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Jun. 24th, 2015


    We have tracked our best leads to this Ulysses Klaue, only to find that he is not in possession of the sceptre either. And his refusal to give us any further information has stopped our search for the moment.

Jun. 18th, 2015


[SWORD Miami team]

I have to say I always do enjoy a party with a heist as part of it.

[Thor, Sif]

So far no scepter. But we did find some Kree writing. Unrelated.

Just how many other realms are visiting Midgard? It seems to grow each year.

Jun. 15th, 2015


[Sif, Bucky Barnes(616), Sharon Carter, Jessica Drew, Nick Fury(616), Alistair Theirin, Oliver Queen]

All right team. Dugan's gotten me in contact with some old friends. We're headed to Algiers, black market dealer is willing to talk with us and point us in a possible direction for this scepter. I know all of your enjoy dealing with sketchy black arms dealers as much as I do, so bring your people skills.


Any snacks stolen while I'm gone best be replaced.


Don't be mad. But I am meeting up with the guy who got me trapped in Europe for four months.

I mean to be fair he was trapped for a while too. And Nick's promised that if I do get stuck againy ou get to shoot him.

He hasn't actually promised that but I mean if you did shoot him he'd probably assume there was a good reason for it.

Jun. 2nd, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

More of you should spend time in the Barking Lot, like I do. Every dog here is about the cutest ever. Mabari are majestic, and no dog shall have a place in my heart like Samson or Barkspawn do. But these pets whose entire lives purpose is to live happily share that joy with everyone around them. They understand us just as well as we understand them, and they're excellent listeners.

If anyone knows the mystery of how to make a Mabari Crunch, I'd like to make them for these dogs.

OOC: Psst, Kathryn Janeway, Davina Claire, and Steve Rogers (616) should comment on this post, re: June 5th plot.

May. 28th, 2015


Statement: I have learned twenty eight languages since my arrival. How so many languages can exist in such a small space is quite remarkable.

(ooc: For the record, I do not speak 28 languages so I'll be availing myself of Google Translate should he be conversed with in anything other than English. Please don't assume its HK's language failings because it wouldn't be; its solely me using a translation program.)

May. 27th, 2015


Ah, trees and humidity. How I missed you both.

Hello -- I was told I was just here, which I'd have an easier time believing if I remembered. But I suppose I've seen stranger things.

[Ahsoka Tano]
And hello to you. I've been told that as far as kidnappings go, this one isn't half bad.

May. 21st, 2015


Midgard you certainly have a way about you.

May. 19th, 2015


Well people imagining they're someone else in mass hallucinations and talking, dancing playing cards.

I've seen just about everything now.

May. 17th, 2015


I should like to thank Sir Alistair for attending the celebrations with me. It was an enjoyable event, and I have heard that there were those crowned as royalty. This realm has many interesting and exciting celebrations in which to partake -- I have grown fond of such pleasures as of late.

On another subject, I have heard of sparring groups being formed, and should like to offer my own services once again. I would be glad to assist in training anyone who might be interested in such a thing.

    Has discussion of the sceptre continued? I have no yet heard indication of discovering its location.

    You did not tell me that Torunn had returned.

May. 7th, 2015


WHO: MCU Avengers, Peter Quill, Maria Hill, SWORD leadership
WHERE: Jane, Greenwich Village; private room.
WHEN: 9 pm May 7 2015
WHAT: Very ominous "big pots of mussels" and forbidden rice
RATING: IC/OOC, probably low.

He may have stepped down as King, but he's reigning drama queen )

May. 4th, 2015


Drinks shall be on me at Sam's tonight.

[Filtered to Sif and Fandral]
But in more serious affairs, I have been speaking with Maria Hill. Skurge's interrogation of Loki concluded that he had not attacked Midgard entirely at his own volition, but for the work of Thanos.

Thanos is powerful, but if I know anything of Loki, it is that controlling him takes far more than power or menace. If it is possible at all.

How do you suppose he did it?

Apr. 29th, 2015


Three questions:
1. Is there anyone out there who still has their powers, or has gained new ones since yesterday?
2. Does this mean that I can spar against certain people and only end up with normal bruises instead of insanely broken-to-pieces ribs?
3. Anyone want to run to that place on the corner and pick up a smoothie for me? I'll buy one for you, too.

Apr. 28th, 2015


    I expect I am not the only one who is suffering from whatever foul magic has befallen us this time?

    I am afraid that I will need to postpone our training session. I am not feeling well. I fear whatever magic the Tesseract has wrought upon this world has this time found a way to affect me as well, and as such I am feeling...weakened. Forgive me.

Apr. 23rd, 2015


Has my bedroom been replaced by a swimming pool?

I could have sworn the bedroom was here a moment ago.

Apr. 21st, 2015


How is it that they know how much currency to put in an automated teller machine?

[Filtered to Sif, Fandral, + MCU Avengers]
What do we think of my brother's newest political ambitions?

Apr. 11th, 2015


The dog days are over, the dog days are done.

Who: Sif & Steve Rogers (616)
When: April 11, late afternoon
Where: Potts Tower Gym
What: A random run-in!
Rating: PG-13 at the most? But I doubt even then.
Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here they come. )


network post: alistair theirin

Has anyone else noticed what a good place this is? I have begun training with Lady Sif. It's been some time since I was this sore, and I like it. Then I play with puppies. We have puppies in this tower, lots and lots of puppies. And you can pet them and walk them and play with them. Every day this week I've been down to the Barking Lot (they don't bark that much, it's more an excited yip to see you). They invited me to come back next week. I have no idea what Sharknado means, but I have been offered free food there. Life is good.

Apr. 10th, 2015


I am now the assistant to the assistant of Tony friggin Stark.

I'm going to be an intern for there rest of my life.

Apr. 8th, 2015


Who: Steve Rogers (EMH) & The Lady Sif (MCU)
When -- Forward Dated: Friday Night, April 10th.
Where: Whiskey Tavern.
What: After Steve gives a valiant effort to prove that he could be a challenge for Sif (and fails) the two decide to go out for a round of celebratory drinks.
Rating: PG-13

The Sword is Mightier Than the Shield )


I have been quiet for long enough, I think, and my sword arm is becoming weaker by the moment. I would be glad for the chance to remedy this, should any prove up to the challenge.

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