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Feb. 1st, 2014


network post: alison hendrix

Filter: Lily Potter & Christine Chapel
Welcome to the clinic. I'm emailed you preliminary schedules based on what information you provided about them. If there is any conflict, please let me know. I look forward to seeing you in coming weeks.
Filter: Luna Lovegood
I've rescheduled your appointments. If you are unsatisfied with the progress of your recovery, let me know. I have come up with alternate treatment plans. And we also have a witch from your world now on staff. There may also be a magical solution.
Filter: Severus Snape
Congratulations on your celebrity. I did not know you stayed so fit. Would you be interested in additional work? It would not require your presence. But you are the most skilled potion maker in this tower. I would like to stay stocked, medically and magically. You would be compensated for your time and efforts.
One of our physicians slipped on some ice and has now had surgery. No, it was not anyone in this tower, though if you would like to sign a card to express your good wishes, there is one available behind reception in the clinic. This does mean we are in need of a physician. If you are qualified and interested, let me know. If you still need to be certified in this world, I have the paperwork for that. I will give this one week before I begin interviewing additional doctors from this world.

Jan. 29th, 2014


Network Post; Fox Mulder

My evening: UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government officials Go on the Record.

What's yours?

[Filter: Scully]
I got jealous of your side job and I want one of my own. I don't know if it's actually a good idea though.

[Filter: Christine]
I'm thinking about going back to school. Briefly. And just for a few classes, but school.


[Filtered to Christine Chapel]
May I request your assistance with a personal matter?


I have found that the sense of humour of those working at SHIELD is not unlike that which I encountered on the Enterprise. I came to work this morning to find a toy tribble had been left rather prominently on my desk. It is certainly preferable to a live one being left there.

Jan. 28th, 2014


RP Log; Christine Chapel & Fox Mulder

Who: Christine Chapel and Fox Mulder
When: 23 January, Evening
Where: Mulder’s apartment
What: Looking at his photo album
Rating: Low

Christine was glad to be home. )

Jan. 24th, 2014


Who: Christine Chapel and Christopher Pike
When: December 18 late night after he's injured in battle (seriously backdated)
Where: Asgard
What: Christine is being a creeper and gets caught
Rating: PG

I thought I kicked you out )


My, our fans are enthusiastic. I would be happy never to talk about a Tribble again however.


With over a foot of snow on the ground, we'll be doing sleigh rides and such this weekend out at Serenity Ranch - 45 minutes outside the city. We've got a fireplace and a wood burning stove to keep people toasty. Feel free to come out. If it's a clear night, there will be some good star gazing.

[AOS Kirk]
I feel I owe you an apology.

Bring aspirin tonight?

[Beverly Crusher]
I had my medical records from here sent over - which include some of McCoy's and Chapel's notes on what happened before I came over. Let me know if you have any questions.


As of next week I shall be starting to work at the Youth Center as a childcare worker. It's been many years since I have done so but I did always enjoy it. Just very different from being the Secretary of Education then the President... Still I am looking forward to starting. Besides Clara, who else works there? I'm afraid I haven't met many of you yet.

On another note, what books would people recommend? I'm a fan of mysteries though I will sometimes indulge in a romance novel. I've discovered the Kathy Reiches novels after watching the television show but other than that I haven't found much yet.

It's surprising just how much I miss Colonial One and the Galactica. I never thought I would say it but those two ships have become home. Billy and Bill I miss the most though. Since talking to Beverly I've been thinking about him a lot, not that I hadn't before. He might not have been my son by blood but he was as good as. Bill, was a fantastic friend and I suppose in some ways Obi-Wan reminds me of him though the differences are quite pronounced too. It's reassuring in some ways.

I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to this place though between people randomly disappearing and appearing, sudden memories returning of events you haven't experienced... It's far to odd. I will miss Lee though I'm not all that sad about Caprica, from what I had gathered if ever so little was that she was different but then there is so much that I don't know yet. So much I don't know if I want to know...

Jan. 23rd, 2014


[AOS Kirk]
Can you cover my classes today? I need to get out of the city.

