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Jan. 14th, 2013


Who: Susan Pevensie and Lucy Pevensie
What: reuniting
Where: Lucy's room, 6th floor
When: Set just before this
Rating: SFW!
Status: closed; incomplete

Read more... )

Jan. 13th, 2013


[Text to Peter Petrelli]

>> Susan's here.
>> My SISTER. She's really here.
>> Also. I need to apologize. Again.
>> For getting annoyed with you earlier.
>> So. I'm sorry.

Jan. 11th, 2013


Cut, not filtered )

So after spending the afternoon with the Petrelli brothers, I arrived home to find wee Nathan asleep on the sofa, cuddled up to one of his favorite toys. He loves that little stuffed lamb; I can't seem to find him without it nearby at almost any given moment, and it is, perhaps, one of the most precious things I've seen.

I also had my second interview today, and I think it went well! Though this center isn't affiliated with Stark industries or SHIELD, they seem to be very receptive to the idea of hiring me. They told me that I would find out some time next week.

Oh! And one more of Nathan, from just a few days after Peter gave him to me:


Who: Lucy Pevensie and Nathan Petrelli
What: Lucy brings Nathan Lunch
Where: The Petrelli's Apartment
When: Friday, 11 January
Rating: G
Status: Logged, Complete

I think that between you and Peter, I won’t have any choice but to concentrate on getting better )


Who: Lucy Pevensie and Peter Petrelli
What: Comforting
Where: Hospital waitin room
When: Backdated to Thursday
Rating: G
Status: Logged, Complete

And I'm still going to worry about you. )


Who: Lucy Pevensie and Peter Petrelli
What: A srs talk
Where: Lucy's flat
When: Backdated to the Wednesday, after this
Rating: G
Status: Logged, Complete

How about this - for one day, don't think about what I need. Think about what you want. )

Jan. 10th, 2013


Who: Hazel and Lucy
When: Thursday January 10
Where: Out and about
What: Shopping for food
Rating: G

What is this tofu? )

Jan. 9th, 2013


So last week I interviewed with a local pre-school and this afternoon I received a callback for another meeting today. The interview is on Friday and I hope it goes well.

I do hope this works out. I'm feeling a bit restless, and a bit unsure of what I'm doing with myself, and it'll be nice to have something to fill my days. It's strange, not having my sister or brothers here. I miss them so much, and I hope they are doing alright. I've read the books, so I know that things..don't go quite how we expected them to. I don't know whether they're in Narnia or back in London or where they are. I don't know if I'm still there for them, or if they've noticed that I'm gone. Do they miss me? I like to think they would. I miss them, and the woods of Narnia. The trees here are so quiet. Too quiet. But it's winter, so perhaps they sleep.

I suppose I've had too much time to think lately. Too much time to myself. I'm still learning my way around the city and it's getting better- I'm still overwhelmed a lot, but it's going to be alright. I've spent a lot of time in Central Park, and I've found that I really like it there- I can't wait to see what it looks like by spring!

Jan. 7th, 2013


Network Post

Thank you to the person who left us carrots. It was very nice of you. My brother and I will like them very much.

Jan. 6th, 2013


» Nathan's here.
» Alive.
» Oh my god, Lucy, I'm just shaking
» He's alive

Jan. 4th, 2013



» I know we'd talked about watching our show together
» If we're going to, we probably should start, right?
» I'm off at ten tonight, why don't you come over?
» We can watch a few episodes, talk about it maybe?
» Probably be easier if you don't have to do this alone



» Hey
» I told Claire that I'd watch some of our show with her tonight
» And I don't know if she'd be comfortable having you there
» There's some pretty hard stuff in there
» So how about I come over Saturday night instead?

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Hello? I was told to write here? I do not fully understand this. My brother is here too. I'm Fiver and I used to be a rabbit.

I don't like this.

Jan. 2nd, 2013


» Hey how'd your interview go?
» Been thinking about you


Network Post

I was told asked...I do not know the words. To...post? here.
My name is Hazel.
I was a rabbit until a few hours ago.
Now I have human.....things.
What is this place?

Dec. 29th, 2012


Left at Lucy Pevensie's Door )

Dec. 28th, 2012


I've been told to introduce myself like a normal person instead of lurking around in other people's entries, so hi. I'm Claire. I'm seventeen. I was a cheerleader back home (go Wildcats!) I'm from Odessa, but I moved around a lot. My dad's a paper salesman. Last time I was in New York, 

Not really sure how I feel about all of this, but people have been nice mostly, and some guy I've never even met plans to give me $1000 a month just out of the goodness of his heart because that totally happens, so I guess there are worse places to be.


I hear you can regenerate your cells. Great, so can I!

We have something in common. Here's a hint: I've died twice. So far.

I've always wondered if there were people like me out

Can you feel pain?

Can we talk, maybe?

Dec. 25th, 2012


» There's a man from my world here. His name is Adam Monroe.
» He can be very convincing, and can seem like a very good person if he wants to.
» I'm not going to tell you what you can or can't do, but please be careful, okay?


Who: Peter Petrelli and Lucy Pevensie
What: Christmas dinner
Where: Lucy's Apartment
When: Evening, 25 December
Rating: PG - some snogging
Status: Logged, Complete

Christmas was, by far, Lucy's favorite holiday. )

Dec. 24th, 2012


30lbs later, I have to say that was best breakfast I've had in a long time.

And I've been wondering which is more strange to most people: Finding out someone looks just like but isn't you, or finding out an alternate version of you exists and yet doesn't look much like you at all?

Dec. 23rd, 2012


[Birthday cake + gift delivered to Peter Petrelli before she drags him to lunch]

Cut for images )

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