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November 14th, 2015

[info]agent14 in [info]thedoorway

[Nick Fury (616)]
What in the name of Francis of Assisi did the Avengers do this time?

[info]justataste in [info]thedoorway

text to: dimitri belikov

@10:36pm: I s there a miror in your pasnts?
@10:36pm: Cuz I can see mnyself in them

[info]justataste in [info]thedoorway

network post: rose hathaway

No but seriously, who allowed me to make my own decisions. Sydney I need a real adult. Where do I find one?

[Private: Dimitri]
    My head hurts.

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

To those who came down to VA beach, I think we've avoided quite the calamity it could have been, and it appears the gravitational singularity is closed for now and the swarm of unknowns from the sea has been stopped for now.

SWORD, SHIELD, and those who came on their own, we've done good work this past 48 hours. Those who want to stay and clean up are welcome, but if the Avengers have brought anyone under 18. Please do not speak to the press, and if you do, you're 18.

[Filtered to Brand, Danvers (EMH), Weaver, Fury (MCU), Coulson, & Romanoff (MCU)]
Did anyone catch what the hell that was with DoD rushing in? I thought we were the ones who stonewalled other agencies.

[info]extorris in [info]thedoorway

Once more, really not liking not having kolto around. This could go so much faster. Anyone care to feed my cat until I'm out of this bed?

[info]fireandarrows in [info]thedoorway

Who: Katniss & Gale
What: sads over Prim
When: on the... idk, 12th? Slightly backdated.
Where: Gale's apartment
Warnings: all the feels.

... )

[info]banner in [info]thedoorway

[Bruce Banner]
Hey, can I ask you a question?

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

Bruises on your lower back are awful.

One good thing about having an apartment to yourself is that you can crash on the sofa for as long as you want. Because I probably wont be moving for the next day or so. Time for unhealthy snacks and Netflix.

[info]mamafantastic in [info]thedoorway

I'd forgotten how annoying cracked ribs can be.