July 2016



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July 4th, 2015

[info]serzhant in [info]thedoorway

» Happy Birthday, Steve.
» You'd better have a good time with the Avengers.

» Happy Birthday, Rogers.
» It is your birthday today, right? If not, just pretend I sent this on your actual birthday.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

Anonymous Delivery for Steve Rogers (MCU) )

[info]aintalady in [info]thedoorway

Happy birthday, America.

[Filtered to Beast, Storm, Laura, Gambit, Kitty, Kurt, Claire, Piotr]
Are we all still on for tomorrow?
Can I ask you a

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

[Anonymous Delivery to 616 Steve Rogers] )

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Happy Fourth of July, people! It's the day people put their American flags outside their houses expecting a visit from Captain America in a sleigh powered by eight bald eagles that are giving fireworks. And then he goes and has his birthday party.

So on that note, happy birthday to all the Steve Rogers of all the universes! (Or at least the ones that are celebrating it today..there was one of my world but I never got around to talking to him. ;.;)

[info]foolsgambit in [info]thedoorway

guess you not be going to that there beach trip?

now you see it, Cher? Gambit be losing fair an square. But since you winnin' I guess now I owe you something for it - oui? Think dinner would pay that debt? Or does you need somethin' more fancy like.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Happy 4th of July everyone. Hope everyone has a great day and be safe out there. I don't want anyone blowing off their fingers or anything.

[info]feelseverything in [info]thedoorway

Deliveries to all the Steve Rogers )

[info]phased in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone else remember the movie Independence Day? I was thinking earlier, after watching this, that an all-Muppet version of Independence Day could be amazing. Kermit could play the Will Smith role, Gonzo could play the Jeff Goldblum role, and Sam the American Bald Eagle could be the President.

...I'd watch it.

[info]extorris in [info]thedoorway

Admittedly I know little about this holiday, but I do hope it's enjoyable for all. Myself, I think I'll watch the fireworks.

[info]jainasolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Jaina Solo

So it seems this holiday is about explosions. Fireworks I believe they call them. Sounds like a fun way to spend an evening. Who wants to come with me and see if we can find a good place to watch some?

[info]avenging_son in [info]thedoorway

I love being able to see the fireworks shows that go on. Happy Independence Day everyone.

[Steve Rogers (all)]
Happy Birthday.

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]thedoorway

Who: Hope Summers and Jaina Solo
Where: Central Park
When: Nighttime, July 4, 2015
Rating: High for fireworks-induced panic attack/PTSD. Other warnings TBD

The bombs bursting in air... )

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

You know, of all things that were once considered fireworks or could have been considered, I think the one that is simultaneously disappointing and relieving that you wouldn't find in stores today is the Pharaoh's Serpent. On one hand, how freaking awesome is that?! Like you have sparklers and Roman candles and then this thing which is like a bunch of tentacles reaching out from beneath the ground. On the other hand... mercury (II) thiocyanate being toxic means we stay safe especially when you have to be up close to watch that happen.

Thankfully, there are less chances now of fireworks killing us of mercury poisoning.. and of all my years in NYC, of memories of when doing fireworks on rooftops had not yet been considered illegal, I don't remember ever hearing of Pharaoh's Serpent being a thing so I guess we've always been a little safer.

This slightly morbid outlook on fireworks has been brought to you by Gwen and her empty stomach who are both waiting for stuff to cook at this BBQ.

Happy Fourth of July!

Filter: Mayday Parker
Just for the record because I know you'll consider it... you do not have to bring anything. We have more than enough here

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

Man fireworks never get boring.


So. Do you like pancakes? Because I like pancakes. And it could be like a thing. Where we have pancakes in the same place at the same time?

If you're cool with that.


So you work through whatever it was you needed to work through but you were being super vague about? Not that I care except I do.

Also Happy Birthday. Even though I already said it.