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Aug. 4th, 2015


Who: Bruce Banner (MCU) (feat. Jenny the goat)
When: On or about July 27 - Aug. 4.
Where: Wouldn't you like to know.
What: After running away with a quinjet after the Battle of Sokovia, Bruce plays Island of the Blue Dolphins and has a really nice time, thanks, proving that other humans are totally superfluous.
Rating: Low; some descriptions of violence and veterinary procedures.

though they do not talk the same or do the same things; without them the earth would be an unhappy place. )

Jul. 21st, 2015


[Avengers - All Teams]
By now, I'm sure you've all seen what happened in Johannesburg, and you deserve an explanation.

Someone, who we encountered at Strucker's castle, has the ability to control or influence minds. We don't know how she gained these abilities yet. We know about the White Event, and we also know that HYDRA has been messing with human experimentation and cloning. This person has, thus far, influenced the majority of the team, and she influenced the Hulk while the Avengers were in Johannesburg for other reasons.

Stark Charities have already allocated relief funds and resources, and we're going to do whatever we can to help the area. And we're ignoring, and going to continue to ignore, the protestors who are demanding for the arrest of the Hulk. That's non-negotiable.

But, I think... we all need to aware of what else is going on right now -- Why the Tinkerer's toys were back in play.

Bruce Banner and I were working on an AI system which has escaped Stark labs, taking on a life of it's own. He was responsible for taking JARVIS off line -- and was in Johannesburg trying to find weapons, from what we've been able to figure out.

We also know that he's calling himself Ultron. Which is why I thought we should... talk about what to do next.

[Potts Tower Residents, Stark Tower Employees]
There are protesters outside Stark Tower calling for the arrest or surrender of the Hulk. Whether you agree or disagree, that's up to you. But I ask you show the protestors nothing but respect.

[Howard Stark & Edwin Jarvis]
I'm fine.
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Well, I didn't die. And we're safe.




-- Bruce?

Jul. 20th, 2015


Who: Bruce Banner & Tony Stark
When: Monday night.
Where: Hawkeye’s Barn of Sadness The safe house.
What: Tony and Bruce are sorry they beat the shit out of each other.
Rating: PG-13; language, probable descriptions of violence/injury.

god knew he didn’t need anyone to take care of, not really. )


-- If you're done fucking things up do you need like.... strings pulled or something now that you and Stark are apparently fighting?
-- Cause I can help with that.


Who: Bruce Banner & Wanda Maximoff
When: Monday.
Where: Johannesburg.
What: Wanda provokes the Hulk.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Trigger Warning for domestic violence.

and in the silent, baking heat, broken only by the listless sound of a faraway wind chime, it called to mind nothing so much as an open grave. )

Jul. 17th, 2015


If there's not a geographical feature on Pluto named for Seaborg & McMillan by this time next week, change.org will be hearing from me.

I'm back in town (if not in the lab). I've been trying to get up to speed on everything I've left on the back burner over the past month - there's one more project I need to prioritize, but by next week I should be on schedule, and around, again. Thanks for feeding the fish, and for everything else. If you weren't here I don't know what I'd be coming back to.
Hey. I'm back - for good, this time.

Can I come over? I'm free whenev No rush. Just whenever you have time.

Jul. 16th, 2015


Who: Tony Stark and Bruce Banner
When: Thursday, July 16th 2015
Where: Their lab, Stark Industries
What: Absolutely not building Ultron.
Rating: PG-13.

Sometimes you can do it. Lead. Have the bigger stick -- You can be ahead of the game the way you need to be. All the components fall into place, with some luck and some magic.

Erskine got it right. )

Jul. 13th, 2015


network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Avengers (MCU)
Best as the evidence points, Lithuania is a center of HYDRA activity in Eastern Europe. And with no help from dictators, we have a target in the Jerusalem of the North. I've got a quinjet warming up. So please, make your way over.
Filtered: LEOPARD
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to assist me in pranking Captain America. Have no fear, he will still feel guilty for punching you in the face or smashing you with his shield.

