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May. 11th, 2014


Well, it appears we've exhausted our options and our funds on our trip to Maine, and have returned to this -- Potts Tower. Charming place. Really. Nicely...decorated.

And am I to understand that SHIELD can help clearing up the matter of qualifications? Because there's a job at the OCME that's caught my eye.

May. 9th, 2014


I give u Who the hell is Bucky?

May. 6th, 2014


When you're finished whatever it is you're doing, you should know I've checked us in to Kennebunkport's Captain Lord, because it sounded promising. And because it promised a "luxurious yet comfortable" experience, and I don't know how you like your luxury, but I hate mine when it's uncomfortable.

You know I googled Storybrooke. I didn't care much for what I found.

May. 2nd, 2014


Who: Dr. Whale & Jefferson
When: After their SHIELD processing.
Where: Potts Tower (Room 1108)
What: Discussing what in the hell is going on.
Rating: PG-13

Portal Jumping is your area of expertise, you twit. )

Sep. 6th, 2013


wy does

everything in this blood city

look the sam

walk ot one door and end up god knows whre

i'm a bloody pirate i know my way around a map and a compass and yet i'm bloody lost
attach a lesh next time jefferson


For anyone who knew Amber, the optimist's outlook is that she's been returned to her world.

Sep. 4th, 2013


» Apologies about not getting back to you the other night. I made an executive decision to ignore my phone and focus on drinking.
» Anyway, it turns out pet shops (unsurprisingly) close long before the bars do.
» If you have a moment free later, you're welcome to come with me to find a replacement rodent.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Henry's gone.

Sep. 1st, 2013


Who's coming with me to get a new hamster? And a drink. I don't care what order these things happen in.

Aug. 23rd, 2013


Delivered to Amber Volakis, Killian Jones, Whale, & Jefferson )

Aug. 22nd, 2013


okay what the hell. you said you wouldnt take my shoes doc.

um and im pretty sure i was wearing a vest earlier. mostly sure.

halfway positive?

Is there a clothes stealing fairy now? is that athing? seems like it could be a thing.

Aug. 21st, 2013


[ Filtered to her OAUT Men; you know who you are ]

I'm throwing a party tomorrow night. The sort of party that you don't remember. If you're worried about having to socialize, there will be very little talking, merriment is banned, and the first person to play "Blurred Lines" will be thrown out of the sixteenth floor window.

Vodka and rum will be provided, but if you want mixers, you bring them yourself. Juice is for women ten years away from Type 2 Diabetes.

Do we want to invite Emma? Or is she too Emma?

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to James Wilson ]

Do you want to go out for coffee sometime? Real coffee. Not metaphorical coffee.

[ /Filtered ]

Aug. 15th, 2013


This isn't bloody funny. To the witch, warlock, sorcerer Regina or any other conjuring of evil responsible: fix it. Or I will run you through with my sword

Aug. 14th, 2013


So I've had

Fri Aug 16 11:59pm, Clearview Chelsea, $7.5, who's coming with me?

Aug. 1st, 2013


Just try and guess who I have discovered was sent back, to my extreme pleasure I think it's about bloody time I threw a proper pirate gathering.

With the 13th floor out of commission, you may all consider this an open invitation to room 1108, tomorrow evening for grog and women a good time.

Jul. 24th, 2013


All right, who's staying and who's going? I would go, but I'm fairly sure that would increase the chances of me becoming a total hermit by at least 50% and I'm hoping there'll be enough of an exodus to make the tower considerably more bearable. Fingers crossed.

[OOC Note: I'm pretty cool with anyone he talks to fairly regularly being on this filter, but if you're not sure and want to check, feel free to shoot me an email.]

Jul. 20th, 2013


Never been so relieved to get caught in a torrential downpour while out in the city... despite the fact that I'm just about completely soaked, including my socks. But I don't think rain for 15 minutes was enough to make up for the week-long heat wave.

Filtered: Friends
So while I'm still going to be freelancing here or there, I've at least landed a permanent job with the New York magazine as a travel writer. More guarantee of money! More traveling, even. If I'm gone for long periods of time, you know why.

Jul. 8th, 2013


Given the reality of the threat we're all facing down as residents of Potts Tower, I don't think it's alarmist to make a quick request in lieu of an actual will. If I die and the following individuals survive me, I hereby give...

My hamster to Killian.
My liquor to Jefferson and Amber, divided as you see fit.

Everything else is free for the taking, barring any items Killian insists he paid for himself. If I'm dead, please defer to him. If he says he paid for everything, then you're out of luck. Thank you and good night.

Jul. 4th, 2013


And how do you three fare this day?

Jun. 21st, 2013


[ Filtered to Victor, Jefferson, and Killian ]

I quit this week.

[ /Filtered ]

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