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Jul. 18th, 2013


[Voice Post]

I have not studied for the bar in years. I guess trying to seek out a refresher course isn't going to kill me.

I say this now, we'll see how I feel in a week or two.

On second thought I should probably wait until I find a quieter place to study, those protesters are really going to town, peaceful or not.

Jul. 12th, 2013


network post: ben stone

Filtered to: Sam Winchester
I do not know your inclination at the moment, but should it turn outward, not inward, there are topics I have been reflecting on that I believe are best elucidated speaking with another person. I'll say no more, unless it is of interest to you.
Filtered to: Private
It is better to be brief, in these thoughts, than long winded, as this one matter has resolved itself in my head and in my heart. I never sought annulment because our marriage existed, had been real, and the fruit of that marriage will always have made it worthwhile and a marriage that existed. It would not be ethical to seek an annulment back home. I have no intention of marrying anyone else there because I believe in marrying once, as one should.

Here, however, is a New York City in which I have never been born, my wife has never been born, and neither have our families. I have attempted to do research to locate any of them, or to see if they lived, even decades or a century back. They have not. How then could I claim our marriage has happened? In this world, in this new life, our marriage has never existed. Here, it would, then, be acceptable and ethical to marry again. as such, it is ethical to date again.

The issue has standing.

Jul. 11th, 2013


Network Post: Meg

. . .Am I supposed to introduce myself on this thing? Hi, I'm Meg. I've been here a couple of weeks, maybe.

I think I missed my calling as a drunken frat boy.

My last 2 google image searches were 'a lot of pudding' followed by 'a generous portion of pudding.

This is why I shouldn't drink absinthe.

Jul. 7th, 2013


FILTER | Ben Stone, Dorian Gray, Starfire, Fox Mulder, Henri, E!Sherlock

There are rumours that we aren't safe here in the tower, and while I think that we are safe, if we are not, and it becomes obvious we are not, and you cannot help by fighting, then I can open us a safe place until it is over.

Jul. 6th, 2013


[Text to Ben Stone]

» So I have another two weeks of intensive training and then some lower key ones. You want to aim for in between those for our trip? Or wait till August?

» I also wanted to ask you. I've been looking at hotels.

Jul. 1st, 2013


network post: ben stone

Little experience though I have with it, I am helping the Phoenix Project look throughout New York City for starting community gardens. There is a remarkable amount of zoning law in New York City. Purchasing land is as expensive as one would think, which suggests looking into roof gardens. Eating locally is much more difficult in New York City than elsewhere, but it's worthwhile, as there can still be food deserts in cities so large as ours. I have never used my hands in a garden whatsoever, but I do believe I will change that once we have more here.

Jun. 30th, 2013


So, I have to pass this bar exam, and it's been awhile since I had to take it. I hope that I'll make it. I just don't know if I'll be able to work for someone who isn't the DA's office... if they wouldn't hire Ben, I don't know that they would hire me, and my closure rate is 71%.

Jun. 29th, 2013


Maybe I'm just old-fashioned or something, although I'm coming in from 07, so I wouldn't consider myself to be too out of date with the latest technology, but I rather not just buy an "app for that". I'd prefer having a separate camera, camcorder, compass, clinometer (actually I don't know if that's an app but I imagine someone decided to do it), and giant topography maps. Not shooting down anyone who likes having stuff like that on their phone, but that's just not for me. I'm sure I'm also not alone. Which brings me to question who teaches their employees to also let customers know that there are also smartphone apps that do the same thing when I'm clearly looking in the electronics department for something?

On the contrary note, I think I am going to stop using my television to get caught up on news, shows and movies. No, I think I'll be sticking to the Internet for that.

Jun. 27th, 2013


Filtered to Ben Stone

I don't suppose you're about.

Jun. 25th, 2013


Text Message to Ben Stone

» Do you ever feel like we're living in a college dorm?

Text message to Olivia Benson

» You want to get Chinese one night and have some drinks? I need a break from all these books and notes.
» Also have you talked to Casey?

Jun. 24th, 2013


Okay, so, this place is not New York. I don't know why they're trying to pass it off as New York, but I do not like this. I was trying to relax after my last case. Now I'm here.... and it's five years in the future? I mean, seriously? Time travel is a real thing?

Filtered to Law & Order People

So, how many of you are here and do I know any of you?

Jun. 23rd, 2013


This isn't the sort of thing I imagined when trying to familiarise myself with the Upside's popular culture. Is it very common?

Jun. 21st, 2013


[Filtered to Law and Order People]

Well my apartment smells less like Gremlin urine now. So that's a plus. Although last night I watched the Princess Bride with the modern day versions of Elizabeth Bennett and her sisters and that was something I never thought I'd say. Due to that though I didn't see this whole Mandarin business until this morning, is this something we should be worrying about?

How's the job front going with everyone?

Jun. 18th, 2013


Who: Sam Winchester & Ben Stone
What: discussing apocalypses.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: a quiet spot in the bar.
Warnings: other than the 'what', TBD.

... )


Text To Ben Stone from Alex Cabot

>> Thanks for the cannoli.
>> You're insane for walking over there. Sweet but insane.
>> Also you're probably sleeping but that's okay, better one of us is.

Jun. 17th, 2013


[Filtered to Law and Order People]

So I've decided this SHIELD training might just kill me. My brain hurts in places I didn't know it had. If anyone needs me for the evening I'm going to be in the bathtub with the e-reader on this thing, a glass of red wine, and a million bubbles.

Unless anyone wants pizza.

What's the best place for Pizza delivery around here, and more importantly, do they have cannoli?


Kids these days must be fed a strong dose of stupid. Just because an old man walks down an alley doesn't give you and a friend an advantage to jump him. I don't much care for giving out lessons, but I'm sure they learned one last night.


One of my classmates showed me this today. cut for size, not filtered )

Apparently this is a Real Thing.

I think I'm really... touched, actually. It's probably one of the best things people could have taken away from learning my life story.

Jun. 16th, 2013


Hello, I'm Clark. I've been accused of being a lot of things, but never a character from a movie. The man who did my processing complained that my film went on for too long. Sorry about that. If I had known people were watching I would have picked up the pace.


You know, I've done a lot of really difficult things, but I think parenting is probably the most difficult job in existence. Looking after a kid, especially one that's as much of a stubborn trouble magnet as I was, sounds completely terrifying and stressful and impossible. I didn't appreciate the difficulty of that when I was growing up, but I sure as hell do now.

I got something for you.

Are we at a point where if I gave you something, you would keep it and not throw it away? I have something for you.

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