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Oct. 1st, 2014


[EMH Steve]

You know, there are moments when I really miss having Tony around. Or Pym even.

[Abigail Brand]

I've my full work up from medical. All tests are back in.

In the interest of disclosure. It's a lesion, like the other Carol thought it was. It's pressing on the part of my brain that deals with emotions or memories or something. I'm not really clear on all the science parts. But I agitate it too much and it'll burst, could wipe out my mind. It'll all heal, which is what happened last time. But I could lose everything.

Apparently they're not exactly sure how to operate on someone whose body immediately starts to heal. So we should find someone who can.


Hey there. I'm sorry I haven't really been around at all. Why was I Do you want to go for pizza?


We've a bunch of people being turned into monsters around the country by a carnival that's kidnapping them to do it.

So far our agents have recovered three with different alterations to each. And they're not reverting back so far like the people who turned fuzzy a few weeks ago in New York did. And at least one person has turned up dead after this.

I want everyone in comms trying to find any hint of these guys so we can take them down.

Scitech if you are not on assignment and you've any bio at all, you're looking into helping these people, if it's even possible.

Sep. 29th, 2014


Filter to Sherlock Holmes
You are a private investigator, correct? I have a case for you, sir.

Filter to Walter and Steve
That man sent me another letter. In this one he vaguely threatened a lawsuit based on HEARSAY, if I don't return his damned dog to him. He also asked if I know of anyone who might be able to help him out, the poor dear. I'm going to set Sherlock Holmes on him.

Sep. 23rd, 2014


You know what I think is stupid? Those damn commercials for Cialis and Viagra and whatever other pills they got to make your dick do what it's meant to do. I mean, they're great pills don't get me wrong, because not being able to get it on has got to be one of the shittiest things in the world. But god damn all those people just looks like they're out of a toothpaste commercial or something.

Filter to Kitty
Hey gorgeous. Wanna go get Chinese and watch bad tv on Netflix? We might even go crazy and make out for awhile, too.

Filter to Steve Rogers (EMH & MCU)
You ever wonder what would happen if we were all in the same room together? I don't mean like at the Avengers Mansion. I mean like in a bar.

Sep. 16th, 2014


Filter to Walter Blythe, Basil Hallward, Steve Rogers, Mary Margaret Blanchard, David Nolan
I received a letter today. From Lord Anthony Baskerville. I am now convinced that anyone who goes by the name Anthony is not ever meant to be a kindred spirit, nor even a sympathetic one. (I don't count any Tony Stark in this generalization, for one simple reason: they are known as Tony and seem to be, overall, quite the sort of person I would ask over for tea. They, at least, are sympathetic and are not at all like the Anthonys of the world, who are all disagreeable.)

This man -- this Lord Baskerville -- had the NERVE to ACCUSE me of STEALING. And what did he accuse me of stealing, you may ask?

A DOG. I, Anne Shirley, am accused of stealing a greyhound from this person's establishment. And he names you all as "accomplices"! He even puts that word in quotations, just like that. "Accomplices". He CLAIMS that other guests of the Redfern heard a dog from MY ROOM the night we all stayed there.

He wants a reply. I promise, he will get one. OH YES. He will get one.

Sep. 6th, 2014


-- It seems so awkward to ask this over a text-message. But if I put it off any longer it'll be too late.
-- Walter has invited me and a friend a someone to this couples weekend thing at the Hercule Poirot Racetrack.
-- Would you like to be my someone?

Sep. 3rd, 2014


Filter to Bruce Banner (616, MCU), Tony Stark (MCU, 616), Mikasa Ackerman
Right, so, I got something that may be a potential problem with one of my team members.

Mikasa Ackerman took a shower today and ended up on Mackinaw Island in Michigan. So that's weird, right? And you guys need to scan her or something, right? Like, I'd take her to a doctor but we don't have a medical doctor in the Avengers, do we?

Sep. 1st, 2014


[Filtered to Steve Rogers (EMH)]
Okay so I get that the world is ending or some shit, and that's real important.

But it's also hot as hell in our apartment and I think the air conditioner is broken cause it says it's 69. I think we need to get one of those window air conditioner things. Or a fan and a block of dry ice.

Don't bring anybody over without calling ahead. I ain't putting pants on until we've got this shit worked out.


[Steve Rogers (EMH) | Carol Danvers (616)]
I heard that something happened with the Carol from my universe. Is she all right? Where is she -- can I see her?
[Dr. Beverly Crusher]
I'm sorry to bother you, Doctor. I know that with everything that happened yesterday, you have a lot to do and a lot of people to attend to. A friend of mine, Carol Danvers, was brought in to the clinic, and I was wondering if you could check and see if it's all right that I come see her?

Aug. 24th, 2014


-- I think we should have another date.Would you like to have dinner or lunch this week? You'll have the enviable task of distracting me from variety show preparation.

Aug. 16th, 2014


Okay, so I watched that whole "Captain America and the Howling Commandos destroyed that base and it made the Place de la Bastille collapse, injuring all those people!" video that some HYDRA whack jobs posted. And you know, maybe they were there, maybe they weren't. It's a pretty grainy video. I'm guessing there's some more to it than HYDA has on its... HYDRA tumblr.

