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Mar. 13th, 2013


Who: Clary Fray; open to Jace, Isabelle and Alec
When: Saturday after her arrival/around 7pm
Where: Jace, Izzy & Alec's apartment
What: Clary's looking for some answers.. and some familiar faces
Rating: TBA

Izzy and Jace hadn't been happy to see her the last time she'd made a surprise appearance. Only Alec had said it was nice to see her, which was just weird, because most of the time she was pretty sure Alec didn't even like her. )

Mar. 10th, 2013


network post: jace wayland

I don't particularly enjoy being thrown into an interrogation session and having my weapons wrestled away from me.

I'd like them back. Now. And, yes. That was nicely.

Jan. 14th, 2013


NETWORK POST: Jace Wayland

For Mundanes, your sense of humor could rival the best of us Shadowhunters.

Although, I'm sure I did the world a favor by not riding the trains without my pants on. It would have caused quite the riot as my legs are immensely toned and nice to look at as I've been assured on many occasions.

Jan. 10th, 2013


» Mess me in the midnight heat
» What text hot
» Sexy Mushy tits
» By the Angel...

Jan. 8th, 2013


» So I'm still doing the competition.
» Will you help me train?
» I'm trying to compromise with you.

Jan. 7th, 2013


[Text to Alec and Isabelle Lightwood]
» I signed us all up for that competition later this month.
» Yes, I know you already know, Izzy.
» You know you love me.
» Professional/Expert level, too.
» Can't let the mundanes, Downworlders, and the like have all the fun, can we?



On the 26th of January, the Potts Tower Youth Center is holding the Compitalia (for more information please click here and here.

The Compitalia is a Roman holiday that honors the lares of the crossroads. We are going to resurrect the tradition of the Compitalia Games, giving everyone who is interested a chance to compete. The games will include gladiator type games, with fighters using their weapons of choice to compete against each other until we have our winners. There will be two divisions: Amateurs (those who would compete just for fun), and Professionals (warriors, hero types who fight in battles most of the time). There is a one time$10.00 entrance fee for Professionals which will cover all events; Amateurs compete free, and are welcome to compete in events that are outside their areas of expertise. Proceeds go towards the Potts Tower Youth Center.

Winners receive laurel wreaths and extreme bragging rights.

The competition will be held in the Potts Tower Gym, except for the foot races which will be held at Stuyvesant High School.

Competitions for each division include:

- Combat with weapons
- Hand to hand combat
- Long and short footraces
- Long Jump
- Hammer Throw
- Discus
- Javelin
- Archery

Those interested should sign up here, or email myself (pipermclean@pottstower.com) or Octavian, the Youth Centers expert in Roman culture (octavian@pottstower.com) no later than the 16th of January.

Victory feast will be held at the end of the day to honor the winners. There is a $5 entry fee, which for the Professional competitors, is covered by their entry fee. All welcome.

Detailed schedule to events to come when all registrations are in.

NOTE: No human sacrifice, no fights to the death, no crippling injuries.

Please register with your name, category, and the events you wish to compete in.

Dec. 31st, 2012


Who: Potts Tower folks!
When: New Years Eve, 8pm-onwards
Where: Potts Tower: Basement & floor 13
What: PARTY TIME. This is the IC/OOC post what is going down. Feel free to comment. You're also welcome to post logs. When you reply to the comment times below, please be sure to put your character's name in the subject line. IE. Under Arrivals, add Arrivals - Character Name to make it easier to find things later. Also, remember to tag your character!



Who: Jace Wayland and Alec Lightwood
When: December 31; afternoon 2:00 PM
Where: The great city of New York!
What: Brotherly/parabatai bonding and talks. Even boys needs their time.
Rating: PG-13 at best (language most likely!)

Normally, he would have suggested Taki's, but that didn't exist in this place. )


New Year's plans? I don't typically make any myself, just get dragged off somewhere by my sister and Jace. Who is attending the Stark party? I won't be caught dead in Time Square tomorrow.

[filtered to jace]
What are your plans?


» Do you want to go to the MoMA with me tomorrow?
» There's a Shadow Monsters exhibit.

Dec. 28th, 2012


Now I remember why we kept to ourselves during the holidays, or at least spent our time hunting Downworlders:

The sales are terrible.

