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October 21st, 2015

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

It's Future Day! I plan on watching all the movies today. Would anyone like to join me in the Back to the Future marathon?

[info]sonofthrain in [info]thedoorway

I do not know how closely the Dwarven calendar equates to your calendar here but as I was born in the 10th month at home*, I shall claim October as my birth month here. It is perhaps a bit late but I would like to invite you all to a celebration of my day of birth at Sam's this Saturday eve. It has been some time since I have felt that I could justify such a celebration so I shall ensure the ale flows freely and there is food for all.

[Filtered to Darcy]
I would especially like to invite you to attend as my guest of honour.


[* No, I don't know when Thorin was actually born. I made it up courtesy of The Dwarrow Scholar's magnificent collection of Dwarven documents. I picked 'afkidiz'abad or the 10th month of the Dwarven calendar because it translates as "Moon of the Gold Mountain" and it seemed appropriate. :D]

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SWORD mission]
This is exactly why Midgard should stay out of galactic affairs. Why anyone should actually.

Before Nova Corps has decided they can only meet with the Shi'ar once we have found them a paragon among the Korbin who will only go with us if we can negotiate a truce between Arcturus IV and the Poppup who need a cocktail napkin with Ego's phone number or any other ridiculous nonsense. We go to Knowhere, and we re-negotiate with the Collector.

We do not play errand boy.
[Filtered to Jane Foster]
I shall be back and soon I hope. But definitely in time to be your arm candy for this ceremony.

Or I may have to break some skulls.

[info]notmoose in [info]thedoorway

So this actually happened this morning. Art imitates life, right?

cut for image unfiltered )

Somebody is getting ready for Halloween. By somebody, I mean Castiel.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

After a zebra and a pony, you think people would at least try to find another excuse for their escaped kangaroo.

Filtered: LEOPARD
In case you were all still wondering, filters are back on the network. We can talk just us, without anyone wondering when someone joined the network.

[info]benkenobi in [info]thedoorway

[Luke Skywalker, General Han Solo & Her Majesty, Princess Leia Organa]
I don't wish to be assumptive, of course, but I assume both of you had the chance to see the new 'trailer' for what will be your future unfolded for the entertainment of others? A clear enough statement of how I feel about it, I'm sure.

But what about you. Regardless of what people have said about their futures and yours, already, how do you both feel about seeing proof that [...] it never truly ends.

[info]justataste in [info]thedoorway

network post: rose hathaway

Sooo who is having a Halloween party next weekend? There's got to be someone somewhere in this building having a party.

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

This is it, boys and girls. After today all of Back to the Future will be in the past.
(And the present, and the future, because time isn't linear. But that's probably a discussion best left for a night of tequila shots.)

Happy Back to the Future Day!

[info]withoutglory in [info]thedoorway

network post

Only ten days left until Halloween. I have no costume yet. I'm running low on ideas. Does anyone have good suggestions?

Rose )

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Fox Mulder

You're still lookin' good, Scully.

And hey, I've not been put into a locked government facility yet - at least it doesn't look that way, so that's gotta be something.

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

cut for image )

Figures I leave the NYPD right before the Mets do something

[info]wehaveinternet in [info]thedoorway

Yep, costume is coming together.

[info]votebiden in [info]thedoorway

Well I think we're all equally devastated by Joe Biden's announcement. But it's never too late to change his mind or organize a nationwide write-in campaign for 2016. I should get on how to do that? We only have 383 days to go.

Or no, that would split the vote and then Donald Trump would win. Maybe we should also take this moment to think. Joe Biden would objectively be the greatest president in the history of democracy. He's been through a lot. And you know, I don't know if I can really. So we'll go with Joe's words. This is just a gorgeous poem I found in his collection of poetry, Biden the Rails. I don't have it here, but I have it memorized:
There are 140,490 miles of railroad in the United States,
21,000 miles of Amtrak rails,
Amtrak owns 2,142 railway cars
plus 425 locomotives,
only one station near Newark, Delaware
and just the two of us.
My point is:
There’s a good chance I’ll see you again someday
Yeah buddy, maybe there is.

There's always another VP run.

[OOC: source]