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Apr. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to Ultimates]

I just found us the sweetest summer gig!

Apr. 16th, 2015


If anyone has pillows or blankets that they are not currently using with the warmer weather, the fifth floor has need of them.

Thank you.

Apr. 13th, 2015


» The portal is an asshole
» And I want to punch something.


Cut for images of dogs, not filtered )

Apr. 12th, 2015


My question is.. why is Potts Tower not located in Florida? Why in New York? Why not either in Florida or California? Is snow really necessary to experience? You should think of making a second tower for people in Miami, just saying.

I'm not ready to get off of Spring Break yet, even though I'm all caught up in reading fanfic for class. So, I'm calling for impromptu movie night. Who wants to go watch Furious 7?

Apr. 11th, 2015


Hey Tonight. Does anyone want to go see the Mountain Goats? I have Harry's an extra ticket.

Mar. 30th, 2015


Is it considered narcissism to stare in the mirror and go 'god, I missed you, blond hair and blue eyes' even two days after?

Filter: Johnny Storm
Look, I'm back. Yes, my question really did have to wait till I was back because it would have felt too weird otherwise.

Mar. 27th, 2015


Ok, so, no more going out until this is fix. I think I just took ten years off the life of one of those Times Square con men in costumes.

Anyone got a lead on how to fix this? This cat thing's bad enough but I really miss the symbio-

Mar. 26th, 2015


Filter: Danny Rand and Luke Cage
I have a major situation here!

Filter: Flash Thompson
Please please PLEASE for the love of God tell me you still have the amulet on.

Mar. 22nd, 2015


Bad part of ending up with a dog: badly timed bathroom breaks. I need to get him to learn a good schedule fast before I miss any more March Madness action.

Filter to Gwen
So... uh... question?


'sup? Amadeus Cho, freelancer of science, at your service.

So this is an alternative universe. Not bad. Some heads up would have been nice, and the entry needs a lot of work, but it's still pretty cool.

And before anyone asks, I've heard the Falco song. Thanks.

[Filter: Bruce Banner (616)]

[Filter: Pietro Maximoff]
Hey, dude. Can we talk about this school thing?

Mar. 20th, 2015


[Filter from Username: Agent Venom to Spider-Man]
So, uh, hey. I don't really know Things were easier when SHIELD was just giving orders I don't know like if there was stuff set up between all you Spider-Men. Like, I don't know, territories or something. 'Cause y'got the whole friendly neighborhood thing going, but it's never said what neighborhood, so like maybe there's like a silent 'oh you're Soho neighboorhood' and 'you're Hell's Kitchen neighborhood' thing going on.

Uh.. anyways.. the point. There's a point. Oh yeah, Flash, going great here Just to, like, I don't know your history here and all, but people can react bad to seeing me 'round and think the wrong thing, so I guess this is like a heads up. In case you see me patrolling or something that I'm one of the good guys and shit. Ugh, I'm just gonna go and crawl into a hole with a TV now

Mar. 19th, 2015


So if those aliens left and are gonna keep an an eye on us, are we supposed to be doing something particular?

If they were I hope they watched that Baylor - Georgia State game today. Did anyone else? Cause that was sick.

Mar. 18th, 2015


» Hey
» So I heard
» And I'm sorry
» That's assuming you heard too

Mar. 17th, 2015


I say we party that the end of the world didn't happen! Light up the 13th floor, dance until we can't dance anymore.


Mar. 16th, 2015


Okay, I don't know if it's because I was out for all three meals of the day yesterday but wherever this soup came from.. whoever made it.. it is REALLY GOOD. Dear people running the makeshift care center on the 13th floor... awesome work.

Mar. 10th, 2015


Filter: Ultimates + Other Friends
Which of you needs soup and Theraflu?

Mar. 6th, 2015


Weekend Wargames

Some of you might remember that in the fall that started out as a field exercise for my Military Tactics and Strategy Course and expanded. This time, we're doing something a bit different. Sam Winchester and I have redesigned things a bit. It started out of a desire to provide some field experience for his Weaponry class and my Military Tactics and Strategy Class are cohosting, but it will be all ages.

If you're unfamiliar with war games - think of paintball and camp games you played when you were younger (capture the flag and the like). Add in optional toy weapons, lots of open space, alliance and intrigue, and you have war games.

Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29, everyone's invited to join us out on Serenity Ranch for a weekend of war games. ESD students can get credit for participating in this event. More details to come from us, but we wanted to see who might be interested.

Mar. 3rd, 2015


It's that time of year again: baseball season.

Well, almost. It still seems too early, but spring training is starting, and before too long, the regular season'll be here. I have season tickets to the Mets, but I can rarely make all of the games and I hate to see them go to waste, so as always - if anyone's interested, let me know the dates you want and I'll see about giving you my tickets.

Been a while. You still out there, or should I worry?


I have a new companion. This furry little creature joined me on my meditation this morning.

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