July 2016



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January 16th, 2016

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

I'll just say it....if Donald Trump becomes president, I'm moving out of the country.

[info]clairetemple in [info]thedoorway

You know, it really is the simple nice gestures in life that make all the difference. Like showing up at work to find your co-worker has a nice hot cup of tea in an adorable mug already waiting for you on your desk.

Image )

You're an adorable nerd, and you shouldn't have.
[Jessica Jones (MCU)]
Brunch tomorrow?

[info]rebellious in [info]thedoorway

I don't know what an Oscar is, but I do know at least two people at Starbucks who are angry I'm not getting one.

    Something tells me we're going to be here a while. I'm looking at the education services they have here, thinking about signing on to figure out how their ships starfi planes work. Already itching to get off this rock and up into the sky.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Great job to the most difficult job Shepard, Steve, and Tony accomplished today. I watched from the sidelines, and I haven't seen so many children happy in a long time. And I have some pictures. You all look good with kids.

Filtered: Avengers
I also heard some pointed comments about where Iron Man's "Repulsive Beams" could shine. I chose not to educate them on how accurate they may have been.

[info]steelskin in [info]thedoorway

Who: Piotr Rasputin and Kitty Pryde
When: 1/9/10
Where: A hotel in the city
What: They talk about ~the future~
Rating: Low, despite the setting

Kurt might start planning the wedding. )

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Perhaps I should place a bet on how long it is until I'm eluded to in this presidential race. I'll place an far flung hope of $20 on never.

Filtered: LEOPARD
New project on the block. Sitwell has the details. But we're picking up the tab as Stark's security because his got compromised. Lets see who loves him most this year. FRIDAY caught the breach after it happened but not beforehand. We won't be chasing down fancy weapons, so far as I know. But Stark ideas can do enough damage in the wrong hands without them.

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

So many politicians talk about how to conduct war. But none of them have worn a uniform. Why is the president the Commander in Chief? Because he has the most silver tongue with the public?

[info]mr_jarvis in [info]thedoorway

[Private to Tony Stark (MCU)]

I'm concerned about your father.

[With some afterthought, Peggy Carter and Sergeant Dugan]

I think there must be something wrong with Howard.

[info]fuzzy_elf in [info]thedoorway

A group of super powered people attacked a restaurant in Paris. Hostages were taken. It's all over social media.

If I was home, I would've suspected the Brotherhood.

[info]gotabadfeeling in [info]thedoorway

Apparently people will give me free drinks for no reason here.

You know, it'd be nice if that worked at home.

[info]deathtopigeons in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Caridin]
Do you wish to run my shop today?

I do not feel like standing this afternoon
Tags: ,

[info]myeuhmuh in [info]thedoorway

Who: Thorin and Darcy
When: January 1st
Where: Thorin’s forge
What: They discover their powers in unison.
Rating: PG-13, there’s a fade to black.

A sword that has been commissioned by a…I believe he called himself a… fanboy. )

[info]lonewanderer in [info]thedoorway

If you had to recommend one album to someone who's really far behind in music, what would it be? Preferably anything released after the mid 1950s. I'm pretty much covered there.

And Steven Universe, I'm looking at you. Don't leave me hanging. Just no more... whoever those guys were. The ones with that drum.

Screened to Finn
I'm taking some of the introduction classes they offer refugees. They don't really have any courses on who you shouldn't ask for directions from, but you should definitely check them out.

[info]myeuhmuh in [info]thedoorway


[filter: THORIN]
Why, thank you, good sir.

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

I can't believe I came in third. I really need to spar more so I can be better for whatever challenge comes my way next.

[info]dontcallmesnips in [info]thedoorway

It's a little weird having trailers for your future.

Also weird seeing myself so old. I mean sure logically I know I get old, that's what happens. And Anakin

I know we all have differing views here on what to do with the knowledge of our worlds. It doesn't seem to actually change anything about back home. And I'm still not sure what I think about it at all. But there is something to be said that it provides a strange sort of ability to reflect with distance.

[info]senorfoggy in [info]thedoorway

For those who don't know me, I'm Franklin Nelson, but people call me Foggy. I'm a defense attorney in Hell's Kitchen. I noticed we have a lot of newcomers from different places - some being worlds and some being times - and figured I'd offer up the class I teach for the ESD as a handy starting point - Modern Introduction to Law. As it says in the description, this is a U.S. Civics course.

I'll teach you the basics of the US Constitution, the government, how our laws work, answer any questions you might have regarding them, and as part of the class I'll also assist you in getting an ID - whether it be a license or just a state issued one.

If anyone has any questions about the course, please let me know.