I've been thinking in circles. Can I ask you a question?

Back yet?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


FILTER | REFUGEE MAGES & MEDICAL (who went to London).
The world needed you and you did a damn good job. That is something to be proud of. Thank you.

FILTER | SHIELD (who went to London)
I expected good work and I wasn't disappointed. We are, however, going to continue to work on our response times.

I've been doing some reading up on you. What are you doing with your time these days?

We should have that conversation about SWORD soon.

Jan. 19th, 2014


[OOC: Pretend this was posted earlier this afternoon]

[Filter: Mulder]
Hey. I've been called to London to help with casualties. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone. I'll see you when I get back.
Feed the fish for me?

[Filter: Pike]
Just wanted to let you know I got called to London to help with the stuff going on over there. I didn't want you to come looking for me and think I'd disappeared. Try not to miss me too much.


[Filtered to all Medical Refugee Personnel, S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel, and other personnel in London]
Medical people, we are moving as far from the column of smoke as possible, beginning now. S.H.I.E.L.D. orders. Minimum safe distance of two blocks. Move yourselves and any patients and evacuees as far as you can get. I will update ASAP with a location of a triage center when you will bring everyone within half an hour.

As soon as you are safe, tell me injuries, number of evacuees, any medical supplies you need.

Update at [time]: Triage center is at [location]. Make your way over here as you can, and send any injured this way. I have been in touch with three hospitals in the area and they are prepared to take our most critically injured patients. We need: BLANKETS. WATER.

[Filtered to Jean-Luc, late that evening]
I am in London, helping to clean up the mess earlier from today. I'm fine, uninjured.


This is an all hands on deck alert. Disturbance in Greenwich, London indicates an alien invasion. Currently unknown species at this time. Be aware that gravimetric anomalies are increasing by the moment with an unspecified outcome.

Coulson, your team along with Cell 11 have been give coordinates to rendezvous from Spain. The bus should be able to be there in 1.5 hours.

Cell 2, cut your Oslo plans short. Make your way to London now.

Cells 3, 5, 6, and 9. We've gotten a portal from Dr. Strange. Make your way to SHIELD headquarters immediately for deployment.

Again, this is an ALL HANDS ON DECK. Be prepared for surprises. We have an array of weapons that we'll be needing to try out to stop them. This is where Phase 2 would have been
We are currently taking refugees with medical training to go to London to assist with injured civilians and agents. If you're able, please go to SHIELD Headquarters at 59th @ Madison Ave.

Jan. 14th, 2014


FILTER | Chapel, Foucault, Kirk (TOS), Maximoff, Maya, Mordecai, Rogers, and Summers
Agents, confirm current location.

FILTER | Refugees who went to Asgard
Volunteers, thank you for your service and welcome back. If you had a return date post-12/31, check in below. If you are classified as a minor by SHIELD, also include your current location.


It's weird to be excited that I have a wedding date on tv when I'm already married. Right? Because it feels awkward and yet, I'm sitting here grinning like an idiot.

This is probably why you shouldn't watch your life play out. It's a mind warp.

Jan. 12th, 2014


Text Messages; Fox Mulder (sent earlier today)

[Text: Christine Chapel]
It sounds like there's some problems with looting out in the city and I thought I'd put my FBI skills to use and help out with it a bit. I don't know for certain when I'll be back.

[Text: Dana Scully]
I'm headed out to help with some looting problems they're having due to the outages. I don't suppose you want to yell at people to stay away from 52" televisions do you?


network post: alison hendrix

The Clinic has some blankets and supplies for distribution. However, most employees are stuck all across the city, so if people would be willing to work with me to help people, I would like to get these out to people living in places currently without heat or electricity. While we are not a hospital, and the latest news I can gather report those operating on backup generators, we may also need to do some triage and treatment of minor injuries. Those with medical or healing training working elsewhere, I can provide you some supplies you need if you don't have access to them.

