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August 15th, 2015

[info]serzhant in [info]thedoorway

Found this in the haul at the Market this morning. Safe bet it doesn't belong to the fishmongers, fishermen or even the fish.

Any leftover bruises or aching muscles?

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

[filter: Rikki]
They don't look quite like the ones on the Internet did. But I did my best. Icing is really hard as it turns out.

Image Cut )

I know birthdays are weird here when you realize it isn't one you'll ever get at home. I think it was weirder for me than I thought it would be. But I'm so grateful for them, and for you. And that you get this one. And I hope you get a lot more and that I do too. Because I want them all. But even if we only get this one together, you've been the best thing that's happened to me here, and I love you.

Now, you should get up, because there are pancakes, and I promise I didn't even burn them cause you're such a good teacher. And then we can do whatever you want to do all day long. And if you want to invite Jon and Jaina, or anyone else - let's do that too. Basically your wish is my command, Grumpy Cat.

[Filter: Friends and Family of Rikki Barnes]
We'll meet on the outdoor patio n the 13th floor around six or so. And I'll bring stuff for burgers and all that. Right now I think it's still a surprise that we're doing this, but it may be less of one by the time we get there. I'm going to try to keep it kind of a surprise though.

Any questions direct them here, otherwise hopefully we'll see you tonight.

[OOC: Please pretend Anakin mentioned this like sometime in the past week because he would have. I've just been on hiatus and crazy]

[info]grantward in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Grant Ward

[Filter: Natasha (MCU)]
I'd say that I don't know how my brother got elected, but just look at the current presidential candidate approval ratings.

[Filter: Akela]
You have family still?

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone see the press released for senator Ward's new campaign stance*?

I've seen what happens when shit like that gets passed. Back home, in 1977, US senator named John David Keene proposed and passed a law that criminalized all "costumed adventuring" -- unless the vigilante in question was working directly for the US government, like my father and Jon did.

It happened because of a police strike, in protest of the extreme methods used by vigilantes - it wasn't like this. There were no broad assumptions. Vigilantes did what we were being punished for.

But -- For a long time I thought it was the best thing that could have happened.

*Pcal: Senator Christian Ward uses Thursday's attack to mount a vitriolically anti-Avenger campaign. Blaming S.H.I.E.L.D. for their training and support, Senator Ward promises to take down any masked hero operating outside the law and those that harbor them.

[info]reddeath in [info]thedoorway

[ filter: RIKKI BARNES ]

Happy Birthday.

You're probably busy today, but do you want to have dinner together soon? Anakin can join us if you want.

[info]lwyrup in [info]thedoorway

[ ooc: Saul has been Polyjuiced into MCU Tony Stark for reasons. For all intents and purposes he appears to be Tony, but cannot read or reply to anything filtered to Tony Stark. ]

Man, that was the worst crowd at 230 5th I've seen in years. What happened to that place? I feel like my options have been cut back to "stay home" or "fly back to LA to hit Jumbo's Clown Room."

Which even to me seems like kind of a waste of fuel.

[info]falcon in [info]thedoorway

[Pepper Potts (616)]
It's been a hell of a week.

You got a few hours tomorrow? I'm thinking maybe we send some outside, in that place that isn't your office. But only if you're good.

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Akela Amador
--Baby, my acura is full of eels
-- You wanna go for a ride and see if we can't find someplace nicer for them? ;)

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

Anonymous delivery for Skye (Picture of sea creatures below cut) )

[info]wehaveinternet in [info]thedoorway

[Texts to Ward]
›› I like sushi as much as the next person.
›› Maybe even more.
›› But this is a bit much.
›› And if this is some weird HYDRA thing you can keep it.
›› Or are you acting out because your brot

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

The last time I lost my memory Sherlock got very rough with me. This time did fair better.


I would like you to compile me another list of candidates.