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Mar. 30th, 2013


So I was doing some NYC research and I stumbled upon this. Non-stop reading of every Shakespeare play. Back-to-back. So it takes a couple days, and people read straight through the night. And anyone can sign up to participate! Does anyone want to do it with me? I haven't signed up for anything yet, but I was thinking if a couple people wanted to, we could all try to reserve the same play and go together.

edited: Oh! I forgot to mention. It's free to watch! I love free events.


I can't say that I'm fully ready to give up on my original mission, or that the time here is completely relevant and not controlled by all-powerful entities but... I am ready to give this world a chance, a cautious chance, but, one nonetheless.

[Cassie Scott + Rachel Berenson]
Sorry I haven't really been around. There's just been a lot to think about, you know? I needed to make sure there really was no Yeerk threat, that there is no way I can get back to where Marco and Tobias are. It eats away at me that Ax is captive out there, in some other world and there is nothing we can do about it.

I also read our books. The ones about us. And I..

I'm sorry.

Mar. 29th, 2013


Everyone say "hi" to Rajah!!!!! The poor baby was left behind when his previous owner got sent back and I couldn't just let him go to the shelter or something. Besides I totally needed a new pet to replace Kitty. He's kind of old, but that's okay because he's so HUGE I don't even know how I'd be able to take him on walks and stuff if he was all young and full of energy. Mostly he just lays around. But look!!! I got him a barrel for his collar because St. Bernards need barrels around their necks, am I right?! ISN'T HE ABSOLUTELY PRESH!?

Picture under the cut )

Hey. Um. Can we talk?


As much as I totally loved the discount at Sephora, can I just say that I'm so totally excited to be able to say: GOODBYE, RETAIL!!!


As much as I've been enjoying my classes here, I'm really just wanting to get my diploma now. So I've started looking into the requirements to take the GED test here in New York.

If you're over the age of 16 by the testing date and have valid forms of identification (I checked with the testing offices, and they are willing to accept documentation from SHIELD.) you are eligible to take the test.

The next testing days are just under a month away on April 20th and 21st, and after that the next test isn't given until the first of June.

I'm planning to study for and take the exam next month if anyone else wants to join me.

Mar. 28th, 2013


I am very unsure how I feel about this, but I have found part-time employment.

I went to the animal shelter today, as is my wont, and they informed me that there was a paid position available, for approximately twenty-five hours per week. As I have contributed little to the household and my funds are running low (not to mention that my dear Maedhros is a harsh master), I accepted.

I will be working from nine to two Monday through Friday, caring for the cats.

I do not think it will be such a terrible job, actually, and I shall be able to buy true gold ribbon for my hair again.



This is going to sound terribly normal, which I know seems like an impossibility for us, but would the two of you be up for stopping by sometime for dinner?



Also -- and don't panic. I need you to take me shopping.


Mar. 26th, 2013


After spending the past hour watching episodes of old shows on YouTube, I think I'll die happy if the cast of Boy Meets World ever showed up here.


I suppose it won't come as much of a surprise to some of you that I've decided to resume teaching. Some of my areas of expertise were rather specific to the world I came from, however, as of next week, I will be teaching:
-Military tactics and strategy
-Hand to Hand Combat

Susan Sto Helit
I wanted to thank you for this opportunity. Also, I am not sure if there is a need here, but I did serve as a faculty advisor to students at the Academy as well.

Mar. 25th, 2013


Bad luck for me, now we're short a history teacher. Anyone here feel equipped to teach social studies? As in American history, world history, civics and government, economics, and geography. Most of what I learned in history class hasn't happened yet.

I've decided to embrace this world, clean slate, new opportunities and all that. Guess you could say I've gone native. Still, I can't say I don't miss

Mar. 20th, 2013


Are mundanes always so hospitable when they feel like they've been wronged? I may have accidentally tripped one.

Mar. 15th, 2013


I miss my boyfriend.

Okay, THERE. There, I said it. I don't care if it makes me look like some kind of lovesick girl or whatever. But going from living year round with him around at a camp followed by living with him in Elysium, not having him around at all is absolutely driving me nuts.

I know that he's happy and fine back in Elysium, but gods. It makes me wonder sometimes if maybe my being brought here doesn't have anything to do with weird random alien technology, but it's actually the gods thinking twice and realizing that I'm not the hero that they decided I was, so they're bringing me back here as punishment because of everything no you can't write

So, Tesseract, if you don't mind me being selfish and want to just do me an absolute solid, bring me Charlie Beckendorf. Please.


