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December 21st, 2015

[info]choose_freedom in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Castiel

[Dean and Sam Winchester]

Dean said our Christmas tree was looking bare and needed something on top. Is this appropriate?

image filtered )

[info]foolsgambit in [info]thedoorway

I'm gon be away for a bit, then. After all this Joyeux Noël business be played done
[Piotr Rasputin]
You still think a goin' over see your good ole' Mother Russia, Piotr?

[info]hot_shot in [info]thedoorway

I'm used to teleporting dogs but... did anyone lose a teleporting cat?

[Private to Jo]
Good job at poker. Wanna catch brunch tomorrow?

[info]senorfoggy in [info]thedoorway

To my Secret Santa - thank you, I appreciate the sentiment.

To anyone caught in that weirdness at Macy's - how are you?

To everyone else - happy holidays! If you need a lawyer for Christmas, Nelson and Murdock are offering reasonable holiday rates. Please be careful, and safe, this holiday season.

[info]spiderwoman in [info]thedoorway

Cut for gif, unfiltered. )

'Tis the season for unadulterated joy at watching a child commit heinous acts of bodily assault against two hilarious home invaders.

    Have we had a date night yet? We should have a date night. I keep thinking about my d

    [...] Also, I may have done a thing and now the internet knows about me. Kind of.

[info]sjw in [info]thedoorway

There's a documentary tomorrow, Citizen Trump.

I wonder what Rosebud will be.

[info]extremist in [info]thedoorway

I'm afraid Miss Mittens is not nearly as impressed with her holiday sweater as I am.

    How are you feeling, Carver? Anything abnormal?

    I haven't got the slightest idea of what to get your brother. Which means I require your assistance.

    I purchased a machine that makes coffee and hot chocolate for the clinic.

[info]forever_marked in [info]thedoorway

Justinia has gotten out. I must, once more, thank the kind Ser who alerted me to her presence. and her oddity Maker I keep finding the odd ones If anyone was to see her do let me know. I'll make sure she gets home safe and sound.

I know, I know. We're still keeping her though.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]thedoorway

picture, public )

Poker was fun. We should do that again.

Your thing. Where you heal quickly from non-fatal wounds. You're totally sure that's not in any way sexually transmitted, right?

That or something really strange happened in the House of the Dead, which to be honest is probably a lot more likely.

It's not doing it anymore. I might be losing my mind. This is a little perturbing.

[info]callmeagent in [info]thedoorway

[Peggy and her boys]

Well it seems I've come into a bit of unexpected Christmas cheer.

It's hardly Howard levels of cash, but we might as well have some fun with it.

[info]mark59 in [info]thedoorway

With the success of SpaceX's rocket landing, we anticipate human exploration beyond its own planet will proceed in a similar manner as it had in our own. However, without the existence of mass relays, exploration beyond this cluster is unlikely to match the events of Mass Effect. Less likely is the existence of notable species from the series. We are...fascinated.

We will continue to monitor for future developments.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

Being married doesn't feel all that different from being engaged, really.

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

With finals over, it is time to binge watch movies and shows that I've fallen behind on watching and feast on junk food. Though I probably ought to finish my last minute Christmas shopping, or a few people may end up with nothing.

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]thedoorway

Anyone from my table wants to try and win their money back, just let me know. I may consider it.

[info]aintalady in [info]thedoorway

I may have gone a little overboard with the lights out at the ranch, but Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, so I'm not apologizing.

[info]controlmyown in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Friends]
Pietro and I will be in Sokovia next week. We're leaving Friday afternoon, and will return on the 31st. I'm looking forward to seeing the New Year's Eve celebrations in Times Square.

[info]lady_ivashkov in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to the Doctor]
How are you settling in?

[info]girlwonderteen in [info]thedoorway

What's your favorite Christmas movie? Like the one you have to watch for it to feel like Christmas. Mine is White Christmas.

[info]lightinyou in [info]thedoorway

I think I must have done something wrong. Something weird happened to me the other day..

And now I have wings. I do not want them to hurt the baby. How do I make them go back in?

[info]thefreeman in [info]thedoorway

I didn't think I'd be spending Christmas here. Or anywhere, really, so this is an improvement.

[info]organa in [info]thedoorway

I doubt I'll ever get used to seeing a reflection of my apparent future everywhere I go. Fortunately, there seems to be plenty of ways to distract oneself, and the holiday season has brought a new light to this world that's been interesting to experience firsthand.

    I know it can't be easy for you or your sister to have had your parents come and go as often as w the Tesseract's done so far. And with everything going o If it's alright with you, I'd like the opportunity to get to know you better.

TW: mentions of torture (as seen in A New Hope) in comments.

[info]wehaveinternet in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sue Storm (MCU)]
Hey, how's it going?

[Filtered to Sitwell, Romanoff, and Coulson]
No more messages. Think that was the big event? I didn't save anyone

[Filtered to Ward]
I hate this time of year.

[Filtered to Reed Richards]
Sorry about last week.

[Filtered to Felix Blake]
So you have powers, right?