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Nov. 27th, 2015


Network Post: Phil Coulson

Now that we have Black Friday and Cyber Monday, if I do all my shopping online today, does that make it Cyber Friday? Or Black Cyber Friday?

Nov. 20th, 2015


network post: natasha romanoff

I rarely make it over for breakfast in the tower on the most interesting days. I do hope you boys are dancing well, James, Steve. Practice your positions before you go making any taunts.

Filtered: LEOPARD
At least we don't need to youtube any cat videos during coffee breaks from poring over the data. Does anyone have a live feed we can string when they actually sing and dance? I don't mind a little background battleground ballet. And if you break into song lyrics, I still expect you to read through your data, but your reports will be accepted in iambic pentameter.

Nov. 9th, 2015


[Filtered to LEOPARD]
So this notebook seems nice from a pretty pictures and math perspective, but does anyone speaks Sokovian?
[Filtered to Pinky Pinkerton]
Cat still got your tongue?

Nov. 6th, 2015


network post: natasha romanoff

It sounds so noisy this morning. I suppose we'll always remember remember the fifth of November.

Filtered: LEOPARD
Everyone check in on the statuses of their persons of interest from Stark Expo. Mine have returned home. I've installed software on the work computers of one, and I'm following the other's research students on Twitter. But I had a flag come up on a passport entry into Sokovia. Facial recognition puts one of the Doctor's associates entering the country this morning.

And gentlemen, welcome back to the conversation or not. You're still welcome to brood. Wheels up in an hour.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
So here I felt all special not having to burn a fake identity to get a pass this time around.

But then I realized you just invited me for the HYDRA reunion cocktail hour.

[Filteredto Nick Fury (MCU) & LEOPARD]
See above.

It's not a big surprise, but it could be worth keeping eyes on the ground

Oct. 21st, 2015


network post: natasha romanoff

After a zebra and a pony, you think people would at least try to find another excuse for their escaped kangaroo.

Filtered: LEOPARD
In case you were all still wondering, filters are back on the network. We can talk just us, without anyone wondering when someone joined the network.

Sep. 29th, 2015


Network Post; Mara Jade

National Coffee Day. I can't guarantee its quality, but if you need a free caffeine boost today, you know where to go. You're welcome.

[Filter: Skywalker]
You back on planet Earth?

[Filter: Sitwell]
You're going to tell me you're somewhere we can't celebrate national coffee day together, aren't you?

[Filter: Nick Fury (MCU)]
I put forty-five minutes tonight into your calendar. Clear your desk.

Sep. 21st, 2015


network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: LEOPARD
The Doctor's certainly gone downhill. I'd believe two hearts, but really, he seems to have followed the way of the Master. Perhaps he'll be so kind as to lead us to one. Lets keep our distance but eyes on him. The fewer times we need to discharge our weapons, the more likely we are to find prey higher up the food chain.

But really, that went as well as most my trips to Moscow.

Sep. 20th, 2015


[Filtered to friends he's out to (Nick Fury (MCU), Mara Jade, Pinky Pinkerton, Akela Amador, Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, Clint Barton (MCU))]
I'm getting whiplash.

Sep. 9th, 2015


[Text message to Jasper Sitwell]
» 160 Berry Street, Williamsburg
» 9/10/15; 06:30

Sep. 2nd, 2015


network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: LEOPARD
It was good work tracking that network down last month. That's a few hundred people whose lives are unarguably better than they were before. They can finally see their families again and earn a wage. That said, we haven't made nearly so much progress with our guest on Staten Island. I'm going to spend most of the day in conversation with Trojak, see if he won't loosen his lips. Sitwell, have you run any preliminary tests on our favorite kidnapping victim?
Filtered: Bucky Barnes
While I'm sure we'll have field work to do soon enough, I have a favor to ask.
Tropical islands have been popular lately. The pirates probably stay year round. But I'll be missing one more once we get around to January or February, when the weather's dreary. September and October are always a relief after August.

Sep. 1st, 2015


[Filtered to Bruce Banner (MCU)]

You actually don't seem like much of a coffee person. I picked up a good yerba mate when I was down south last?

Aug. 31st, 2015


Well, I got exactly none of my summer reading done. What's good

Nice to be home, though.

Aug. 24th, 2015


[Filtered to Natasha Romanoff & Nick Fury (MCU)]
I found a tech I want.

Aug. 23rd, 2015


Dude did the tesseract start taking requests?

Aug. 16th, 2015


network post: natasha romanoff

Shouting at one another all day certainly raises tensions. Then it only takes a small act, something forgettable on your average day, to send tempers flaring. Not my presence, if you're wondering. I asked the anti-Avenger protestors if they would truly be better than us if they were one of two parties to blame for mob violence. And I asked the pro-Avenger protestors to act as they know we would. They went back to their respective corners for now. But it isn't getting better unless something more happens.

Freedom of speech is wonderful, and I support it. But even more, I value making progress on the issues, not simply everyone talking at each other. I've promised to come back and speak with people on each side later.

Filtered: LEOPARD
What progress is being made on the Hello Fishy front?

Aug. 15th, 2015


Text message to Akela Amador
--Baby, my acura is full of eels
-- You wanna go for a ride and see if we can't find someplace nicer for them? ;)


Found this in the haul at the Market this morning. Safe bet it doesn't belong to the fishmongers, fishermen or even the fish.

Any leftover bruises or aching muscles?

Aug. 6th, 2015


[Text Message to Pinky Pinkerton]
-- I'll be your Reagan if you'll be my Tip O'Neill

Jul. 21st, 2015


[ Fury, Hill, Sitwell, Natasha ]
Senator Lindsey Graham may eventually notice a charge on his Mastercard ending in 6078 from Air BNB.

I didn't do it.

P.S. My t-mobile sidekick seems to be one of the only electronic devices that Ultron can't access, so aren't we all glad that I've held onto it all this time and aren't we all going to stop giving me a hard time about how much Snake I play.

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