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June 25th, 2015

[info]kryze in [info]thedoorway

I haven't been here long, but I've already come to realise that certain things seem to cross dimensions. There are those who will always resort to violence to get their message across, and they will always be cowards. I hope that with everything that's been going on, there are those who have remained safe.

[Padmé Amidala]
    I've become a little more accustomed to this world. At least enough to have read up on the political practises of this place. I can't say all of it makes sense to me -- in fact, quite a few things appear rather archaic -- but when you have a moment, I'd like to discuss what you've learned while you've been here.

[info]got_stopwatch in [info]thedoorway

network post: Ianto Jones

This is not what I was expecting, but I guess it beats the alternative. The explanation that I had been here before, twice even, has me wondering about certain things though. Should I start watching for signs of Retcon overdose?

I suppose people know of me then.

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

I am very tired of being subjected to the tesseract's whims. The only small mercy of this is that I am at least the same height and general build and thus my clothes still fit.

[info]doesyoursdothat in [info]thedoorway

There are a lot of things I'd like to be one day. A girl isn't one of them. No offense to girls but the whole bra thing? Sucks.

[info]itdepartment in [info]thedoorway

I think that taking the time to celebrate one's own accomplishments is an important step in the victory dance. But I will really never understand the nerve of some parents when they are unsupportive. I mean really, this mother just has no idea the time and dedication required for that kind of Masters status, and I should know, that you, it took me almost three whole months to beat the original Elite Four.

We should make this the year we stop the unrealistic expectations of all parents.

[info]lightinyou in [info]thedoorway

I do not like being pregnant, but I want my babies. There is a lot of throwing up. I wish Sarah was here to tell me what to do.

Also someone smart has to help my sestra. She is sick.

[info]mr_jarvis in [info]thedoorway

Japan is overwhelming, but also very beautiful, in its own way. However, it's far too crowded, for my tastes.

Mr Howard Stark's speech at the University of Tokyo on Tuesday was well received. Now, I've been fortunate to accompany Mr Stark and Miss Juspeczyk while they visit the sights and go shopping. I should like to attend a Japanese tea ceremony before we leave.

We return on Sunday to Mr Starks' new East End Avenue penthouse, thanks to Master Tony's generosity.

Private to Miss Angie Martinelli )

Private to Miss Donna Noble )

[info]oyspaceman in [info]thedoorway

[Email sent to anyone from Great Britain, Ireland, and Wales*]

You are cordially invited... )

[*ooc: mod-approved]

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

If anyone would like to attend, tomorrow the ESD will be having a graduation ceremony at Edible Complex on the first floor, at 1 pm.

And with that said, congratulations to our graduates: Ava Ayala, Azari, Katniss Everdeen, Mindy MacCready, Flash Thompson, and Usagi Tsukino!

And though the ESD is letting out for the summer, there are still chances to expand. If there is interest, I had been thinking of running a short seminar on political activism over the summer. And of course, if anyone else wished to run a summer course, the ESD would happily advertise.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

[Recipients and Senders of This invitation]

I'm an American Citiz Are we celebrating our freedom from the burden of America? Is that the reason for the July third date? Or is this meant to be more nuanced?