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June 26th, 2015

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Captain Americas: (MCU, 616, Sam 616, Bucky 616)]
So we're pretty sure our sceptre search isn't going to yield any results. Bucky and I got a smuggler who might have had a hand in selling something like the sceptre to give up his sellers, and we're going to take a look into running them down. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic.

What about the rest of you? Validate my cynicism by telling me you've got a hot lead so I know my gut feelings aren't misplaced.

And Sam? How are things in New York? I know I told you to keep the homefires burning but...

[info]sjw in [info]thedoorway

There's something refreshing about seeing judges supporting the people.

So I think, today at least, the Supreme Court has served justice.

[info]fearlesslamb in [info]thedoorway

It's too bad my friend Warren isn't here to see this.

Congratulations to any out there who identify as homosexual or bisexual - this is a huge win for you guys! Really, it's a huge win for equality overall!

[info]itsamonkthing in [info]thedoorway

The tides of change rise and sweep those along even when stubbornly planted.

[info]arrowqueen in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Oliver Queen

Sometimes it's easy to forget that this place can take people and bring them back and take them again on a whim. Maybe I should just go back to my old habit of not getting attached to anyone. If I did that though, it wouldn't be much of a life, would it?

I need to put an arrow in something. Anyone want to join me for target practice?

[info]amartinelli in [info]thedoorway

I do suppose this place isn't all that bad now that I am starting to grow used to it.

Mr Howard Stark
Mr Stark,

I have mentioned this to Mr Jarvis but I am finalising everything and the Penthouse shall be ready for you upon return. I hope everything is to your liking. If not I would be more than happy to fix things.

[info]elizabethtudor in [info]thedoorway

Return email to Mr Jarvis & Ms Noble
Hello Sir and Ma'am,

I would be honoured to attend the High Tea celebration.

Thank you for the invitation, it was a most welcome surprise.

Lady Elizabeth Tudor

Filtered to Friends & Mary
Just so you know, it seems that Mama has returned home.

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

I will never understand individuals who think attacking people at political fundraisers will in any way promote their cause.

[Filtered to SHIELD]
All hands in and around the Carousel, Report in full tactical gear. We've a gifted in east sector. who seems resistant to traditional weapons and skilled at hiding. Last seen heading towards SciTech. Priority is keeping him away from the 084.
[Filtered to Isabelle Hartley]
How is your recovery?

[info]quidditchling in [info]thedoorway

network post: ginny weasley

The future is cool. My dad would love all these electric things and I'm getting the hang of the internet (maybe), and if Ritchie and Jimmy were here they could finally stop "secretly" flirting and actually do something about it.

And since classes are out for the summer (finally), I want to see everything in New York City.

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

People have some interesting conversations on the train... Like there were these two girls sitting near me who were super-excited about the Supreme Court ruling because they felt it meant that now their favourites can get married like in fanfic.

By the way, don't search for fanfic while on the train. Or, like, ever. I will never be able to look at anyone the same way again.

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

When I first came here, I came from a time before Loving v. Virginia. Thus the gay marriage debate has been familiar. But progress comes. Congratulations to those who finally reached it. Eventually. Yet even still, anti-superpowered bias seems the next battle. I hope we can also be included in "all Americans are created equal."

[Filtered to Caroline Forbes]
Perhaps it's the wrong marriage to discuss tonight, but with all the changes in the Tesseract refugee population, should we revisit the guest list?

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

So the day the SCOTUS decision is handed down the day before Pride.

And of course, the tesseract chose this week to make my relationship spontaneously heterosexual.