This is all just poppycock, isn't it? I'm going to wake up and not be surrounded by people from all sorts of weird realms, aren't I?

Because honest to Merlin, this is some strange bullshit.

Mar. 13th, 2013


Truth or dare?

Mar. 12th, 2013


I am angry. I am angry and I have been for some time. I came here against my will as all of us have and I did not fuss or weep or demand to be returned to my home. I have sat here complacently waiting for something to happen that would validate this turn of events. And for nigh on 6 weeks I have done so.

And I am tired of it.

I am tired of pandering to your laws and your customs. I am not of the Atani. I am not mortal and my time in this world is not so short in years. I am called Nelyafinwë Maitimo Russandol and I am the eldest son of Nerdanel and Curufinwë Fëanáro, Crown Prince of the Noldor.

I am of the Eldar Race.

And I refuse to lose anymore of myself in name of assimilation. In name of adapting. For what have you done to aid me or my brothers and cousins to ease us of our upset? To what lengths have you gone to understand our plight or our sorrows, or our histories?

I admit that you have given us much in name of charity for a place to sleep and for that I shall be grateful.

But you demand of us to get used to this world because where we come from no longer matters. You demand we change ourselves and become like you instead of learning of us. You provide us lessons to learn of New York City and this 21st century but where are the history lessons of our people? Of the other people who come here? You demand of us to lose ourselves for sake of your nation's benefit. And for what?

That we might shut up and sit down and not cause you problems? I am tired of being told to behave and to adapt to your world. I'll not become one of you for the sake of the protestors on the streets.

To the Void with you! May the Everlasting Dark take you all.

And aye, may it take you swiftly! So that my brothers and I might clean this world of the filth you littered it with.

Mar. 10th, 2013


Is the Tesseract taking requests, yet? Because I have a list that would really pretty the place up. I can even provide gifs.

Hey there, Mr. Snarlypants.

You know what you need? A cage fight. Or ice cream. Beer float? Come on, lets go out. Lets scare small children and dogs! Lets enter places that are probably involved in organized crime. It will be like the old times we never actually had together. :D

Mar. 9th, 2013


You know the people here are slowly starting to get used to the whole refugee thing when they ask you "so which one are you" before you make an order and don't even blink when they say it. But I really don't know how I should feel about that question.

Mar. 6th, 2013


How are you settling in?

We should go flying. Maybe after the snow?

Mar. 5th, 2013


Because I don't give a flying frak about bacon or fashion or flowers (though, okay, beer is alright), I'm going to make something happen for the rest of us. And if you don't like it, your face can meet my fist or I guess you can find an orchid and stick it up your prune it.

You have 24 hours from the time of this post to gather teams and find what I list below. Whoever finds the most wins. And what do you win? Well, that's up to me and I will tell you when you do. Onto the list:
1. A picture of you and Captain America's shield.
2. Nick Fury's eye-patch. Or Nick Fury's stupid leather duster. The location of Nick Fury.
3. A picture of your epic fight with a demi-god.
4. A picture of you hammered and Thor's hammer and Thor hammered.
5. A lock of hair from a tower-ginger.
6. The keys to Tony Stark's favorite car.
7. A picture of yourself with a mounted patrol officer. Extra credit if there's handcuffs.
8. A picture of one of those Harry Potter people levitating an object with their wand.
9. Sam Merlotte as a blue bird sitting on Ruby's shoulder as a wolf.
10. My dog tags from the Galactia.

BONUS: Katniss Everdeen & a Hawkeye locked in competition/romantic embrace over their archery skills.

BONUS: Tony Stark trussed up on the hood of said car with keys in his mouth and the Iron Man suit in the front seat.

BONUS: Lindir the Elf, a copy of Where the Sidewalk Ends and a dual recitation between he and the Hulk or Jayne Cobb.

Questions? Ok. Comments, bring it on. Snide remarks? Go to hell.

And good luck!

[FILTER: Lee, Sam, TJ, Don]
If you wuss out and don't do this, I'm kicking your ass. So, it's for your own good.

Mar. 4th, 2013


I have the strangest desire to go to the zoo right now. I guess I'm getting a little bored

This also looks really cool. And I'd go to see this with you, if you were interested. It seems like it would be right up your alley.

We've still got that weekend away thing coming up too, right? It occurred to me that it might be a little awkward inviting both Jo and Dean along for something like that. And it also occurred to me that I might not actually mind going alone with you quite as much anymore.

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