July 2016



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June 14th, 2015

[info]wannahookup in [info]thedoorway

The Tesseract's giving gifts again? Damn, I almost wish I had kept something valuable around back home so I could get something too. But with how wherever we stayed ended up getting blown to pieces every other day, I guess we were better off without personal things.

[info]agirlsname in [info]thedoorway

My hat showed up.

Kinda warm for a hat but Imma wear it anyway.

You think Kaylee likes flowers?

[info]lasthorcrux in [info]thedoorway

[Sirius Black]
How are you feeling now, Sirius? A proper meal and a good sleep later?

[Hermione Granger]
Thanks for staying bringing being -- you know. Thanks.

The Tesseract spat something out for me, today.

[info]byebyebourbon in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Ashley Williams]
Got in contact with a guy who knows a guy who can get you Magnum if you don't mind meeting him halfway in Algiers.

Guess that's actually full ways.
[Filtered to Val de Fontaine]
The Avengers are going off to bust up some old snakes over in Europe.

If you'd like to come clean up after em, I could use the company.

[info]80sreference in [info]thedoorway

comms post: peter quill

Comms: Peter Quill's AoU Sceptre Hunt
No one taught me animals went mad in the rainforest. Must of left that out of third grade. Wooooo hoooo! [...] Anyone know what the giant guinea pig is?

[info]harvelle in [info]thedoorway

I've never respected my mom more than I do right now, I am so freaking exha

Don't forget! This Friday is the Grand Opening for the Roadhouse, located at 1306 Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn. There'll be live music starting at 5, with food and drink specials, and under 21s can get in until 9pm. After 9 pool and darts will start up with more specials straight up until last call. Hope to see y'all there.

[info]fearlesslamb in [info]thedoorway

Adam - we better not buy any goats. It found me even here.

Anyone around familiar with fae artifacts?

[info]ncc1701rn in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Christine Chapel

I need some suggestions. I have more free time than I'd like on my hands and since I love to read, I'm taking recommendations. I'll read pretty much anything so give me some ideas. That's something I wish the Tesseract would spit out. My bookcase from home. No such luck though.

[info]missparanoia in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Abigail Brand

Being in charge of the Tesseract is a bit like owning a dimensional box of chocolates: You never know what you're going to get. Sometimes it's caramel and nuts, and sometimes it's those weird malt-y ones.

[Filter: Danvers]
Sometimes I feel as if our identification team ought to all deserve a raise. The ability to track down what something is and who it belongs to - it's possibly a superhero level feat. If only it would just spit out this sceptre.

[Filter: SWORD operations]
We're headed to DC today with Fandral. Our main goals will be to review Alexander Pierce's records and to meet with military connections in the DC area.

Briefing packets will be given to you before departure for review en route.

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

Who: Bruce Banner (MCU) & Natasha Romanoff (MCU)
When: Sunday.
Where: Stark Tower.
What: Discussing the incident in Bavaria.
Rating: Low.

recognition, if not agreement, apprehension, if not reason )

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

Things that are back: my favorite television show. Philae. The infuriatingly repetitive protagonists of mid-aughts children's educational programming, apparently. Asparagus. Isn't that nice? Who doesn't love spring?

While that could certainly have gone better, I was happy to confirm this afternoon that the number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites I've endangered is holding steady at: one. It must be nice to have so many castles that you can let a few languish unprotected by treaty.

Sor I hope of none of you discover any occult internal bleeding.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

So Rikki and I went Disney World this weekend. They had Star Wars weekends going on, which is its own entry right there, but really the deeply important thing we did this weekend, was to pick up these important mouse ears for wearing in the near future.

Cut for image, not filtered )

[Filter: Rikki]
You are so lucky I decided the like six paragraphs declaring my deep and undying love for you were better served as a draft for our wedding vows.

[info]decentsort in [info]thedoorway

network post: kanan jarrus

Looking back, the Jedi Order didn't have all that much paperwork. Unless you were a Jedi librarian. Perhaps it was the fault of the war or just one sign of what was to come. But either way, I don't think - at the new one here - we need to get on and change that.

Ghost Crew
First trip out of town. But don't get your hearts in a twist. It's just an exciting date with someone else's paperwork. And possibly some conversations. Nice and diplomatic.

[info]badwolf in [info]thedoorway

Don't suppose it'd be too much trouble to simply ask for the nearest pub? I think I've about had my fill of muggle technology already without fiddling with this thing for too long. I can't stay here

[info]kryze in [info]thedoorway

I'm uncertain where I can truly trust this machine, though I suppose I have little options available to me. I am Duchess Satine Kryze -- I was told that my [...] companions may be here. Obi-Wan Master Kenobi, if you're here, please respond.

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

Filter to JARVIS
Hey there, J. How busy are you these days?

[info]extorris in [info]thedoorway

Who: Meetra Surik and Open
When: Friday
Where: Potts Tower Basement
What: Meetra got a present
Rating: TBD but low at present

oddly normal )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Brian Ramirez]
Bruce and I had a fight. Also, he totalled a 16th century castle, but that had nothing to do with me.

Be my Science Bro rebound? I've got something you're going to want to get your hands on.

[info]rebellious in [info]thedoorway

been seein lots of talk about some vid about giant monsters. what's a Jurassic and why's it a world? Shoulda just shot the things instead of making vids about them

[info]captaineclipse in [info]thedoorway

This is Juno Eclipse, looking for information about this place. So help me, if this is one of the Emperor or Vader's Force-tricks, I've got a blaster bolt that wouldn't mind finding a home.

We were so close...

[info]sabinewren in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Hera Syndulla]
Hey, so since Kanan's out of town and everything, I was wondering.

Do you want to get dinner or something?

[info]marytudori in [info]thedoorway

Message private to Anakin Solo )

Filtered message to Elizabeth Tudor )

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Fox Mulder

[Filter: Scully]
SWORD operations are in DC, I'll stay in touch, but I'm wondering if when I get back we ought to think about a birthday party for William?

[info]threadtheneedle in [info]thedoorway

Going out of town for a couple days for a job.

Kaylee, are you going too?

Will you keep an eye on our baby dinosaurs? I mean, the people living on our floors.

[info]nerdclone in [info]thedoorway

Hey, I'm Cosima.

This is a trip.