Filtered: Lily Potter
We arranged for you to see me tomorrow. Could you come in now? I know magic has ways of duplicating some of these supplies, and we will otherwise run out of blankets before we're able to help many people. Heating charms and other helpful magic you may know would not go amiss.
Filtered: Christine Chapel
Are you busy working for SHIELD today or during this situation? If not, I would appreciate your assistance.
Filtered: Albus Dumbledore & Severus Snape
Undoubtedly you could both be of assistance today. Whether you are doing so elsewhere or not, I have been remiss in not contacting either of you already. Today is certainly not the day for it, but while you have no obligation to assist me, I was hoping for your expertise in evaluating someone from your world. They have expressed interest in using some magic to treat minor injuries in the clinic but lack formal training past Hogwarts. If you would be willing to give your professional opinion on the matter, I would appreciate it.

Jan. 9th, 2014


Well, it seems that taking a hit to the shoulder can't keep me down for long. I was glad it wasn't my legs again, but I've got most of my range of motion back with just some residual soreness. I have to say, wielding a sword is nothing like unarmed hand to hand or firing a phaser. I'm particularly grateful it hasn't stopped me from riding. And neither have the cold temperatures. Just have to dress properly. Although keeping the horses warm has been our main project. Not a problem we had to this extent in the Mojave.

[Malcolm Reynolds]
I saw something about you getting a license for deliveries. There's still a truck that Zoe left me that you can have if it'd be useful. I think there's probably space at the ranch for both of us when we want it and Sully to be there to keep an eye on things if you're agreeable to that.

[Advising Group Echo]
Before the holidays, I threw out the idea of a holiday party. My injuries on Asgard kept me out of commission a bit longer than expected. If people are still up for it, how about Sunday? We could even head out to the ranch if people want.

If you have any questions about the upcoming semester, let me know.

Thanks for coming with to Asgard and for staying. Are you going to count that as the date you won or do I get to convince you to take me gokarting or dinner?

Thank you is insufficient, but I appreciate all you do.

Jan. 7th, 2014


Network Post: Christine Chapel

It's a new year so I decided to take it seriously and make a couple of changes in my life. The first one isn't really that big but the second one is.

First of all, I moved into a new apartment. If anyone is looking for me, I'm in 603. A one bedroom is more than big enough for me and I've been taking up a two bedroom all by myself for a while now so this way it's empty for someone who needs it.

The second change is that after a lot of thought, I've decided to put off medical school for now. With things here being the way they are, I didn't want to commit myself to four years and then disappear in the middle of it especially since all signs indicate that if I go home, I'll be going to medical school anyway. Instead I gave my 30 day notice to SHIELD Medical and I'm taking the certification exam to become a Family Nurse Practitioner here in New York. While I was in Asgard I realized that I missed taking care of patients and being an FNP would give me a better opportunity to do that.

So yeah, I took the whole 'new year, new you' thing seriously. I'm glad I did.

[Filter: Allison Hendrix]
Hi. Once I'm certified and everything, would it be possible to come on board full time at the clinic? I'll be able to prescribe medicine and pretty much do everything that a doctor can do. I should be ready to go by the beginning of February.

Thanks for helping me pack my crap and moving it. I'd offer to make you dinner but I'm not sure that would be much of a thank you so I'll have to think of something else.


Network Post; Fox Mulder

When I was Oxford I remember reading research done on the effects of music upon mood and behavior. They were some fascinating studies even though I by no means read exhaustively on the topic.

Recently I've been reflecting back on some of those studies. The situation of having one's life on a television show has reminded me of them. Once I got over the bizarre reality of watching events I remembered living on television my mind turned to the oddity of having a musical 'soundtrack' in my life. And as I've moved out of things I remembered into things I have not yet experienced, that's been reinforced as I'm certain that soundtrack has influenced the way I feel about events, even as my own memories and associations to the people involved also influence mood and emotion about certain events.

I suspect there's a psychological research study in that, but I'm not certain 'Source Soundtrack Effects on Fictional Characters represented within' is going to pass peer-review standards.

Did you get settled? Or do I still have boxes to move for you?

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