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Mar. 19th, 2013


[ Filtered to Alex Summers 616 ]

Good evening. My name is Dr. Bruce Banner. I heard a rumor about you that I would appreciate if you could confirm or deny.

[ /Filter ]

Current research is examining the law of superposition principle, which holds that a system can be in multiple states - multiple realities - at the same time. However, as observing, linear creatures, we perceive but one state, and consequently one reality. Superposition is measured by the spin of the intrinsic magnet in quantum particles - if said magnet is pointing in two directions at once, we know we are observing this principle in action.

Intriguingly, research as of a few days ago indicates that an observer may influence superposition's collapse by adjusting the orientation of his or her photon-polarization measurement apparatus.

Mar. 18th, 2013


Dying of grief seems to take quite some time.

Mar. 17th, 2013


I have had a great deal of time for thought lately, and my mind always ventures back to those times when I made my most difficult decisions, and when I gave my hardest counsel. Aikanáro's decision not to wed Andreth was, of course, his own. I would never have forbid the union, no matter how little I disagreed with it. I was his brother, not his father, nor hers. But despite the sadness it caused both of them, I do not think I would have counseled either of them differently. Their pain would have been intensely worse had a marriage between them been allowed.

It was a time of war, even if we had been in a Watchful peace for some time, and our kind does not marry in times of war. With Aikanáro being the warrior that he was, this was even more crucial.

Secondly, though I do not doubt their love, I truly believe that marriages between the Eldar and the human race must be only allowed for reasons of the Highest Doom. They are not something to be entered into lightly, or without great thought.

Thirdly, Aikanáro's pain would certainly have been worse when she ultimately died after so short a time had he allowed himself to love her from anything other than afar.

It was difficult counsel, but I do not regret it.

Mar. 14th, 2013


Do many of you have children that are not here with you now? How do you survive without them? I find it difficult to reconcile my presence here with the desire I feel to be near my daughter. She is a woman grown, and wed now but some months ago and even so always my child no matter the years that pass us by.

I miss her. The light and life that is inside of her.

Itarillë she is called in Quenya and Idril in Sindarin. 'Sparkling brilliance' in both tongues. She's blonde, like her mother before her. She likes to go barefoot through all her journeys, though nevermore than when we lived near the sea.

I miss her wisdom and her laughter. I miss her happiness. In some profound way it was tied to my own. I think, perhaps, because I did everything I could to see her smile again after the death of her mother.

And truly, she fought hard to see me smile too.

Mar. 13th, 2013


[Text to Eärendil]
» Eärendil what delays you?
» Let me know if you are still coming tonight.

» What has your attention tonight?

the text goes unanswered because this thread

Mar. 14th, 2013


Who: Eärendil and Maedhros (and Turgon, thank god)
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: On the streets of New York
What: Meeting at last
Rating: High, for angry words and violence

~+~+~+~+~+ )


[Filtered to Turgon]

Brother, can we talk?

Mar. 12th, 2013


[Filtered: Tolkien-verse Characters]

Why does Findekáno bear the title that is mine by right?


I am angry. I am angry and I have been for some time. I came here against my will as all of us have and I did not fuss or weep or demand to be returned to my home. I have sat here complacently waiting for something to happen that would validate this turn of events. And for nigh on 6 weeks I have done so.

And I am tired of it.

I am tired of pandering to your laws and your customs. I am not of the Atani. I am not mortal and my time in this world is not so short in years. I am called Nelyafinwë Maitimo Russandol and I am the eldest son of Nerdanel and Curufinwë Fëanáro, Crown Prince of the Noldor.

I am of the Eldar Race.

And I refuse to lose anymore of myself in name of assimilation. In name of adapting. For what have you done to aid me or my brothers and cousins to ease us of our upset? To what lengths have you gone to understand our plight or our sorrows, or our histories?

I admit that you have given us much in name of charity for a place to sleep and for that I shall be grateful.

But you demand of us to get used to this world because where we come from no longer matters. You demand we change ourselves and become like you instead of learning of us. You provide us lessons to learn of New York City and this 21st century but where are the history lessons of our people? Of the other people who come here? You demand of us to lose ourselves for sake of your nation's benefit. And for what?

