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Mar. 11th, 2013


cut for length )

Whew. Also, I found another use for our knitting needles.


What? Anakin now too?

Who are me and DT supposed to robo-high five now? AND WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH THIS HALF BUILT DROID?

Mar. 7th, 2013


[ Filtered to Anders ]

Re: your stupid free clinic - how do you feel about sleeping with Tony Stark?

[ /Filter ]

Sweet pickles do not belong in chicken salad. They don't belong anywhere.

What is wrong with people?

Mar. 6th, 2013


And I was really hoping I was done with world displacement by now. This was the worst possible time for this to happen.

So, how do we travel away from this world? Beans? Carpets? Enchanted talking taxi cabs? I've got to get back. You can't tell a man he's a Father and pull him away a hour later.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Filter: Susan Sto Helit

Could you please keep an eye on Lyra tonight? I've upset her more than she already was, and following her myself wouldn't have been a good idea.

Mar. 1st, 2013


Who: Steve Jinks & Lyra Silvertongue
When: March 1st, sometime after they're all done flying kites
Where: The lobby
What: A chance meeting
Rating: Low

It had been a fairly good day... )


Guinevere 'ent here, 'en I went to look for Hazel, to see if she would maybe want to make some pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, 'en she's gone too, 'en I don't want anyone else to leave.

I 'ent going to school tomorrow, I'm going to go fly kites at the park, cos I'm sad and I need something to make me happy, 'en it 'ent fair. It 'ent fair that we come here, 'en it 'ent fair that we don't have a say in when we leave, 'en it 'ent fair to the people who have to stay who have memories of people that they can't even ever get that person back, cos even if they come through again, you have to start all over 'en you're the one with old memories that aren't even really true, since the other person doesn't even know about 'em. It 'ent fair.

Feb. 27th, 2013


Hold on, the Nets play in Brooklyn now?

Can't they stay in one place for ten years?

Their logo is cooler, though.

So much for wanting to watch basketball again

Feb. 26th, 2013


Moody has so kindly gotten us a cat. A charming looking fellow. However, we haven't managed to agree on a name that fits him. I might not have picked that cat but it's as much as his. I refuse to name him Vigilance, Paranoia [..] which I hadn't meant seriously, or You, over there or anything similar to that. Moody has agreed to pick a sensible name from any suggestions provided. Which was a victory in it If you have anything that doesn't have to do with a certain state of being, I'd appreciate it.


Despite the slight hiccup with the dogs the other week, work is going well. I have to admit though I've been spending a lot of time there and not doing much else. I probably should change that but truthfully I just feel so out of place here, even after all of this time. I do appreciate the people I've met and talked to but still I miss home. I doubt no one doesn't miss their home but I think I'm having just due to how different the two worlds are. I've never been that good in crowds and I have never seen so many people in one place before - not even in Sitrium which was our main city where I lived.

I joined the others watching the Oscar's the other night and I have to say I didn't understand what was happening in the slightly from the jokes to the movies. I had heard of a couple of the movies but not well enough to really understand what was happening. People seemed to be enjoying themselves though.

Feb. 23rd, 2013


Netflix is a liar. The Fox and the Hound is not a feel good talking animal tale. Unless you also think Old Yeller is too. I'm trapped watching it though.

Feb. 22nd, 2013


WHOOOOO! Table winner! I loooove Poker! Vegas has nothing on me!

Gaige, Steve, VM
Dude. Party. My room? Killer view and POKER BABY!



» I just realized I can see the museum from my apartment.
» (You know which one.)
» Want to see if they still have Hendrix's guitar? Or do you think it's better left alone?


Because it's as good an excuse as any for a get-together, a few friends and I have decided to host an Oscar party this Sunday in the entertainment lounge on the 13th floor. Anyone's welcome to stop by for some snacks, drinks, and company. We'll also have a contest going to see who can predict the most winners and will have the ballots available at the lounge entrance to fill in before the ceremony starts.

If you have any questions, feel free to talk to Joan, Stephen, Grantaire, Sherlock (my current flatmate), or myself.

Feb. 18th, 2013


Does anyone else on the high floors hear a harp playing? And singing?


People sure get their panties in a twist over a little murder here.

Seriously though, I googled him. His body count is like barely double digits. That's like complete wuss numbers compared to a majority of Potts Towers residents. Probably racked a higher count on my first day on Pandora.

Is it because he's not like hot or something?

Feb. 17th, 2013


I found a card game on Thursday.

In a lot of ways it's simpler here - no shifting, so the rug doesn't fly out from under you as often, and the stakes are a little more straightforward. But there's something about having to pick up and throw in and lay down static, physical cards that makes it all feel really clumsy. I don't mind the simplified deck so much, or the hand hierarchy instead of straight scoring, because that just means you spend your energy on different things, but the paper ... I don't know.

Losing's still losing, anyway.

Feb. 16th, 2013


An official introduction and bribery

Hello there. I'm Steve Jinks, and I've been here for three days now, so I'm a bit overdue to officially introduce myself.

My sister taught me that I've learned that food is a great way to meet people, so I'm on the 13th floor babysitting a large pot of what will, in just over three hours, be delicious chili. Anybody who wants a bowl can come by starting around 6:30.

It's completely vegetarian, but rich enough that not even the most carnivorous of carnivores I've met has complained about it.

Also, there will be tea, coffee, hot chocolate and various sodas. Anything stronger, you'll have to bring yourself.

Filter: Claudia Donovan

It's Leena's recipe. At least I think it's Leena's recipe. Thank god we still have Google, right? At least, I remembered the cocoa powder and some of the other ingredients, and went from there.


The new Die Hard movie takes John McClane to Russia.

Almost immediately after it opened, a giant meteor explodes over Russia.

Coincidence? I think not.

Yippie-Kay-Yay Motherfucker.

Feb. 14th, 2013


And for this Valentine's Day, I will perform....


That's right, tonight only you will see me escape from the Bonds---OF LOVE! Well, actually they are just chains and fuzzy handcuffs but the metaphor is still there.


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