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October 10th, 2015

[info]itdepartment in [info]thedoorway

Not plaid enough! Not plaid enough? I have -- never in -- I can't believe the nerve of these people. The absolute nerve.

[info]arthurian in [info]thedoorway

network post: charlie bradbury

I just started watching iZombie and I can't stop
I may have a problem
Why are there only 14 episodes

[info]choose_freedom in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Castiel

Sam Winchester. I am not sure if this network tells you who I am. This is Castiel. Dean is currently in the shower and asked me to use the network to contact you to tell you we are coming over.

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

With Stark Expo coming up in two weeks, Stark Industries is looking to hire some temporary site security officers. Contract'll start Monday, for a two-week training period and end after the convention. If you're interested, please let me know immediately.

[Joanna & Katniss]
Are you two ladies ready for how insane Stark Expo is going to be? It's a lot of people, and I don't want to jinx it, but...

[info]chapmanpiper in [info]thedoorway

Is there anyone here who is particularly good at carving pumpkins?

... Or knife fights? I feel like that might be a transferable skill.

[info]lasthorcrux in [info]thedoorway

Since I've already cheated death like, I don't know, a million times -- I feel like asking after it would be a bad idea. All the same, I'm heading to NYCC today, but I think I might stop in for lunch at Death Ave before hand. Anyone else interested in stopping for Death before it kindly stops for you?

[info]badwolf in [info]thedoorway

Who is Andrew Garfield and why does everyone want him to play me.


    I've got a job for now. I won't be around much during the evenings for a while, I'm sure.

[info]lightinyou in [info]thedoorway

My sestra, Cosima is gone. I don't know what happened. She was here and then she wasn't. I don't know how to - I am not good by myself. I don't know how to have babies by myself.

[info]extorris in [info]thedoorway

The next time I decide that I should be out going and accept a request of my aid and services for the good of the public, for the love of all that's good in the Force please stop me.

[info]chevalier_noire in [info]thedoorway

text messages

Johanna Mason )

Katniss Everdeen )

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

Why did I agree to be on this secret panel? If I knew what the 'secret' was I would have never said yes. This is ridiculous, though I guess it's my own fault for taking a risk. Sometimes it pays off, like with the play, and other times it's bound to end terribly, like this.

[info]organa in [info]thedoorway

    I won't pretend and claim I understand everything that's happened so far. Or that the idea that our lives are [...] were predetermined this way makes any sense at all. And I know enough to accept that there's not very much I can do in this situation as it is.

    I did a little bit of reading about our lives -- about "Star Wars" -- and I learned more than I would have cared to in such short time. That you're from...well, the future...I thought there might be a few things we could discuss when you have the time. Namely that I have children with

    I'd like to take you up on that offer you made when I first arrived, if you're still inclined. I've settled [...] enough, I think.

[info]necromancy in [info]thedoorway

Dorian, Solas & the Placeholder of Doom.

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

When is this Comic Con circus leaving town, again?

[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
Hey, kid.

I don't want to step on your toes. Or insinuate myself into your whole thing. But is there some way I can help you out with this Stark Expo shit this year?

I find myself with some time on my hands.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

YAY! My favorite holiday is coming up. I have to go and pick out a costume though, anyone want to come shopping with me?

[info]rab in [info]thedoorway

[Severus Snape]
Can I ask you a question?

[info]rockmeamadeus in [info]thedoorway

It's all fun and games at Comic-Con until someone decides to get too real.

[Filter: Roy Harper, Mindy McCready, Harry Potter, and Cassie Sandsmark]

Dudes and ladies. We seriously rocked it out.

What do you guys say to doing this team up thing on a regular basis?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Hey, Castle I'm really sorry I punched you in the arm and woke the baby when I yelled at the television.

The Mets are just really important right now. And that call was crap.