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October 22nd, 2015

[info]acarebel in [info]thedoorway

If I get asked to do The Cup Song one more time, I'm gonna lose it.

[info]mysterion in [info]thedoorway

Not sure how I feel about there also being South Park video games. I make a very cute princess either way.

[info]unshod in [info]thedoorway

network post: tahiri veila

It's a shame "using the Force" doesn't really work for the science fair. I don't think I've learned enough science to really submit ~~~a project. Though I could give a killer presentation on species of womp rat... or womp rat sounds. But science is about doooing something, not just observations of Tatooine. Ooooh well, I hope someone has a good science project. I will come and read your poster, hear your presentation, interact with your exhibit!

[info]nohunting in [info]thedoorway

network post: mary winchester

[Private: Sam]
    What would you like for dinner tomorrow? I need to run to the store anyway, so I thought I'd see if you were craving anything.
[Private: Dean]
    Can we talk?

[info]redpepper in [info]thedoorway

I woke up this morning feeling like surely I was forgetting something.. And then I remembered: it's wombat day!

Let's all just take a moment to forget that anything other than adorable, stupid animals exist. Just ... a moment. We can spare a moment. There. Wasn't that nice?

Now, if only I could remember why I keep thinking tomorrow's important ...

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

It has dawned on me that as of this week, I have been here three years.

And I cannot exactly say I have much to show for that. I wonder if perhaps we are nesting too much.

[info]rebeldawn in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Hera Syndulla

I did not know what to expect from New York Comic Con, particularly not when I was offered the opportunity to attend as a guest, to meet 'fans', to sign things for them and talk to them, but I can honestly say that I'm grateful that I did it.

There are a lot of people out there whose lives we've touched. I could say that in the sense of my crew on the Ghost and it would be true, but it would be true I think for many of us in the tower. And it is awkward perhaps to think that it is your life that they have shared without your permission - exactly - but perhaps heartening to know that they have related to your struggles and found strength from them. Not everyone of course, but some.

And I think my favourite moment was when a little girl told me she wanted a ship like mine when she grew up. I suspect that dream will be a long time coming, but she has good taste.

[Ghost Crew]
This weekend, we're going to all go swimming. So, just be ready for that.