Jul. 6th, 2015


-- Sorry I've been aw
-- Hey, next time I run away to the middle of nowhere, maybe the Faro
-- Remember that Save the Whales, Ban the Males T-shirt you made me w
-- I'm a little tempted to go on a working vacation.


Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes -- they made turning 97 a lot easier. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

    There's something I need to ask you about where you come from. Did you ever encounter a clone of the Red Skull? Or clones at all?

    Hey, kiddo. I'm back in town, but I'm staying at Dorian and Tony's for a couple days to recoup. I'll be home soon, I promise. What have you been up to in the meantime?

Jul. 3rd, 2015


[Jasper Sitwell]
You busy?

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
hey so
Thanks for not letting me die

Jun. 21st, 2015


[Maria Hill]
Hey there Gum Drop.

Can you fill me in one what happened in New York last night.

Also, can we take a minute to celebrate the fact that it was at least 12% positively not my fault?

[Avengers (MCU) + Dum Dum Dugan, Peggy Carter]
All right. I've pretty much exhausted my options here. I've tried to use Stark Industries as a cover to get us into Belgium, but that's a no go. Doesn't anyone have contacts that might be able to help us out with this?

No, Clint. Not you.

Jun. 15th, 2015


-- Thank you for the soup. It was very kind of you, and it was excellent. I appreciate it.
-- Incidentally, you can really just call me Bru Doctor.


Cut for image )

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Sorry I missed you, I was only home for about 12 hours. Do you want me to bring you back anything from Germany, though? The suit is pretty good, as far as illegal smuggling is concerned, but you know. Don't ask for a Audi TT RS. It's a long way to carry one.

Also, I've given Brian Ramirez full, unsupervised access to my labs. He doesn't know yet. I kind of want to see if he figures it out on his own. Like a mouse in a cheese maze. But if you see him around, know that he's supposed to be.

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
Alright, I'm heading back to help the neanderthals move heavy rocks. Take it easy while I'm gone? By which I mean, do nothing I wouldn't.

[Avengers (MCU)]
I'll be back to the castle in about three hours. Have we found anything in the rubble? Anything we can use? I'm going to run the detection algorithms again once I land. Make sure there isn't a sceptre we need to dig out.

[Edwin Jarvis, Howard Stark]
I'm going to ask you two to do me a solid.

[Alex Vause]
How's the timeshare, Ms. Vause?

Jun. 14th, 2015


Things that are back: my favorite television show. Philae. The infuriatingly repetitive protagonists of mid-aughts children's educational programming, apparently. Asparagus. Isn't that nice? Who doesn't love spring?

While that could certainly have gone better, I was happy to confirm this afternoon that the number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites I've endangered is holding steady at: one. It must be nice to have so many castles that you can let a few languish unprotected by treaty.

Sor I hope of none of you discover any occult internal bleeding.


Who: Bruce Banner (MCU) & Natasha Romanoff (MCU)
When: Sunday.
Where: Stark Tower.
What: Discussing the incident in Bavaria.
Rating: Low.

recognition, if not agreement, apprehension, if not reason )

Jun. 12th, 2015


Who: Bruce Banner & Edwin Jarvis
When: Tuesday evening [backdated].
Where: Potts Tower.
What: There's no introduction to modernity better than science fantasy from the children's section.
Rating: Low

a book, too, can be a star, explosive material, capable of stirring up fresh life endlessly, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe. )

Jun. 3rd, 2015


Hello? Is this working?

This is most definitely not New York City, I don't care how much these people insist. I'm quite familiar with New York City, and this is not it.

I demand to be returned.

May. 29th, 2015


So that's how a birthday is done. Anyone else suddenly have this stuck in their head?

[Tony Stark(mcu)]

Face balloons. Who knew? Happy birthday!

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