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Mar. 22nd, 2014


Be advised of activity on the helicarrier. It sounds like a standoff.

Please be careful There's no point in telling you to exercise caution. Would that I were with you.


We have sensor readings on an inbound aircraft. Activate assigned earpieces for orders. Repeat, we have sensor readings on an inbound aircraft click

Earpiece chatter )

Mar. 21st, 2014


Who: Those aboard the helicarrier
When: Today, midday
Where: 25,000 feet above NYC
What: Hill has a couple answers. Well, one.
Rating: PG

Any Questions? )


Who: Maria Hill and the WSC
When: 1200 21 March 2014
Where: Helicarrier Bridge
What: Maria Hill and the WSC sure talk a lot on the phone for people who hate each other.
Rating: Low

The helicarrier provides a certain perspective )

Mar. 20th, 2014


I understand that this may be too much to ask right now, but if it's at all possible, I would greatly appreciate it if you could both keep an eye on Amador for me. I made a promise to her. I intend to keep it but we have to keep her s.
If we keep this up, the team is going to notice.


Filtered to Maria Hill (Backdated to last night)
Ma'am. I have been talking to folks and thinking on it some while now. But I would like to throw my hat in the ring with SHIELD. However it may be you need that.

Mar. 19th, 2014


I'm reinstating the OPs budget to 30%. Enjoy.

Things just got hectic at work, we'll have to postpone that rendezvous

All cleared personnel check in and report to the helicarrier launch pad by 2230. This is a code zero six, no transfers to be recorded.

* Up to you if you want to be deemed 'pro-Hill'; there may be consequences for reporting to the helicarrier...


To: Director Maria Hill
From: Dr. Beverly Crusher
Subject: Patient Aisha; 19 March 2014
Attachment: Medical Incident Report #2357.pdf Permanent Ward Room B Security Footage Timestamp 1830 to 1845 14MAR2014.avi
OOC Note: This was to have happened yesterday, but I failboated, so it's been jumped to today.

you have 1 new message )


Who: Maria Hill and the WSC
When: 19 March 2014, late afternoon
Where: SHIELD, the Hub
What: It's been too long
Rating: R for RRRRGHGHGHGH, otherwise low

idk my bff wsc? )

Mar. 17th, 2014


This is a swing and a miss, I know it. But some things come into greater perspective when you're in the air.

Fitz, we've got to make sure our Reginalds can filter
BSL-3. From the write up.
It's a bioweapon in the Bubonic family. Causes lymph nodes to swell, hemorrhagic fever, infection in the lungs resulting in bloody sputum. Waterborne and blood transmission. Highly infectious. Recommend quarantine and begin research for a vaccination and/or cure.


Did I hit hir?


Who: Beverly Crusher and Sarissa
When: BACKDATED to Friday evening, 14 March 2014
Where: SHIELD Medical. Beverly’s office, then Patient Aisha’s room
What: Beverly gets her nurse up to speed, and then there is a moment of lucidity.
Rating: Low, probably
Note: Later that night/early Saturday morning, Beverly submitted a summary of Aisha’s wakefulness and the results of the tests administered, along with copies of the brain scans and interpretations of them to Director Hill.

Friday night in a hospital ward. What could be more fun? )


[Filtered to SAFEHOUSE]
Some of you are e-famous.

I am getting just a little sick of this Rising Tide.


You know, this time last year, I somehow managed to dye myself green. If you're thinking of it, don't. It took nearly two weeks to wash out.

[Filtered to Caroline Forbes]
We should go out tonight. Unless this is a big vampire night too. In which case, I could come to Fangtasia.

Is it?
[Filtered to Gaige]
Gaige. Was your "thing" breaking into SHIELD to take a prisoner by any chance?
[Filtered to Dr. Beverly Crusher + Victoria Hand]
Dr. Crusher,

I was wondering when you might be free for a fairly intensive medical workup over the next 2-3 weeks. I'm reaching a point with my current research where it might be necessary to go into a human subject--namely myself in order to grow an adequate supply of antibodies. I've got the paperwork all but filled out, and lacking a medical officer.

I can get you the proposal should you like.

Commander Hand, I've included to update you on my research as last we spoke. I think I may have a strategy for neutralization of the X-2247 compound that was taken six or so weeks ago. I think there's promise to be held in my own rejection of the cure. It sounds slightly insane, and perhaps it is, but I intend to follow through with full medical supervision this time.
[Filtered to Charles + Raven]
Hypothetically speaking, to what do we owe our friends over our institutions.

Mar. 16th, 2014


[Steve Rogers (MCU), Jan van Dyne + Tony Stark (616), Pepper Potts (616. MCU)]
So Ms Stark and I have been talking back and forth about setting up a space for the Avengers. I've been flying the idea around for a while now that I think us, the resident Avengers, should have a base of operations that isn't SHIELD -- particularly with everything that's been happening lately.

So, we have a space in mind, and I was sort of hoping that we could all maybe share it. And get better at working together.

Jan, I figured I should bring it to you, now. So we can talk this out before I open the idea up to all the Avengers and see what they have to say.
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Alex Vause is a tiger. SHIELD gave up the confiscated work they took from SI, fabulously. I sent a truck over to help her clean up and bring it back, but I guess Monday'll start with trying to sort that out and make sure it goes back to who needs it.
[Howard Stark (MCU)]
Hey, you know what we were talking about the other day?


network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Thor (mcu)
May we talk?

Mar. 15th, 2014


Phone Call to Phil Coulson on a burner phone )


network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Maya & Mordecai
I got something you could tear up, even save a life in the process. No red tape.


[All the burner phones]
-- Ugh one of the newbies is in a jam. Think you can run some corrections before boss notices? I'd hate for the kid to lose his job.

Mar. 14th, 2014


[Filtered to Safehouse]
Items acquired. State drop location.

Gotta go back in for Hansen.
[Filtered to Pinky Pinkerton]
What's your ETA on Grand Army Plaza?

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