful weekend. Makes me almost miss Mysterio.

Is everyone okay? I've got bandages, cocoa, and hugs to give out if not.

Feb. 20th, 2015


I must respect the traditions of the native populace.

But which one?

cut for picture not filter )

Feb. 19th, 2015


Either the weather gets warmer for my birthday, or I want a trip out of this place. Since the former doesn't look plausible after taking a glance at weather.com ... hey, anyone in the business of making Portkeys?

Feb. 13th, 2015


This is a full two weeks late (only because that's what happens when you decide to party before the new semester begins instead of, well, making sure you're on top of your game before you head to your new classes), but I just want to thank everyone who came out to my birthday party at Parker's. I had a great time and definitely enjoyed making new friends.

And you know, despite the minor set-back in the semester, it was still so damn worth it.

Filter: Peter Parker (MCU)
Hey. I didn't see you there so How's it going? I was thinking we should talk. To catch up, I mean, not something overly serious.

Filter: Bruce Banner (MCU)
You wouldn't happen to have a supply of sea urchins in the lab, would you? Or can get for this weekend?

No, I'm not going back to "let's worship the octopus". I just have a bio lab to redo.

Filter: Barry Allen
Three-day weekend means I have a couple of hours as a window of a break from classes, and there are two things I wanted to ask you but I couldn't decide which to ask so I'm going to ask both. 1, ever wanted a tour of mine and Dr. Banner's lab at SI? And 2, ever done karaoke?

Feb. 10th, 2015


Man. Pitch Perfect would have been so much better with guns. There's always hope for the sequel right?

[Filtered for Ultimates]
Do you guys know when we get these Regents exam results back?

I am totally wigging out over the Chemistry one. Like, what kind of kid of my parents' am I if I can't even pass basic science? But I just keep thinking back over questions on the test and how I think I should have changed my answers. But dudes. I am not sure I can wait 6-8 weeks on this.

Especially just sitting around like we have been.

Feb. 7th, 2015


network post; unfiltered

Okay. Not the worst place to get stuck in. It's missing a Baxter Building but I won't hold that against you guys.

I just want to say, I have complete confidence in you sciencey types and your ability to reverse this stuff and get me us back home. Go do that voodoo that you do so well.

If you need me, I'll be marathoning Top Gear. There's three seasons I haven't seen.

Jan. 31st, 2015


The Super Bowl is on tomorrow, and even though it goes against every cell in my body to allow Patriots fans into my bar, I'll have the game on and I'll make an exception this time. I'll put the Puppy Bowl on as well, in case you'd rather see that. (Here's a secret: I'd rather watch that.)

I've started a Super Bowl Drinking Game list on the board. Here are a few:
- take a drink for every Frozen reference during the national anthem
- drink every time someone mentions deflated balls
- drink every time someone mentions the 12th man
- drink each time they show Gisele Bundchen looking unhappy
- drink whenever a coach throws a temper tantrum (drink twice if it's Belichick)
- drink if there's a power outage
- drink if there's a wardrobe malfunction during the halftime show'

I'd be happy to take suggestions too.

Valentine's Day is on a Saturday. You can work, or we can both take the night off. What do you say? It pays to date the boss.

Jan. 29th, 2015


Got a big project I've been working on for Max over here at Horizon and it's been eating up my free time, but before I forget....

(Because I will I forget, and then I'll realize I needed to let people know when I'm on the flight out, and that's probably when MJ goes, "Peter, did you tell everyone?" And I go, "Oh, whoops.")

Feb 15th-21st. Me and MJ are off to lands afar for the week. I'll bring back Hawaiian coffee long as everyone behaves themselves.


Hey so the Super Bowl's this Sunday and I usually go to a bar about two blocks from my house but they closed at the beginning of the year, so now I don't have a place to watch the big game with all of my buddies. And I thought that the Thanksgiving thing was pretty fun so I thought I'd have some people over. So if you you want to see the game and have some pretty decent food, stop by it should be a pretty good time.