[Filtered to CLARY, ALEC, IZZY, and SIMON]

Everything is late, but isn't it the thought that counts? That's what the mundanes teach in those holiday specials, right?

Dec. 27th, 2012


nothing has changed since my arrival and i loathe to think that my only accomplishment is that this device is still in one piece for once. it was suggested that i be more social with my neighbours. however all i can think is, must i?

Dec. 23rd, 2012


Christmas Gift Post!

Who: The whole game!
When: Leading up to Christmas
Where: Under tree. Delivered with bows.
What: Christmas presents!
Rating: Who knows!

Because this game is massive, and even if everyone just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being 300+ posts in the community. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button. Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character as soon as you get their information up!

Dec. 11th, 2012


Hi. I'm Nico Minoru, and while I embrace the Gothic lifestyle in all its sadness and despair, occasionally my head is turned by a noble visage, or turned by another type of cheek altogether. Also, I think some people are under the impression that because I'm an Asian-American, I have to be quiet and studious and polite and Zen, and none of those are ever going to happen. I'm Christian, I really wasn't anything special in school, and if you exoticize me because I'm Asian I'm going to jam the Staff of One down your throat. For the record, it's magical and very large.

In an effort to bring some motherfucking togetherness to this joint, I'm going to confess something. Ordinarily, I'd never fail the Bechdel Test like this and would tell you all about how awesome Gertrude Stein is and how I think "The Rock" is a criminally-underrated action film, but I'm bored, I haven't boy-hopped since I got here, and I don't have a thing to prove to you or anyone else. Also, I think that fighting and violence is ridiculous unless I'm doing it to someone I hate, and that love is all you need for the most part besides Nutella.

So. Here are my confessions:

I'm not one for the femmes but Lucy Stillman is the most adorable girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Lee Adama can lecture me about morals until he turns blue in the face and he'd still be fine. Malcolm Reynolds can land his Firefly in my docking point any day, and Lancelot fills me with such romantic longing that I could probably write an epic poem in iambic pentameter strictly about his butt. I'm Team Gale. Percy and Annabeth can get it, Wolverine is clearly the coolest X-Men, and John Shepherd produces in me one big mass effect. Also, there isn't a single Avenger I wouldn't do if the moment was right, and Buffy is still amazing.

Your turn.


You know, the one good thing about being transported to this place is that I may actually get to see one of the things I've really always wondered about.

On the one hand, you have "Harry Potter and the [Title Here]" book series where there's a bunch of kids who are witches and wizards that go to a magic school and learn about their magic and how to fight, life & death, and the moral that having a destiny is a bitch.

On the other, you've got "Percy Jackson and the Olympians," similar title structure, about a bunch of kids who're the children of Greek (and later, Roman) demigods that go to magical summer camps and learn about their powers and how to fight, life & death, and the moral that having a destiny is a bitch.

So. I'm thinking Royal Rumble. Shut up, I'm a writer, I think about these things all the time. My money's on the demigod crew. No offense to the Potterheads out there.

Edit to Add: Royal Rumble is fun fake fighting, like you do with your siblings, friends, etc. Not real. Not to the death. Not to first blood. None of that kind of stuff. This is also not to be taken seriously in any event. Thank you, have a nice evening.

Dec. 10th, 2012


Here's a word of advice for my "schoolmates":

Don't get in my way and I'll try not to get in yours.

Dec. 8th, 2012


[texts to isabelle, jace, clary, simon]
>> I'm reading the books.
>> Some of you have been very naughty.
>> Here's looking at you, Fray.
>> Also, Izzy, our mom is being a bitch.
>> Also, the covers suck.
>> I'm not on any of them.
>> Also, I totally could have kicked Abaddon's ass.
>> I almost did.
>> Weakened him up for you.

[text to isabelle]
>> Did you see
>> Nevermind.

Dec. 3rd, 2012


Well, now we know what happens when you stick your neck out for a fucking mundie. Listen up, Bane, if you don't fix this right the fuck now, the Clave's going to hear all about it.

Nov. 28th, 2012


[Text Message to Jace Wayland]
» Hi.
» Sorry about the other day.
» Did any of your memories come back yet?

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