But this bit about them being robot clones sent from the future to assassinate the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan sounds a little far-fetched.

Seems like I'd remember all of us being robot clones.


By now, you're probably all aware of the Mentorship program that's ongoing. Us old fogeys want to do our best to give you each, individual attention and do whatever we can to help make you utilise all your strengths, and be the absolute best at whatever it is you choose to be.

There are a few of us in the order set that have very particular skills that we've perfected, being involved with the Avengers and responding to global and domestic threats on every scale imaginable, and I think that we should all, when time permits, try to create opportunities to share those skill with anyone interested in the interest of both passing on knowledge, and of building a stronger sense of community within this Avengers group, because there are a lot of us.

For starters, over the next few weeks, before school starts up again, I'm going to be running a combat workshop for anyone interested in learning more about hand-to-hand combat the way that I know it. It's not mandatory, and it's just for those Mentees (or Mentors, really) who want to participate. I'd love to see a few of you come out for it, if you're able.
[Rikki Barnes]
I have something for you, and I meant to drop it by last night, but then there was that problem on the 8th floor with the fire alarms, and I couldn't get up there. Hope everything is all right, and I hope you had a happy birthday. How do you feel?

[OOC: Also, I'm sorry, Rikki. I meant to post something last night but I was out and then went to bed early >.> It's totally my bad <3]

Aug. 14th, 2014


I'm happy to find New York a much more inviting place to visit than I'd heard it was. My impression until today was that the threat of a nuclear strike would have been only slightly more upsetting than having to take the subway. It's dead pleasant, though.

I'm a little embarrassed to drop in amid this kind of kerfuffle, but I hope I'll be excused. My name's Peter. I've spent the afternoon watching the endless news in a place called Whitehall, where the staff has kept up an impressive indifference both to current events and to my comfort. Beneath the facade, however, there's a current of upset: when I asked the poor chap behind the bar for a Fitzgerald, he asked me what was in it. I think he must be sadly distressed. We're all sorted now, anyway.

At any rate, I thought I ought to say thanks for the undeniable (if strange) hospitality I've received, and to apologize to anyone with whom I might have been shortish when I arrived. I've been advised I need a holiday. I hope everyone comes out more or less intact; I'd rather not die in a place called Whitehall. Cheers.

Aug. 10th, 2014


TEXT TO STEVE ROGERS (EMH) [early this morning, probably around 7]:
-- If this wakes you, I am really sorry.
-- I was wondering if you would want to get out of the city for today.

Aug. 5th, 2014


So do any of you big, strong superhero types wanna help a girl move this weekend?

I'll buy dinner. ♥

[Filtered to Friends + Stark Resilient]
I could not be more excited about this place. You all have to come over when we're moved in. Which will probably be after AIT at the end of the month, or maybe After Australia, so. Later in September. I'll get back to you.

Although Herc, I still kind of want to redo the floors.


[Outstanding Avengers: Bucky Barnes (EMH), Wanda & Pietro (616), Thor (616)]
Good morning, and welcome to our team. Thor, I'd like to welcome you again to this world? And this New York. I am one of the housing assistants for Potts Tower so if there is anything that you need, feel free to ask and I'll do my best.

But, on topic, Some of you, I've already worked with & some of you I don't know all too well, and that's something I'd like to change as soon as possible. I thought we might spend this afternoon at the mansion, if we're all available, to discuss what we'd like to focus on, and any concerns we might have regarding the safety of the city, or the world.

I know that HYDRA, while it's taken a beating thanks to SHIELD and the Avengers of this world, is still out there and still a threat, and I myself would not be opposed to looking into leads or opportunities to stamp them out wherever they're still active. If that's an objective you'd like to help me with, I'd appreciate that. Otherwise, again, it's an open form. Let's talk.
[Anne Blythe]
Let's have dinner tonight.
I'll make reservations.

Jul. 27th, 2014


How are you settling in? I'm St Has someone explained this situation to you?

Jul. 26th, 2014


the man I
Mr. Barnes said
I'm supposed to

I was told to introduce myself? My name is Steve? Um. Steven Rogers? I'm from Brookyln, but I sure as heck don't remember New York looking like this?

Jul. 24th, 2014


[Anne Blythe]
Hey, I didn't notice this yesterday, but I went up to the thirteenth floor to clean up a few things after yesterday's mural painting, and I found this on one of the other walls, any idea who might have painted it?

Jul. 23rd, 2014


Delivery of creepy art to Steve Rogers (EMH).

Delivery of creepy art to Steve Rogers (MCU)

Both framed prints are delivered with a note that says "From Happy."

Each is a high-quality print in a nice frame. Artwork is culled from this google search.


I was recruited to help with the Youth Center's activity tonight and this afternoon. Starting around noon, anyone who is interested in participating should meet at the center. We'll be designing and then completing a mural on the wall near the pool and garden on the thirteenth floor's patio.

(Younger children will be decorating stones and making mosaic tiles to put in the garden)

If a few of your teenagers don't mind sacrificing an afternoon to a good cause, I'd love to see you there to help out & paint.

[Anne Blythe]
Where should I meet you?
[Basil Hallward]
You think you're ready for this, Hallward?
[Bucky Barnes (616)]
Tony wanted me to ask you a question.

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