July 2016




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Aug. 1st, 2015


Oh look the world didn't end.

Everyone's so surprised.

[Bruce Banner(MCU)]

Where the hell are you?

Jul. 27th, 2015


I get that Ultron is a thing right now.

But I just found out digimon is leaving Netflix and I am not okay with this.

Jul. 20th, 2015


-- If you're done fucking things up do you need like.... strings pulled or something now that you and Stark are apparently fighting?
-- Cause I can help with that.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


Filter: Jenny Takeda
Mark's gone.

Jun. 27th, 2015


As of Tuesday, I will have been here two years. Two years in which I have lived a strangely typical existence, doing office work, education, and even dabbled in heroics. Though this world is much like home, my life here is entirely different. I wonder if this means, perhaps, this should be my new familiar.

But it is difficult to walk away from one's past. I still have felt more comfortable within the Maggia than I have with the Avengers. But somewhere along the lines, the anger that has always sustained me seems absurd. My Order exists here, but they have done me no wrong that I did not first provoke. Do I lack the heart I once did, or perhaps I have too much of one to kill under orders or seek out one who would issue those orders. Though it remains, that I am somehow changed.

Perhaps that is good, but if I am to be honest, it is a loss of identity. I do not know who I am if not the Hand of Death. Even still. I do not know how to be an American or how to exist in a sphere where delivering death is a matter of morals as opposed to nature. Though I had betrayed that before I had arrived: fearing my own death, plottig to avenge my father's death.

Are there others here handling the same loss of identity? And if I may ask, how do you process this change?

[Filtered to Pepper Potts (AA), Jenny Takeda]
If it is agreeable, I may start taking classes part time in the fall.
[Filtered to 11th & 12th Floors (hover)]
It has been some time since I have introduced myself, but I am Jon Kasiya. I am your housing advisor. Should anyone require any assistance. I am in room 1101 generally in early evenings.

Jun. 14th, 2015


The Tesseract's giving gifts again? Damn, I almost wish I had kept something valuable around back home so I could get something too. But with how wherever we stayed ended up getting blown to pieces every other day, I guess we were better off without personal things.

Jun. 11th, 2015


What makes a hero "super"?

Jun. 10th, 2015


-- Looks like the prick left us again.
-- And of course the Maximoffs seem to be handling it with their usual everything is about me grace.

Jun. 5th, 2015


183 years ago, on the 5th of June 1832. General Jean Maximilien Lamarque funeral procession marked the beginning of the days in which I, and many others -- included my beloved friends, died.

pas de ne pleurent pour nous

3,000 citizens took to the streets of Paris in protest of the wealth of the state against the poverty of her people. In protest of the rampant sickness that plagued our streets without aid, in protest of the succession of kings, all deaf to the people upon home they leeched.

pas de ne pleurent pour nous

It took 60,000 troops and 800 dead on both sides to spend the forces of the rebellion. But the loss of lives never marks the loss of hope. It would not be long before others followed us with great success, marking our sacrifices as few of the many who have died for liberty and the pursuit of fairness.

pas de ne pleurent pour nous

Lives lost, hardships endured, violence begotten -- it always holds meaning. And what is right will always prevail over injustice. It may not happen quick, and when the bayonet is before you, your place might be to throw yourself upon its blade so that others can climb over your back, but it will come.

So do not mourn us.

Stand with us.

Hundreds of years have passed, the reign of kings has ended but there is still illness in your streets, New York, and there is a sickness in your highest towers that causes it. If this is the land of the free, as you are all so quick to claim. If this is the home of the brave, which you all hold your hearts in devotion to -- prove it. Change what you do not agree with, and sign your oath with your blood if you must.

Jun. 2nd, 2015


[Brandon and Laura]

May. 30th, 2015


I thought this was a trick, and I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do now. They told me that I was assigned to a Steve Rogers for housing, but not the one I met... which makes less sense than everything else. And an Ororo Monroe for schooling, which from what I've seen of schools it is like training.

My name is ... Laura Kinney. I don't expect anyone to know me even though the people at whatever that place was knew too much.


They also told me you were here.

May. 29th, 2015


I will pop every Tony Stark face I see today.

May. 21st, 2015


Um. I need help.. any flyers or web-slingers, anyone.

Have to get out of my apartment and through the front door is not a way to make sure my brothers and mother don't freak out over a stranger in the house. And would probably need a place to stay till this passes.

Filter: Bruce Banner (MCU)
Or maybe I'll just work overtime potentially, because I figure you have a cot, pillow and blanket stashed away somewhere there.

May. 15th, 2015


-- Yo.
-- Can your boss put as much work into promoting the expo as he does into trying to create Avenger herpes?


May. 13th, 2015


Can't speak for anyone else, but watching people act out shit like in movies was pretty fucking entertaining. This shit should happen more often.


I am really okay with pretending the last 3 days just did not happen.

And focusing, instead, on the fact that my finals are over and Le Bain's rooftop lounge, this Friday, is being taken over by a portion of NYU's class of 2016. And everyone 18+ is invited.

Ashgfd I'm officially a senior!

May. 10th, 2015


au: noir detective

You run into one lazy copper and suddenly they're all lazy. My boys are out there, bookin all the crooks and keeping this city safe, but you ain't doing the job if you ain't helpin that one person.

All I'm gonna say is let us do the work. We need you, we'll call you in.

Filter: Bruce Banner (MCU)
I'm gonna take a lucky guess, sharper, and say the bird's already got you hooked.

May. 6th, 2015



Cuddle boy, I need a space heater. D:

May. 3rd, 2015


How do you know if a domestic animal must be named or not?

[this is a picture of a scorpion]

May. 2nd, 2015


Wasn't yesterday just gorgeous?

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