That we might shut up and sit down and not cause you problems? I am tired of being told to behave and to adapt to your world. I'll not become one of you for the sake of the protestors on the streets.

To the Void with you! May the Everlasting Dark take you all.

And aye, may it take you swiftly! So that my brothers and I might clean this world of the filth you littered it with.


Would anyone like to learn how to sail?

Mar. 11th, 2013


I feel very...old here.

Mar. 10th, 2013


I don't care what some sadistic son of a bitch anybody says. Judith is my daughter even if there is a chance that Shane got Lori pregnant. She is my baby. I made that choice before she was born and I don't regret it at all. She's my daughter.

What's the daycare options around this place anyway? I start training for my job tomorrow and I need want to have her settled with somebody trustworthy besides Daryl soon.

I know why I keep watching my show. I have to see for myself that Carl is okay. That he's still alive. That he's safe. I just wish that watching it would get easier, stop making me feel so guilty for being here when he's there.

Merle shows up here - I'm gonna knock him out for the way he's been speaking to my son. That's not his place. Merle isn't family.


[To the Tolkien Elves; Backdated to 3/8]

I have been invited to spend the next several days with Lady Thalia and her companion. If you have need of me during this time, please do not hesitate to inform me of such. We will be returning to the city after the week's end.


You know what's really disorienting? Waking up after really weirdly vivid dreams that you're pretty sure were memories that belonged to you. I haven't been able to get them out of my head, and Nathan's no longer here to talk to. Kind of hating this world at the moment

Mar. 9th, 2013


Network Post: Jean-Luc Picard

I have been here just over a month and in the time here I have found - if not an answer to the why's of this place - several pleasant people in this Tower. Wherever one may be it is possible to find those who are willing to sit down with you over a cup of tea and share a bit of their lives and that remains true in this reality as well as my own.

I sought out the library this week and have had the opportunity to take out several books regarding the history of this reality, as well as some fictional works to keep myself busy over the next week or two.

[Filter: Will Riker | Deanna Troi | Kathryn Janeway]
Over the past month I have done a bit of research and have been looking at the notices they send us regarding the departures and arrivals. I confess that there are no patterns that I can perceive. I find myself missing Commander Data's ability to look at a situation and wonder what he might be able to uncover given the same data I have had been privy to.

I am not ready to give up on a way home, but am beginning to come to the conclusion that it may not be a simple answer.

I would appreciate any thoughts or insights you three might have to shed on the matter.


I should have stayed in bed today.


Someone told me that my pink hair was so 'old school'. Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment? Usually when someone mentions school it's not always something positive.

Also if you aren't from the States, be sure not to ask for biscuits. Apparently it's not the same. I need a bloody book that describes the differences in language if I'm ever going to survive this place.

Filter: Remus Lupin
After Lily's little party, I thought we could come back to my room. Unless you want to have a wild night on the town, then I would be happy to arrange something like that!

Also, would you like to go out for breakfast for your birthday?

Filter: Teddy Lupin
Thank you, so much for the bouquet. The flowers are very beautiful! Your father and I were wondering if you would like to join us for a late breakfast for his birthday? I know it's short notice, I'm still getting used to the fact that it's not June.


cut for lengthy Tolkien quote )

And indeed, it did. From the light and life of my own grandson, whose Doom should outweigh even that of the Doom of the House of Húrin. Sad tidings indeed that I read of them.

But Eärendil, what would become of the last of the Noldor and Middle-earth without you. I rejoice and morn still at your sacrifice. Though I shall never know you as more than a child in our world, I shall always be proud.

And proud still of my kin. Maedhros for his determination to end the wrath of Morgoth, and to my brother Fingon for his bravery on the battlefield. We lost everything in that fight. Nirnaeth Arnoediad. No tale might tell of all the sorrows we faced in those brief days.

But alas I shouldn't think on those things and I still ought not have read the book. Little has come of it.


Filtered to Turgon

Grandfather, could we speak?

Mar. 8th, 2013


People need to stop using the word mortal and mortals. It rubs me the wrong way -- especially because it keeps being used in a dismissive, annoying, insulting way.

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