I won't tell you that you shouldn't wear a Seahawks jersey but you are in New York, so you might be safer not to.

Jan. 28th, 2015


First order of things...

Cut for picture, not filtered )

Yes, you're all invited, and that being said, New York, I'm back! And I am pretty sure that Oxford is about twenty degrees warmer than you right now. But it was great. The professors are great, the labs are awesome and I guess the country is amazing too. And spending New Year's there was some experience. Even though it was 90% work with little play and little breathing room and I come back to more work (hello, Spring semester), I'm still glad I went.

Second order of things. Is catching up. What did I miss?

Filter: David Alleyne
Good to know you and the city are still here and not in the water.

Jan. 24th, 2015


That moment when you walk out of Starbucks with a cup labelled GRANT because, even though it's such a 19th century name, it's still easier to spell than Bartholomew.


[Filtered to Advising Group Charlie*]
(*Flash Thompson, Daniel Rand, Luke Cage, Ava Ayala, Jess Mariano)

I hope the new semester is going well for all of you so far. As those of you who are taking them already know, the January Regents exams are coming up next week! I'd like to offer myself if you have any last-minute questions or concerns. Be sure to get plenty of sleep the night before any tests you have scheduled, and eat a good breakfast in the morning to fuel yourself. But also remember that these tests, while important, do not define you or your academic success. So try not to stress too much. If something goes drastically wrong, you'll have another opportunity in June.

I also want to meet with each of you individually at some point within the next month to discuss your plans beyond this semester. If you're continuing with the ESD, we can take a look at your course options for next year. If you're graduating, let's talk about what comes next for you. No matter where you are in your academic career, planning for the future is vital. It doesn't mean you can't change your mind later as your interests evolve, but it gives you something to work toward for now. Please let me know what your schedule looks like in February so we can set a time to sit down together.

Jan. 20th, 2015


Filter to Old Peter Parker
Ok, I got questions. Not saying it means I buy that thing I can't tell anyone and don't know 100%, but...

Is there like rules to the whole secret identity thing? Like what do you do if you think someone you know might be another person that other you knows? Is there even any way to ask 'bout it without it just not being super uncool?

Ok, that's first one. Number two, is there like some training or practice to, uh, make loud noises not, well, hurt be bad? Like annoying ass levels of bad.

And now three- wait, wait, hold on.

Filter to Old Peter and MJ
There we go, ok, and three, you guys doing anything at your place or Parker's for the Super Bowl?

[Added Later] The asking being for a group and not just me.

Filter to Ultimates
You guys got any plans for Super Bowl Sunday?

Jan. 19th, 2015


Gigi (aka, Adventure Kitten) seems to have found a new hiding place. If you hear mewing in the walls, please let me know.

Jan. 18th, 2015


So Johnny's really gone then? I thought maybe he was playing a prank when I saw a few people talking about it on the network, but a week and a half without crashing in for dinner? What really sucks is that he's not the Johnny from our world, so he wouldn't even know us if he came back.

So I know I'm a little late on this, and with Elsa disappearing recently, I think it might be a good idea to get one of those watches -- or at this rate a few of them -- and keep it in my office with all of us attached to it so we will actually know if something happened.

So this is me asking for permission to include you.
Don't you dare leave me.

Jan. 10th, 2015


[Filtered to Ultimates]
[Filtered to Kate Bishop]
That was pretty cool.

You've got a mean right jab.

But I'm Luke. My mom'd kill me I'm pretty sure if she knew I went for a punch before a handshake.

Jan. 2nd, 2015


Who: Peter Parker and Flash Thompson
When: Jan. 2, 2015
Where: The Parker Apartment
What: A study session leads to the dog being let out of the bag.
Rating: PG?

Okay, you got me. This is Spider-Dog. He didn’t actually make me swear to keep his secret because he can’t talk, so I figure this is completely legit for a conversation right now. )

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